♪ Colour me Rainbow by Panchil

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♪ Music: Into the New World by SNSD aka Girls' Generation

Into the New World just sort of seemed relevant to the idea of Eunhyuk introducing colors to Kyuhyun, showing Kyuhyun the new world referred in this song ^^ Hope you enjoy!


Colour me Rainbow
by Panchil

Type: Chapter
Featuring: Super Junior
Characters: Eunhyuk, Kyuhyun, Donghae
Pairings: Eunhyuk x Kyuhyun
Theme: , romance
Completed? : No.
Review based on: FIRST 3 CHAPTERS


Title (4.5/5):

This may have been a huge coincidence, but I still remember this because it was just so bizarre. I saw your story in the sea of AFF stories, obviously on the homepage of AFF in the Latest Updated Stories, and I clicked on it. The title actually had me interested so amongst the near dozen stories on the homepage, I was able to find your story title alluring enough to click on it. And then, by the one in a millionth chance, right after clicking into your story, I get a request from you asking me to review this story… weird, right?

Haha, okay sorry. I just thought it was REALLY weird that it happened. Obviously, your title has managed to get my attention even before you requested a review, so that means something ^^ In my opinion, it’s a rather creative title. Initially, it makes me think about a bleak world getting splotched with colors. Upon reading your story, you relate the colors to each of the characters and their conditional states, so all in all, I would say that your title is relevant, to the point, and intriguing.


Description/Forward (6/10):

Upon first glance, your description is really short. I don’t have anything against short descriptions if it can describe the overall content in its brief overview. Your characters are introduced in the description, which is never a bad thing, and you leave it with a note stating an ugly thing in most eyes can look rather amazing in another’s. However, I just can’t say it’s catchy. Your title originally had my interest but after reading your description, I just didn’t feel the urge to click next to read on.

Perhaps you could point to the details of the colors. Or a little bit of rewording:


In a world of colors, Kyuhyun would be a pale, livid blue, with bright, passionate streaks of red. A revolting hodgepodge; an ugly composition, all at first glance.


But Eunhyuk thought he worked it really well.


Again, this is just my suggestion. Your description is perfectly fine the way it is. Also, I have told this to many people but I just feel like your description would look a bit more presentable if it was centered. BUT this is just my opinion. I just think that unless it’s an actual legitimate paragraph with at least 4-5 lines, centering would be the way to go. It seems neater

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