The end...

Wolf Love

After a couple of days you couldn't take it... You wanted to die. 

Everyday you were crying thinking that would ease the pain but it doesn't, getting more upset when your mom asks you what's Kris's favourite colour and you don't know the answer. Crying cause your missing Kris and his touch, is like you can't survive without Kris's love. Crying cause there nothing else to do. Crying cause you think all the pain from your heart will go. Most of all your crying because there no more Kris. Sitting in a dark room on your own makes you think that Kris will pop out any moment to save you. But he doesn't. Being sick every morning, making yourself go crazy or even ill.  

Your sleeping on the floor because you have no energy to sleep on the bed which you once shared with Kris, it scares you when your mom turns on the lights and opens the curtains is a rainy day. Just the way you like it, you know the way when it's raining hard and all the water seems to be on your window trying to get into your room, and the way the rain makes everything and everyone moody is like watching something in a film or looking at picture on a art wall. Looking at the rain it makes you want to go to the middle of your front garden and lay there just so you can feel every rain drop on your bare skin. It makes you feel like Kris is there helping you to think. So you don't lose your mind. 

You put on your  white T-shirt on and leggings and walked passed the living room where Luhan asks where your going but don't listen to him you carry on walking till you were outside. Your hair is messy and you eyes are red and puffy but you don't really care. You walk and walk in the rain for an hour it felt good feeling every rain drop on your arms, on your face, in your hair and on your damped clothes. But you really didn't care that some people were looking at you but it was really rare to find people in the woods cause everyone was too scared to come. 

You made it to the cliff that you once went with Kris and threw rocks into the sea and made wishes for every rock. The cliff look so messy when it was raining and it make it more messy when you thow rocks into the sea. But now you were still trying to find reasons to live. You only found two reason to live. 

1. Mom and dad will miss you like crazy and there will be no-one to look after them if I'm gone. 

2. Suho will miss you and you will miss him. 

Having two reasons don't change the way you feel towards life now or even later on in life, losing the person you love, the person you fought for, the person you thought you were going to be with forever now gone. But as people have told me before "nothing ever stays forever" 

As I take my first step towards the eage of the cliff thinking I could turn back any second heart beating faster by the  second hands and feet sweating like mad. Now your near the eage the wind blowing your hair the rain on your arms a smile on your face "I'm coming Kris" you whisper to yourself. You close your eyes, you take your last breath, JUMP you thought to yourself but someone stops you and pushes she back but your eyes are still shut. 

"What are you doing?, are you trying to kill yourself? you're mad CHLOE?"  You open you eyes when you see Kris up in your face. 




Dear reader I hope you like this ending, I hope you like this cliff hanger, I might do a sequel only if you want me too! 

I'm sorry if you wanted me to do more chapters but I always find it off putting if their lots of chapters But that's only me I don't know if you feel the same way. Please don't hate me for it.

If I do, do a sequel you will have to wait for a bit because theirs other stories I want to write. Plus it gives me more chance to come up with more ideas, if I do a sequel. 

I will write more Kris fanfics in the future, no matter if his leaving EXO or not cuz I love him!! 

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I will be doing a sequel x


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XianaXelxia #1
Chapter 4: wooww....this story works just like a bulletrain.
My name is also Chloe and your story is great authornim
Chapter 25: OMG! this story made my heart beating fast. whoa authornim jjang ♡
and there's a sequel, yehet!
Chapter 24: It's a nice story
kangsoohee #5
Chapter 24: Sequel please author-nim ^^
Tomokochan #6
Chapter 24: I like it!!!!! It was a really nice story. :)
ude #7
nice story authornim
Lofera #8
Chapter 24: Please make a sequel......please pleaseee~~
Chapter 24: Nooooooooo please make a sequel!
taniangelia #10
Chapter 24: sequel please~~~