Chapter 4

You're a THIEF!
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The sound of fangirls screaming almost broke Baekhyun and Chanyeol's eardrums.

"OMFG WHY DID BAEKHYUN COME TO SCHOOL IN THE SAME CAR AS CHANYEOL???!!!!" a girl yelled among the midst of the crowd that had gathered around Chanyeol's car.

The said boys were trapped between Chanyeol's corvette (a type of race car) and the crowd of fangirls.There were more people than the usual crowd welcoming Chanyeol to school everyday.

"IKR!! DID THEY SPEND THE NIGHT TOGETHER???" another girl screamed.


How did they even know I was a ? Chanyeol thought, not really wanting to know the answer.

Pretty soon, the rumor of Baekhyun and Chanyeol had X was spread among the crowd. It borke many fangirl's heart, they were all fantasizing about the moment when the "Oh-so-famous-and-popular" Park Chanyeol would give up his ity to them... but all of their dirty dreams broke the minute they saw Baekhyun and Chanyeol together early in the morning.




So many rude comments were thrown at the poor Baekhyun.

"YAH!" one shout from Chanyeol was enough to silence the whole crowd, "HOW DARE YOU SAY THOSE MEAN AND HURTFUL WORDS TO BAEKHYUN?!" Chanyeol scanned the crowd, the girls lowered their heads in guilt.

Baekhyun was holding Chanyeol's hand tight, afraid of being punished by the crazy sasaeng fans. He didn't do anything!

"All of you, listen!" Chanyeol shouted to the crowd.

"If you lay one finger on my Baekhyun," he gave a dramatic pause, making every girl hold their breath, "I will make sure you won't live another day."

Then he pulled the trembling Baekhyun with him, and they walked through the crowd. The people parted to make way for the two, scared of what Chanyeol may do. The couple walked toward the school building, trying to ignore all the attention they were getting.

"Just ignore them," Chanyeol said to Baekhyun.

The shorter nodded in fear of the crowd.

"Ugh why do I have to be so popular," Chanyeol sighed.


Chanyeol was sitting in class, not paying attention to the lecture at all.

All he can think about is Baekhyun.

Baekhyun is not in his class right now and he worried about what the people might do to him. He felt bad for not being able to protect the smaller.

What if they hurt him? He's so weak he won't be able to defend himself! What if he gets bullied?? Chanyeol let out a frustrated sigh from all the worries going through his head.

Come to think of it, this morning, he acted as if he and Baekhyun were actually dating. He remembered calling Baekhyun "mine"...He felt so heroic.

But now, not so much. He feels just as weak as a tiny ant, not able to protect his Baekhyun who is currently sitting in another classroom, hopefully not hurt.

Wait... I just called Baekhyun "mine" again... This is just suppose to be a contract relationship... why am I worrying about him...

The teacher noticed something was wrong about Chanyeol judging from his facial expressions, so he decided to call on him.

"Park Chanyeol, do you know the answer to number 8?" Mr. Dugless (the teacher) asked.

Chanyeol looked at it and... omg he's screwed...


The bell rang, signaling lunch time.

Baekhyun hurriedly walked through the hallway, trying the get to his Chanyeol as soon as possible to avoid getting bullied. The entire morning, girls have been sending him hatefull glares and they whispered about him behind his back. But no one dared to touch him.

Unnoticed, a foot was placed right in front of Baekhyun, causing him to trip over it and fall onto the floor.

Hahahahaha... people around him burst out in laughter.

He looked back, trying to see who tripped him, but all he sees is people laughing. With a deep sigh, he turned around and continued walking.

Suddenly, a strong force slammed into his back, and again, he fell from the impact.

People laughed even louder.<

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Beau1996 1388 streak #1
Chapter 7: Short and sweet ending!!
Beau1996 1388 streak #2
Chapter 5: This reminds me of a Japanese drama I watched about a boy who dated a different person for 7 days and then broke up with them until he met the one person he couldn't part with...
Beau1996 1388 streak #3
Chapter 3: Chan is the cuddle bunny for Baek!
Beau1996 1388 streak #4
Chapter 2: 💋
Beau1996 1388 streak #5
Chapter 1: Stealing first kisses is not cool Chan!! 😡
174 streak #6
Chapter 7: Awww❤
Chapter 7: You should add "under age " tag because not everyone is comfortable with that
Dettadwiarto #8
Chapter 5: Softy baek is sweet ... wkwkwk ... though its kindda tough to imagine ...
EXO-l_army1 #9
Love it