
My Hero In Black

It was Hongbin's light snoring which had awaken Sujeong from her slumber, and not the morning sun which had crept into the room by the small crack in the curtains. She groaned, massaging the area on her neck where she was bitten, a dull ache. She opened her eyes and waited for them to adjust to the room she was in. The walls were painted a bright blue color, the ceiling as white as the clouds and the blanket she was under a royal navy blue. She jolted up into a sitting position and scanned the room. It took her awhile to register that she wasn't in her bedroom. Her bare arms felt cold in the air conditioned room, her eyes widened as she quickly looked down at herself. 'Oh thank God...' She thought as she realized she was still in her black mini. The weight on the bed, on her left, shifted as Hongbin his side, his back facing her. "Hongbin-ssi?" She mouthed. She looked back at the white pillow behind her, it was covered in dried blood. Then she quickly felt her neck again, expecting to feel two holes in it but there was nothing. "What?" She asked rather confused as she kept feeling for atleast a bump or two but there was nothing. 

She noticed her clutch purse on the bedside table beside her and fished out her compact mirror. She was astonished to see that he neck looked perfectly fine, like she was never bitten by that evil man. She thought back to the previous night when she was struggling out of the vampire's grip, she remembered how she had cried out for Hongbin and how she saw two blurry figures rushing towards her. The blurry face above hers, the muscular arms which had wrapped around her when she fell and that wonderful citrus scent. 'He saved me...' She thought as she heard her heart beat a little louder."Thank you Hongbin-ssi...Thank you..." She bit her lip to hold back the tears of gratitude which were about to fall as she stared at his face, somehow he had rolled over again to face her. She couldn't think of anyone else who would rescue her all the time. 

His fringe had grown long enough to cover both of his eyes as he slept on his side. He looked handsome in his black button up shirt, his chest rised and fall as soft snores escaped his mouth. Her hand moved without her noticing, brushing his fringe aside, giving her a better view of his bare face. He looked so much better without the heavily drawn eyeliner. Was it because he was at a shoot that day? She didn't know. Her fingers ran softly over his face, from his nose and down to his jawline. She felt her cheeks flush red as she found herself staring at his lips. His lips curled into a smile as his eyes fluttered open. "Good morning, admiring my face once again I see~" He chuckled as he caught her hand before she could pull it away. "You startled me!" She squeaked as she put a hand over heart. He kissed the top of her hand and propped himself up with his arm, resting his cheek in his palm. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he put down her hand and reached up to feel her forehead. Her heart was beating much faster now as he leaned in a bit closer to feel her forehead. "Wow you look fully healed. That's incredible..." He commented as he inspected her neck where she was bitten. "What exactly happened last night after I out?" She asked as she turned her whole body to face him. He sat up, copying her action. He then proceeded to tell her about Wonsik distracting the 'evil man' and Hakyeon's healing her. Ofcourse he left out the part when he entered her mind and got by her inner vampire. She listened quietly nodding after each point. "Wow, so you have other vampire friends?" She asked after he was done. He nodded with a smile. "There are six of us in our circle. Hakyeon and Taekwoon being the oldest, Wonsik and I the 'middle-aged' kids and the youngest Sanghyuk." He answered almost proudly. "We all met eachother one night when we ended up hunting the same 'Special'." He explained. She nodded and then with wide eyes she asked "Is that person dead now?" Hongbin shook his head. "No, the difference between other vampires and us is that we don't completely drain our prey, we just drink what we need and make sure that the person will still be alive after we're done with them. The thought of killing a person just for a few litres of blood scares us." He answered truthfully. She nodded feeling slightly relieved that not all vampires are like the one in the club.

"Are you hungry? I'll let you change into something more comfortable and then we can go out for breakfast, judging by the sunlight coming in, its probably around 9:30 AM right now." Hongbin spoke as he squinted at the sun's rays. Sujeong smiled. "I'd like that..." She replied as she got out of bed. "But about the pillow..." She spoke as she stared at the blood stained pillow. "Don't worry about that, I'll just get a new one while I get it cleaned..." He smiled. She nodded as she stood in the middle of the room awkwardly. "Erm, its my first time in your condo..." She muttered. "Right, I forgot. The bathroom is down the hallway on your left. I'll pass you a set of clean clothes once you're done..." He replied. She blushed bright red. "You mean after I've showered?" She asked. Hongbin nodded. "Its not like I've not seen you without clothes on..."He answered.  Her face turned a darker shade of red as she remembered how he had cooly told her about how he treated her that night when he saved her from the wolves. "Gosh, why are you so embarassed?" He asked. "Don't tell me you are one of those conservative girls..." He added. She glared at him, her eyes flashing with a faint look of hurt. "Is it wrong for me to believe that a man can only see a woman only after she's married?" She hissed. His heart sank as he realized how sensitive the topic was for her. "I'm sorry..." He quickly apologized. He got up and picked out a grey cotton tracksuit before handing it to her. She flipped her hair over her shoulder and walked out of the room, grumbling about him being stupid. As soon as he heard the shower water running, he gave himself a slap. "God....Hongbin! How can you be so insensitive!" He scolded himself.  

After they had both showered and changed, they both went out to eat at a nearby cafe. They both sat next to a huge picture window and ate their breakfast in silence. She was still a bit mad about what he had said to her earlier and he didn't know what he could say to make it up to her. He sipped his americano as he observed the street outside. A part of her knew that she was a little too 'old school' but that was drummed into her head by her parents since she was a teenager. She sipped her orange juice and stared at the man in front of her. He was dressed in the same exact tracksuit she had on. She remembered that his closet contained alot of sportswear and only a few decent pair of jeans and button up shirts. He once told her that he preferred to dress comfortably.

After breakfast, he had driven them to a nearby park and brought her towards the center where a huge stone fountain was at. Coins and even 'love padlocks' sat at the bottom of the fountain covered in rust. The mist which drifted in the air made it cool and refreshing under the hot sun. They sat down  on the stone bench which surrounded the fountain and watched the scenery in front of them. A few kids were screaming and running at the nearby playground, parents stood patiently, watching as their kids had fun. Hongbin stretched his arms above his head and rested his left arm at the back of Sujeong. Birds sang in trees and the breeze brought the smell of morning dew. Sujeong brushed away her hair which blew unto her face. She could smell Hongbin's citrus body soap which she used and also him too. She closed her eyes, inhaling the scent like she couldn't get enough of it. Strangely, it made her feel happy. She could slowly feel her anger being washed away. She didn't notice but Hongbin had scooted closer to her. She opened her eyes and turned to face him as she could feel his stare.

She tilted her head in a questioning manner, he wasn't staring at just her face, he was staring at her lips too like how she had stared at his, earlier this morning. Her face became heated as she realized that he was leaning forward, towards her. She closed her eyes and felt a surge of electricity flow through her veins as he pressed his lips softly on to hers. They stayed like that for a few seconds before she realized what they were doing and pulled away. Her heart was beating two times faster and her stomach was doing excited somersaults. She felt like a schoolgirl receiving a confession from her crush. "I'm sorry..." He apologized thinking that she hated him now. "No, its okay. I l-liked it..." She spoke in a slightly high tone. "I like you..." She confessed and this time he stared at her for awhile before cracking a smile. "Glad to hear that..." He spoke. "So...Erm...Does it mean that you would go on a date with me next Saturday?" He asked. 'God!' He thought. 'You probably sound so stupid to her!' Before he could pinch himself to stop the humiliating feeling, she smiled and nodded at him. "That sounds like a plan..." She giggled. "I would love to go out with you..." She smiled.







 Author's Note: YAY! We're at Chapter 10!!! OMG~~~ I can honestly tell you that I started this story randomly without really thinking much about it. I'm just writing without any pre-written notes whatsoever! xD  I really love reading the comments you guys have been leaving for me and I feel so happy to know that this is my most upvoted story I have written on this site! ^^ And to see how happy it makes you guys feel while reading about both Hongbin and Sujeong's progress, I just feel much more happier. I usually write from 12 midnight until 3 in the morning so I apologize if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes! I love you guys! Thanks so much for your support! <3

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juliet_truong #1
Chapter 45: I love this story so much!
baekyeolseris #2
Chapter 44: hey fellow singaporean!
bambamshiii #3
Chapter 45: Oooooooooooh I bet she looked hot XD
And clearly hong bin know about dresses
He picke out a nice one
Chapter 45: Yay! An update and don't worry please take your time on your story okay? ^^
Chapter 44: It's okay :)
We don't mind well I don't
I know you are busy and my sister took O level so i know it's hard
Just good luck and I hope you do well
Take care of yourself
Oh and well done for getting in that company!
I will get so excited if you become famous XD
Oh and if you are allowed to tell me are you like a singer or dancer....
Hwaiting! Stay safe :)
Chapter 44: wow congratz~~
I hope you success to became an idol~
Best of luck~
Chapter 44: Woah.. That's so cool!! Tell us some stories too!! ^^