
Café Prince

Kimmie is busy preparing the script for interview this noon. She finally be a member of broadcasting department on their school.

“Are you done, Kimmie?” the head department asked

“Not yet, Suho-ssi. Just..a little bit more..” Kimmie replied while her eyes still focusing on the papers and her hand works fastly

“If you done, just hand it directly to me okay?”

“I got it, Suho-ssi”

“HELLO! Suho, I come here just because---oh?” Sehun’s noisy arrival electrify the whole room. But then he stops when found Kimmie writing busily

“Gosh why you have to be so noisy?” Suho frustated

“Oh my god, why are you here?” he asked Kimmie and take a seat beside her

“Don’t disturb her” Suho add calmly

“Yaaaaaa I don’t know you would follow me here” Sehun play with her hair

“Could you stop talking? I’m busy, don’t you see? And I never ever followed you anywhere” Kimmie replied and get rid her hair from his hand

“Suho, I think I would be a diligent member from now on”


“If she comes, then I come as well” he said while smile at her, and all Suho can do is sighing at his team member

“Suho-ssi, I’m done” Kimmie get up and give the script to the leader

“Okay. Thank you for your hardwork, Kimmie.” He patted her back

“Can I leave now?” after got Suho’s confirmation, the young lady rush out the room

“I’ll leave first, byeeee” she shout to them

“Okay I gotta go as well Suho. Byeee” Sehun also get up as soon as Kimmie exited the room and chase her




“Ya! I called you!” finally he managed to catch up with her

“You called me? sorry, but my name is Kimmie. Not ‘Ya’” she replied coldly and still walking

“Aish where are you going?” he blocked her way

“Get out of my way, please” he shook his head

“Let me drive you home”


“Me too, NO.”

“Oh my god, I gotta go, so could you move Sehun?” she asked more softly now


“I will move if you let me drive you home”

“I won’t go home right now though, so move”

“So where are you going?”

“Its none of your business”

“Okay so we will just stay here forever”

“Gosh what do you want?” she give up at him

“Finally you asked. I want to accompany you, anywhere you want to go right now”


“Yeay, cmon this way miss” he let her to walk in front, and Sehun happily followed her behind



“Just find the others to go with you”

“I have other thing to do. I’m busy Park Chanyeol”

“Yes yes okay bye” Sehun throw his phone to the dashboard


“see, they’re looking for you Sehun”

“We can meet up later”

“Why you chose to accompany me. Why you don’t just go partying?”

“Kiemberly, for god sake, who’s gonna go partying at time like this?” – Sehun. She take a look at her watch, oh right its just 4pm.

“By the way, what are you doing at the mall?”



“Of course I need to buy something, you stupid. Are you sure you always got good marks on school?”

“Yeah I mean..what are you gonna buy?” he corrects himself

“Birthday gift for my mom”

“Oh really? I like it” Sehun show her a wide smile

“You’re not even my mom. Why so excited? Weird”

“I just like it”

“Wait a minute..” she said while grab her phone that keep vibrating


“Hello? Why?”

“I’m on my way out with my friend”

“I need to buy present for mom..”

“No, not Sulli. Its another friend”

“Its a...a female friend” Sehun choked up beside her

“Yeah dont worry, Xing. Bye”

“Seems like Yixing don’t like it if you go out with me”

“I dont know. did you two ever fight in the past?”

“No. But its make sense though. He is concern about you since yeah you know I’m not a good person to be around with” Sehun seems sad

“Its true yeah”

“We never had serious problem, Kiemberly. Its like, yeah there’s 2 reasons why he doesnt let you play with me. first, he is afraid that I would do something rude to you. second, he just afraid that you might fall for me since I’m handsome, cool, awesome, gorgeous---“

“OMG stop stop Sehun. You and your narcissism need remedy”



Kimmie get out from Sehun’s car and bid goodbye. She find Sehun is nice actually but sometimes he just too loud

“Where have you been?” her mom asked

“I was...out with my friend for some broadcast thingy” she lied

“Was it Yixing? Why he didn’t stopped by?”

“No, its another friend”

“Ohh okay. Go take a shower”

“Yes mom”


Kimmie don’t even know that all running at her mind now is Sehun. He was really kind. Probably the Sehun she met today is different with the Sehun she met yesterday. But still, his rude attitude can’t be helped. Her first impression about him was bad enough. It won’t change easily over one night.

/beep beep/

“Where are you?” the person on the other line asked

“I’m home already”

“Are you alright?”

“Of course I am. Yixing, don’t worry too much”

“I just can’t let you went out with someone I don’t really know”

“Calm Yixing, its just Sehun” and oups, she just throw herself to the problem

“SEHUN? YOU WERE OUT WITH SEHUN?” seems like Yixing is angry now

“Then why if its Sehun, you’re just overacting Yixing” and Kimmie start to get frustated at her bestfriend’s over-worried

“Kimmie, he isn’t a good guy. I said to you many times not to go around him. And why you even lied to me that you were out with a female friend? Oh my gosh”

“Yixing, listen. Sehun is not as dangerous as you thought. You see, I’m home and back safe and sound. No need to worry about it, I take care of myself” she sighing

“But still...you just dont know what he can do, Kimmie. Just listen to me!”

“Why you always see him as a bad person? I mean, I know his bad attitude but when he was with me, he became a good guy”

“I don’t care. Just..don’t go around him!”

“Hey please, maybe you’re my closest person in school, but it doesn’t mean you can control my social life or the people I should hang out with. I’m a big girl Yixing. I know what’s good and what’s bad”

“So now you want to say that you don’t need me anymore? Fine, just run to Sehun if anything happen to  you”

“Oh god, Yixing, I don’t want to argue with you just because of him”

“Don’t know”

“Yixing please stop being so childish”

“I do this because I want to protect you, Kim. Please understand”

“And you also need to realize that you just over-worried, Sehun was really kind towards me”

“I understand that you now on his side”

“I’m not on anyone’s side. I’m on my own side Zhang Yixing. Ah I dont know. I’m tired, I just don’t want to argue with you about this unimportant thing”


“I’ll call you later” and she hanging up.

Kimmie throw her phone somewhere on her room, and she layed herself on the bed. She doesn’t like arguing with Yixing, actually. She recall the time when they once had a quarrel, it was really like a cold war. She remember clearly, that it was her mad at Yixing, because he didn’t come to her birthday. And his reason back then was he has to do his school project with his friends. It was 10 days. 10 days they avoid each other. They  didn’t want to meet each other, they didn’t want to talk each other. It’s hard since Yixing is childish and Kimmie is stubborn. And the war ended with Yixing, with a long enough consideration, apologized to her.

And now, they fight because of Sehun. Wow, Oh Sehun could make them shouting each other on the phone.

“WHAT?” her eyes about to jump out when she received a text from the bully that caused she and her bestfriend quarrel.

From : Oh Sehun

Ya Kiemberly! Are you sleeping? Just want to say goodnight! Have a nice dream^^


“Something’s wrong with this guy” 




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Chapter 5: Love this
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