Meeting The Hyungs

My Hero In Black

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon, a light breeze was blowing outside and fluffy, white, clouds slowly drifted across the baby blue sky. I was outside checking the mailbox when Hongbin drove up next to me. He shut off the engine and got out of the car. “What are you doing here?” I asked, he didn’t tell me he was coming over. “What? Am I not allowed to come over to my girlfriend’s house?” He asked with a little smile as he hugged me.

I blushed when he referred to me as his girlfriend, I still can’t believe that we’ve already been dating for a month and that skin ship between us isn’t that awkward at all, everything felt so natural now. I whacked his chest lightly, “Of course you’re allowed to come here, and it’s just that I didn’t expect you to come without telling me…” I answered. I was still in my old t-shirt and coral shorts, which I wore to bed and my hair was probably a huge mess. What? Don’t judge me! I just like being lazy on Saturdays…

He released me from his embrace and tucked a few loose strands of hair behind my ear before he kissed my forehead. “Why are you so worried about your looks now, when I have seen you at your worst?” He asked. I scratched the back of my head and shrugged my shoulders. “I just don’t want you seeing me like this and think I’m lazy…” I answered. He shook his head, a soft chuckle leaving his lips. “You do know I prefer dressing like that right?” He asked. “Why get all dolled up and feel uncomfortable when you can dress comfortably and have a blast?” He added as he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the house.

“Hurry up, go change. Let’s go somewhere.” He spoke as he nudged me towards the stairs. “But I want to stay home and laze around today…” I whined. He shook his head and pushed me up the first step. “I want you to meet my friends.” He spoke and I sighed in defeat as I trudged up the stairs and into my room to change. Guess I’ll just have to laze around tomorrow then…


Hongbin drove us to the mall where we entered an ice-cream shop. It was packed but soon we spotted a few of his friends waving at us, all the way in the back. We both walked over and slid into the booth. I greeted his friends. They were Hakyeon, the grey-haired ‘Auntie’, Taekwoon, the quiet one and Jaehwan who I met on our first date. Hongbin made sure that I had memorized all of their faces and names in the car before we got here so that I could avoid asking their names awkwardly. He knows that I become horribly shy around men. Two of them greeted me with bright smiles except for Taekwoon who just nodded at me.

“I told you guys she’s pretty!” Jaehwan exclaimed as he bounced in his seat like a little kid. Both Hakyeon and Taekwoon nodded as they stared at me. “Hey aren’t you that girl, Hongbin asked me to help the other day?” Hakyeon asked as he scratched his invisible beard. I looked at Hongbin curiously, as Hakyeon kept asking himself if he had met me. “Hakyeon hyung, was the one who helped cure your poison that night….” Hongbin explained. “Oh, so you are that girl!” Hakyeon smiled as he clapped his hands. “Hongbin told me you made a quick recovery!” He added. “Thanks to you, I guess…” I answered softly as I felt overwhelmed by his energy. “Are you guys dating?” He asked suddenly.

“Of course they are! I even served them on their first date!” Jaehwan snickered. “You should see him being such a gentleman~” He teased. Hongbin glared at him and nodded at Hakyeon. “Yeah, we’re dating.” He answered with a smile. Hakyeon clapped excitedly as he grabbed Taekwoon’s shoulder. “I told you they were together! Hongbin never brings a girl along to see us!” He exclaimed. Taekwoon pried his hand off his shoulder and excused himself to go to the toilet. “You look like such a nice girl, you are a nice girl right?” He asked as he grabbed my hand, which was on my table. There was a look in his eye as if he was saying, “If you are going to hurt Hongbin’s feelings, you will not see the end of it…”

Just at that moment as Hongbin swatted Hakyeon’s hand off mine, someone cleared his or next to me. She was a woman at least a year younger than Hakyeon and she was glaring down at him. “Oooh….” Ken chuckled as he shifted away from him. “That’s Eunyoung, Hakyeon’s girlfriend…” Hongbin whispered in my ear as he pulled me closer to him.

“Yah, I just went to buy us ice-cream and I come back to see you holding another woman’s hand?” She asked as she glowered at him. Hakyeon stood up and placed his hands on her shoulders. “Jagi, this is not what it looks like!” He stuttered. She frowned and shoved a chocolate ice-cream cone into his nose before storming out. Hakyeon, followed her, “I can explain!!!” he yelled. “Don’t mind her, Eunyoung gets jealous easily. She even got angry when he said hi to Wonshik’s sister…” Hongbin explained. “Speaking about him, where is that brat?” He asked as he looked at Jaehwan. “I don’t know he said he was on his way to pick Hyuk up from school.” He answered. Taekwoon, came back and sat down in front of us.

“Hyung, how’s your training going?” Hongbin asked. “You know same thing… They’re still delaying my debut…” Leo answered. I swear that is like the sweetest voice I’ve heard come out from a man who looks like he would murder anyone who provoked him. I must’ve been staring at him longer than I thought because he was staring back at me with the same blank look like before. “Taekwoon hyung is currently training to become a singer, he has been training for 6 years now and still he hasn’t made his debut.” Hongbin explained. “Hyung’s voice is so precious! Like an angel’s voice!” Jaehwan added which earned him a look from the said man.

I laughed at Jaehwan. He really does act like a kid. He has the looks of a model but the personality of a 4 year old. “Hey, I’m not childish!” He pouted. “You can read my thoughts too???” I asked. He shook his head. “I don’t have that gift like your boyfriend but I can read body language and you’re clearly thinking that I’m childish.” He answered. Hongbin chuckled. “You can’t really hide much from us Sujeong…” He spoke as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

Just then Eunyoung and Hakyeon returned with smiles on their faces and the fingers intertwined as if Eunyoung’s jealousy rage did not happened at all. “Hey you guys want to go for a movie? I’m paying!” Hakyeon smiled. We all nodded sure. “Wonshik and Hyuk’s not coming, they’re going to the gym.” Ken frowned. “Again…” He added. “Well that’s okay, at least we don’t have to listen to their talk about how many push-ups they did today!” Eunyoung laughed. “Let’s watch a horror movie!” Ken suggested and Taekwoon seemed to agree with him because he smiled. He smiled. The man who has shown no signs of emotion till now has smiled. Hakyeon seem to have gone pale at the mention of watching a horror movie and I too felt myself tightening my grip on Hongbin’s hand.

“Can’t we watch something else?” Hongbin asked, understanding my dislike for horror movies, but Taekwoon had already walked off, dragging Jaehwan with him. “You can’t say no to Taekwoon…” Hakyeon sighed and we all followed him.

I had a feeling that this is going to be the last time we were going to watch a horror movie together…







Author's Note: I guess we all know what's going to happen next right? xD HAHA  
OMG I can't believe exams are gonna start next week! So I would like to apologize in advance if I don't update at all in the next two weeks! Oh yeah~ Would you guys wanna see my selfie? xD I will post it below in the Author's Notes if I reach 50 subscribers~ ;P Oh and keep the comments coming~~~ I love reading comments as much as I love writing this story for you guys :D


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juliet_truong #1
Chapter 45: I love this story so much!
baekyeolseris #2
Chapter 44: hey fellow singaporean!
bambamshiii #3
Chapter 45: Oooooooooooh I bet she looked hot XD
And clearly hong bin know about dresses
He picke out a nice one
Chapter 45: Yay! An update and don't worry please take your time on your story okay? ^^
Chapter 44: It's okay :)
We don't mind well I don't
I know you are busy and my sister took O level so i know it's hard
Just good luck and I hope you do well
Take care of yourself
Oh and well done for getting in that company!
I will get so excited if you become famous XD
Oh and if you are allowed to tell me are you like a singer or dancer....
Hwaiting! Stay safe :)
Chapter 44: wow congratz~~
I hope you success to became an idol~
Best of luck~
Chapter 44: Woah.. That's so cool!! Tell us some stories too!! ^^