Chapter One

Until Death Do Us Part

                Eun Mi is a quiet girl. Everyone did not really like her because of that attitude of her. Therefore, she had fewer friends than anyone else. You can count her friends because there were only two so far. And her classmates are an exception. The two friends are Kim Jong Dae or more popular to be known as Chen while the other one is Krystal or her real name is Jung Soo Jung.

                For Eun Mi, Krystal is like her own younger sister. The fact is Krystal is two years younger than her. And Krystal is her mother’s best friend’s daughter. But, because of Krystal’s parents always leaves her to Eun Mi’s family to take care of, Krystal chose to stay with Eun Mi and her family forever. She will go home when her parents is there and when she feels like she wants to. The reason why her parents not always stay at home is that they are businessperson. So, of course they could not stay at home for too long.

                And for Chen, he is Eun Mi’s neighbour. They are friend for about 15 years. They are best friends. From child until now, they always stick together. If one of them wants to go there, then, the other one will also go to the same direction. They love each other, as a friend. They cannot leave without each other. There was once, when they were eight, Chen and his family moved to another neighbourhood. But, because Chen kept crying to go back to their old house, and the same thing happened to Eun Mi, so, Chen’s parents had nothing to do but moving back to their old house. And the both of them became as cheerful as they were before.


                In the cafeteria, Eun Mi was with Chen. They already sat on their seat, waiting for Krystal to come. Chen was already put his phone down. Before, he was playing the game that everyone loved, Candy Crush. Eun MI curled her fist and clenched her teeth with anger took over her. Of course, who would not be as mad as Eun Mi right now when the one they were talking to, just shrug or sometimes nod or they even say ‘Are you talking to me?’ right after they lost the game? That happened to Eun Mi just now.

                The bell rang, which means the lunch time started, Eun Mi and Chen walked out of the class together. Chen was already holding his Samsung Galaxy S3. Eun Mi noticed that he was already playing with his phone even when the teacher was teaching. She did not really care about it because even though Chen did not give his full attention to the lesson, almost all of the subjects, he still understood about what the teacher taught them. As evidence, Chen did not even ask a single word to Eun Mi when they were doing their homework.

                But, there was a thing she does not like about Chen. Chen was always, 24 hours, with his phone. Unlike before, that time when Chen was always with her. She felt a bit disappointed but, she tried to convince herself that the game Chen was playing is the best game of the century. If it is not, then, why would Chen kept holding his phone? Everywhere he went; his hand must holds tightly on his phone. He did not leave it anywhere even for a minute. They also talk less than before.

                There was a day when the both of them only said ‘Hi’ to each other. Eun Mi wanted to say something to him but for the second think, she refused to do so. It’s because she knew Chen will not give his attention to her. There will be a nod, a head shake or a shrug or he will act like he does not hear it. She cannot tell whether he really did not hear it or he heard it but he just acts innocent with it.

                Suddenly, Eun Mi remembers about the Science lesson that they learnt earlier. To break the silence atmosphere, she started to talk about it.

                “Do you understand about the lesson Mr Park taught us just now?” Eun Mi asked as they were walking while crossed her arms on her chest.

                She was expecting Chen to say something. Something means anything. She will be happy even if it was only a ‘Not’. At least he speaks. But, surprisingly, Chen did not manage to say anything. He was not even shaking his head or anything. The reason behind it, it was because he only focused on the phone. His eyes glued on it. Eun Mi did not do anything. Instead, she just let out a heavy sigh.

                Eun Mi was really disappointed with him. She did not like how they are right now. It was not like how it used to be. She wants the old Chen, who always gives his full attention to her, who always lends his ears to listen to her concerns. She did not like this Chen, who was always with his phone. Eun Mi does not care if Chen only says a word to her. For today, Chen did not say anything yet. Even yesterday, Chen only said a sentence to her. It broke her heart, of course. But, at least, she knew Chen noticed her existence.

                They walked and walked and walked and walked. Finally, without saying anything, they reached the cafeteria. They headed toward their usual place. Still, without saying anything, they sat quietly. Somehow, it felt awkward to Eun Mi. Not to Chen for sure. They were waiting for Krystal to show up. Maybe, her teacher took a little time.

                Chen was still with his phone. And for Eun Mi’s case, she was sitting there like an idiot watching at her best friend while tapped her index finger on the table.

                “Do you want to get the food now?” Eun Mi asked Chen as she leaned backwards from the table.

                She looked at Chen’s face and the reaction that Chen showed shocked her a little. Chen was clenching his teeth up and down. It seemed like he was mad at that time.

                ‘Did I say something wrong?’ Eun Mi said mentally.

                “Chen?” she called Chen by his name. But, still, his eyes on the phone.

                “Chen?” she called Chen for the second time.

                “Aish!” Chen screamed all of the sudden. It successfully making all of the people in the cafeteria to take a look of what happened to him. Nothing happen to him but he was just too emotional after he lost the game. Right after they know what’s going on, they stop staring at Chen. Chen did not know a single thing about it. Instead, he just cursing the game under his breathing.

                Finally, the thing that he should be doing from the beginning, had been doing by him; he put his phone down on the table. He lifted his head just to meet eye with Eun Mi. His eyes widened, seems like he remembered something.

                “Are you talking to me just now?” Chen questioned Eun Mi. Eun Mi curled her fist and clenched her teeth with anger took over her body. She cannot believe Chen, her own best friend, asked her such question. Is he really her best friend or not? That was what playing in her head.

                “No.” she said lazily.

                “Oh, okay.” Chen said before continued, “Anyway, why don’t we get the food yet? I’m hungry.”

                “You know what, that was what I was asking you just now.” Eun Mi replied, irritated.

                “Okay. But, where’s Soo Jung?” Chen’s eyes wandered around their seat just to find Krystal. Then, he looked back at Eun Mi with an innocent face and a rising of an eyebrow. This made Eun Mi sighed.

                “You just realized it now?”

                “Realize what?”

                “I’m here!” A pair of hands touched the both of Chen’s shoulders. Chen jumped a little because of shock. The fact is, Eun Mi also shocked by the sudden shout. But, she immediately covered it by looking away.

                “I’m sorry, I’m late. The teacher took over time a little. And then, I need to keep my books in the locker. And you know, right, my locker is hundred miles away from here. So, do you know what I did? I ran as fast as lightning to come here. But, unfortunately, I bumped into this guy. And for your information, he’s a new student. So, he asked me to lead him to the office. I have no choice or do I? And! From what I remember, that guy is on the same grade as the both of you. But! That’s not the news I want to tell you guys. Eun Mi! You wouldn’t believe me if I say this, but he is freaking handsome! I just can’t tell…”

               “Stop, stop, Krystal, stop! Now, what we should do is, order the food. Because we, Eun Mi and I, already hungry. After the eating session’s done, you can tell Eun Mi how freaking ugly that guy is, all right? But, now, let’s eat.” Krystal’s line was interrupted by Chen when the guy showed his palm in front of Krystal’s face. For the first time in the past week, he said too much in a one-go. They just follow what Chen said.

               Chen stood up and grabbed Eun Mi and Krystal’s arms and dragged them to queue up the line. There were about 4 people lined up in front of them. So, they just wait patiently. Something felt different from Chen today. He finally put his phone aside. Then, he, finally, after last week, talked that long, but, still not as long as Krystal, in a dialogue of his. And now, he, himself, the one who stood up first and dragged them to pick up their tray that full with food. Those were new, after the past week.

               Before the time when Chen became really obsessed with the game, he’s not really interested with phone. He just using it when necessary or when he’s bored or when he’s talking with someone through the phone or when he’s texting someone. Also, before Chen’s not that obsessed with it, he always talked non-stop. Even if they had problems, Chen will be the one who is talking. He will never let anyone interrupt his speech. Unless, if he was already lost of breath. And before he became like that, he will always be the first one to stand up and led the girls to the counter. He was always hungry, even though he is the person who is always secretly fed off snacks in the class.

               But, last week, Chen was sitting in his Korean History Class with his seat partner. The class was really boring. Chen could not help it anymore. So, he took a look at his seat partner. His seat partner, Baek Hyun, was playing with his phone under his desk. Wondering what Baek Hyun was doing, he went closer to the phone and figured out it was a game. Chen asked Baek Hyun what game he is playing, and Baek Hyun told him the name of the game. Right after he knew the game, he installed him it at that time. Chen is not the type of person that is always against the rules. But, in this case, he was totally boring. So, he had no choice. In addition, Baek Hyun kept forcing him to play the game. And starting from that day, he always into that game until he just careless about anything else in this world.

               “Anyway, Eun Mi, let me continue about that guy. He is totally freaking handsome!” Krystal said to Eun Mi when they were queuing. “I don’t know why Chen said he is ugly. Duh. Maybe he is just jealous because he’s not as handsome as that guy. Besides, he does not even see the guy yet. Ugh. What’s wrong with him?” Krystal purposely said it out loud. It was because she knows that Chen will probably hear it. Chen only rolled his eyes, just like what Krystal hoped it to happen. Of course, he did not see the guy yet. But, his heart seemed like giving him a sign that that guy will be someone who will ruin his life.

               “Yeah.” Chen put his tray and water on the table before continued, “Ah. It’s been a long time since the last time I did this. Eh, wait, so, before this, who picked my food from the counter? Because, from what I remember, I stopped on doing so about a week ago.” Chen rubbed the back of his neck. But, he was wondering who did that. It was because he really did not know who had been doing the things he used to do before. The both of Eun Mi and Krystal sighed.

               They knew Chen did not care about the surrounding him, but, they never thought Chen did not care about them though. The one who picked his tray and water from the counter when Chen was really into the game before were Eun Mi and Krystal their selves. They need to go back to the counter just to pick another tray. The fact that they, Eun Mi and Krystal, never crossed Chen’s mind really disappointed Eun Mi. Deep down inside Eun Mi’s heart, she really wanted to be the only one who Chen keep thinking about. Even if the whole world turns their backs against Chen, she wanted to be the only one who turns her back against the whole world. If the whole world never ever thinks about Chen, even once, she wanted to be the only one who always is by his side. But maybe, those were just wanted to Eun Mi. Maybe, those were just useless to Eun Mi.

               “Of course, WE.” Krystal said while her index finger pointed to her Eun Mi. Not to forget, Krystal also emphasized the word ‘WE’. Actually, that time when Krystal answered Chen’s question, Eun Mi got back her senses from her thoughts.

               “Okay, then.”

               With that, all of them started eating their meals. Out of everyone’s knowledge, when they were eating, Chen kept glancing at Eun Mi. Every time he looks at Eun Mi’s face, his heart softened. He does not know why but he will look over to Eun Mi whenever he has any problems. It is just because of one reason, he will feel better and after hearing how to solve the problems from Eun Mi, he feels much more relax and he does what Eun Mi said. But, if Eun Mi does not know how to solve it, Chen will still feel relax. Whether there’s an answer or no, Chen will still feel all right. Because just by looking at Eun Mi’s face, he will feel like he is in heaven.

               But now, this time when he was looking at Eun Mi, he did not feel anything but guilty. He knows what he had done. When he looked at Eun Mi right now, he knew Eun Mi was sad. Eun Mi felt empty. But he cannot do anything. He wanted to apologize to Eun Mi. And he will make sure, he’d done it. And he will also make sure that Eun Mi will forgive him. He regretted doing it. But, the game possessed him. Whenever or wherever he was, the game will appear clearly in his mind.  He wanted to stop playing the game. But, it seemed impossible for him. Chen also started to hate chocolate and jelly because they are the hardest to beat. He does not know what to do anymore.

               Chen stopped staring at Eun Mi and continued eating his meal. They all ate quietly. Once they had done, they went to their locker before Eun Mi and Chen bid a goodbye to Krystal because their classes were separated. Krystal went to Art Class. Chen and Eun Mi climbed to 3rd floor where their class was located.


               Their class was Mathematics Class. The class was really noisy. Of course it was when there was no teacher in the class. Chen was sitting on his seat like an idiot, while Eun Mi was reading her Mathematics textbook. Eun Mi’s seat partner was turned around to talk with her friends behind her. Moreover, for Chen, he wants to stop playing his favourite game. Well, sitting alone does not means Chen had no friends but the fact was all of his friends, which he is closed to, were doing their homework. For Chen, he already finished his homework. He felt so glad to be friend with Eun Mi. If they were not friends, then, he would not know what will happen to his life.

               “Dude, do you know the answer of this question?” Suddenly, when Chen was feeling grateful, one of his friends, Baek Hyun, asked the answer of a question that he was stuck on. Chen grabbed the exercise book and read out loud the question where Baek Hyun pointed to.

               “A few students are trying to make a right-angled triangle. If they have three bamboo stems with length 12 cm, 16 cm and 20 cm respectively, will they be able to make a right-angled triangle?” Chen stopped for a while before continued, “The answer is yes.” Chen said.

               “Eh? Why?” Baek Hyun tilted his head.

               “Are you stupid or what? Look, now, the question asks whether the students would be able to make a right-angled triangle, right? So, now, what should you do?” Chen asked.

               “Determine whether those bamboo stems would be able to make a right-angled triangle?” Baek Hyun answered, unsure.

               “Correct. So, if we want to determine it, then, what’s the first step?” Chen asked again. But, this time, Baek Hyun had nothing to say. It gave Chen a hint that Baek Hyun must be forgetting about it.

               “You should find the hypotenuse.” Chen answered his own question since Baek Hyun cannot answer it. Baek Hyun nodded. “So, which one of the numbers is the hypotenuse?”

               “I know this one. It’s 20 cm because it’s the biggest number.” Baek Hyun answered proudly. Chen nodded.

               “Then, do you know what you should do next?”

               “Emm… not really.” Baek Hyun rubbed the back of his neck.

               “It’s okay. Lemme teach you.” Chen smiled and so did Baek Hyun. “Prepare the calculator.” Baek Hyun picked the calculator out of his bag.

               “Now, you square root the hypotenuse.”

               “The answer is 400.”

               “Then, you square root the number of 12 and 16. After that, add them altogether.”

               “12…144. 16…256. 256+144 equal to…400! It’s same as the square root of the hypotenuse. So, it’s true the answer is yes. Am I right?” Baek Hyun asked, excitedly.

               “Yes, you are.” Chen also felt happy for his friend.

               “Thank you, Jong Dae-ah.” Baek Hyun smiled happily before continued his homework, leaving Chen dumbfounded.

               “Jong Dae?” Chen said to himself.

               It had been a long time since the last time he heard someone called him by his real name, Kim Jong Dae. In a blink of an eye, Chen realized the incident already happened for almost 3 years. After that past three years, everything changed. His attitude changed all of the sudden. He is not as cheerful as he was before. Not until Eun Mi let out what she felt when Chen ignored her. Then, Chen felt guilty and apologized to Eun Mi and promised her, he will not ignore her anymore. But, Chen asked everyone a favour to call him by Chen, not Jong Dae that people always use before.

               It was all because of the secret that his parent hid it from him. They hid it because they thought Chen should just live his life as the other teens. They thought Chen should just know and love them as his only parent. Yes, Chen was adopted.

               He never hesitates about it because his parent always treats him well. So, there was no need to be suspicious about being adopted. But, on that day, when Chen was searching for a document that his father ordered him to find it in his office, he was not finding the document his father wanted. Instead, he, Chen, himself, found a document about him being an adopted child. It broke his heart, really. He needs an explanation from the both of his parent. They told him the truth. Chen is not their child. They adopted him when he was only 8 months. How they met him?

               That morning, when Chen’s father was about to go to his work, he opened the door and a baby was already lying in front of their house. At that time, they were living in Mr Kim’s mother’s house since they were still a new-wed                     couple. He called his wife over. They shocked, of course. After making sure no one owns the baby, they registered Chen as their one and only child. They also told him that that time when they met him; there was a note beside him. It said; ‘Jong Dae’ and 1992/9/21. It did not have Chen’s family name. So, they used Jong Dae as Chen’s name and put ‘Kim’ as Chen’s family name. Since that day, Chen was really mad and hates his real parent. Mr Kim and Mrs. Kim encouraged Chen to find his real parent. But, Chen refused to do so. He did not want to search for a person that left him for their own good. It wastes his time. Why should he do it when he already found his happiness? Living with his family that loves him, be friend with friends that will always love him, having best friends who will be with him no matter what. So, why should he find those people who did not love him? Find people who did not love you and make them love you back? Like that? Chen will not and would not and will never do that. He does not care if everybody calls him selfish because it is not his fault for him being like this. If they call him selfish just because he does not want to find his real parent and live with them, then, what about his real parent? They were the first one to do so. So, what is wrong of doing the same thing? They deserve it well.

               To be truthful, Chen really wants to meet his actual parent.  He really wants to be by their side. He really wants to be their only son. But, ego took over him. Anyway, how about his adoptive parents? It is not fair if he moves to another house and leave them just like that? They were the one who raises him from child until he became who he is. For Chen, it is a sin to leave the one who loves you the most. It is a sin to leave the one who had been taking care of you for the rest of your life. It is a sin to leave who works until midnight to find money for your life. It is a sin to leave your parent who gave you everything just to see you happy. So, he will not leave his parents. He will not leave his house. He will not leave his school. He will not leave his friends, Krystal and Eun Mi. He will not leave everything he has right now. They are like diamonds to Chen which are very hard to find because they were only one in this world.

               “Jong Dae.” Chen chuckled silently when the flashback of the day when he figured out he is an adopted child ended. Chen looked in front of him. Suddenly, the door of the classroom opened, revealing the teacher. The Mathematics teacher walked in headed to the table.

               “Stand up, class.” The class monitor said. The students obeyed him by standing up.

               “Good afternoon, teacher.” He said after making sure all of the students stood up already. Soon, the students followed what he said in unison. The teacher nodded her head which instructed them to sit. They all sat on their seat.

               “Attention, class. Today, we have a new classmate. He is from another district. So, I hope you will show him how great this school is. Please be good towards him, all right?” All of the students felt excited especially girls. “Kim Myung Soo, please come in.” The teacher instructed. By then, the door opened and a tall guy walked in elegantly. He closed the door and stood next to the teacher.

               “Oh my God! He is freaking handsome!”

               “Wow! He’s tall. He’s my ideal type!”

               “I want a boyfriend like him.”

               “Argh. I like his hairstyle.”


               Most of the girls squealed when they saw a handsome guy stood in front of them.

               “Quiet, class.” The teacher clapped her hands twice. “Now, Myung Soo, would you like to introduce yourself to the class?” That Myung Soo guy nodded and smiled to his classmates. Just by looking at his smiles, it could melt everyone who sees it.

               “Hi. I am Kim Myung Soo.” Myung Soo introduced himself. His eyes wandered around the classroom. And then, his eyes stopped at this figure. This girl was looking down, still reading her textbook. She seemed did not care about him. And that girl was Eun Mi.

               “Any questions?” Teacher asked the class. A girl raised her hand. The teacher nodded which means she let the girl to ask.

               “Where are you from? I mean what is your old school? And what makes you come here?”

               “I am from Seoul Performing High School. Erm… actually I come here because my mother just moved here 2 days ago. But, to be honest, I feel glad to be here though.” Myung Soo rubbed the back of his neck while smiled sheepishly. Actually, he did not want to reveal it but in this case, he must say it no matter what. Plus, he had no idea what to lie to them.

               The girl sat while the other girl beside her wrote down what Myung Soo said. Then, another girl raised her hand. The teacher nodded again.

               “When is your birthday?” Most of the students in the class said ‘Woo’ to her. After that, the girl sat down.

               “Erm… it’s passed already, 13th of March.” Myung Soo hesitated to answer. The writing girl wrote down again what Myung Soo said. Another girl raised her hand. The teacher nodded for the umpteenth times that day.

               “Do you have a girlfriend?” Before Myung Soo had a chance to reply, another girl, the girl beside Eun Mi, stood up immediately and asked.

               “Have you ever been in a relationship?”

               “Min Ah, raise your hand next time.” The teacher admonished her. Min Ah, the interrupt girl, bowed her head a little before muttering a sorry.

               “Well, I don’t have any girlfriend and I’ve never been in a relationship.”

               Later, right after Myung Soo said that, a boy in front of Chen, which is Chen’s friend named Chan Yeol, raised his hand. Somehow, it was a surprise to everyone because he was the only and first male student who raised his hand.

               “Is that a lie? Did you just say that just to get attention from girls? Thinking that you are an innocent man?” Chan Yeol asked when he got the permission from the teacher. Chan Yeol's questions succeed to make everyone shocked. Chan Yeol smirked when he saw Myung Soo stuttered to answer.

               “I… didn’t. I really… don’t… have any yet. Why are you asking me such question?”

               “Hmm… why eh? I don’t know.” Chan Yeol shrugged. He did that just to piss Myung Soo off. Then, he sat down. Myung Soo clenched his teeth. The teacher seemed like she knew something will happen if she does not act.

               “Okay. The Q&A session end. If you want to know more about him, you can ask him later.” The teacher waited for her students’ reaction. And most of them, especially girls, seemed sad. “Myung Soo, you can take a seat next to Chan Yeol.” Myung Soo was about to say something before Chan Yeol suddenly stood.

               “No! This seat’s belong to So Ryong.” Chan Yeol disobeyed.

               “Do you forget that So Ryong already transfer to another school?” The teacher crossed her arms on her chest.

               “N… no. But, it’s his seat, so…”

               “So, let Myung Soo sit there. It doesn’t belong to So Ryong anymore, Chan Yeol. If you keep like this, then, where should he sit? On the floor?”

               “It suits him well.” Chan Yeol muttered.

               “What are you saying?”

               “Nothing.” That was the only word that came out from Chan Yeol’s mouth.

               That time when Chan Yeol was about to sit down, he gave Myung Soo a cold glare. Myung Soo saw it, but, he just ignored it. After bowed to the teacher, he walked to his seat. Along his way to the seat, he kept smiling to the girls who smiled at him. But then, after he sat down, his eyes glued to the girl beside him, Eun Mi. There were four rows in the class. And two tables were stick together. Eun Mi was in the first row while Chen, Baek Hyun, Chan Yeol and Myung Soo were in the second row. He examined her and snapped out of his thought when Chan Yeol tapped his shoulder hardly to remind him to write down the notes the teacher wrote on the whiteboard. He looked at Eun Mi again and Eun Mi was already writing.

               The other part of the class, there was a girl who kept staring at Myung Soo. She was staring at him with hatred. It did not mean she knew him but the fact was she does not like guys who act cool just to make girls squeal over him. She really does hate that kind of guys.

               “Duh. What so good about that Myung Soo.” She mumbled by herself as she straightened her body, ready to write down what the teacher already wrote on the whiteboard. Chen heard that. Actually, Chen was sitting next to that girl. The way for the people to walk is the only thing that separated their tables. Chen looked at her.

               “You don’t like him, Suzy?” Chen asked Suzy, the girl that hates Myung Soo.

               “No, I don’t.” Suzy shook her head.

               “I thought every girls like handsome guys.”

               “Yeah. Maybe ‘every’ girls, but not me.” She emphasized the word ‘Every’ while pointed to herself. “I am an exception.” She said as she started to write the note. Chen just shrugged before he also did the same thing as the other of his classmates did, writing.


               School ended 15 minutes ago. Eun Mi, Chen and Krystal were in a café. They always hang out there after school if they do not have any homework or detentions. It is their favourite place to hang out. Chen was eating Fried Chicken Tender Sandwich while Eun Mi was eating Marinated Grilled Chicken Sandwich. Suddenly, Chen remembered about Kim Myung Soo, his and Eun Mi’s new classmate, and the new student Krystal talked about on their lunch time.

               “Oh! Soo Jung-ah.” Krystal gave Chen a quick stare. It was because she was really enjoying her salad or to be exact, her favourite meal in the café, Fried Chicken Salad. “The guy you were talking about hours ago, his name is Kim Myung Soo, right?” Krystal immediately lifted her head up after she heard about that guy.

               “I don’t know. We didn’t even introduce ourselves. We bumped into each other and he asked me to show him the office.”

               “I guess it was really him, Kim Myung Soo. Well, he’s handsome just like how you told us.” Chen admitted Myung Soo’s handsomeness.

               “I know, right?” Krystal smiled happily. And for Eun Mi, she did not understand a single word about what were her friends talked about. Kim Myung Soo? New student? Handsome?

               They were talking about their school life. How tired Krystal was when her teacher kept on giving her notes, how happy Eun Mi was when her coach chose her to representative her school on Seoul Tennis Tournament to beat with the other schools in Seoul, and how nervous Chen was to wait for the result of his singing audition. He auditioned it month ago along with his friends, Chan Yeol, Baek Hyun and D.O or Do Kyung Soo. If they win, they will beat with the other students from the other schools. This competition is not only about singing, but, there are also including dancing, playing music instruments etc. because this is Seoul High School Music Art Competition. Chen, Baek Hyun and D.O were auditioned in singing category, while Chan Yeol was auditioned in music instrument category: guitar. There was two boys, who is two years younger than them and are friends of Krystal, also joined this competition. And they had chosen already in dancing category. This is because the fact that these two boys are one of the best dancers in the school although they are newbies. And they are Kai or Kim Jong In and Oh Se Hun or more popular as Se Hun.

               That time when they were busy talking, a guy suddenly approached their table.

               “Hi, Chen.” That guy greeted Chen. All of them looked at where the sound came from. Chen stood up all of the sudden with a smile plastered on his face. Krystal was also smiling widely when he saw that handsome guy. While Eun Mi just sat there blankly. She had no idea why the two friends of her were smiling to a stranger that Eun Mi barely knows.

               “Myung Soo.” Chen said. Eun Mi shocked when she heard Chen said the stranger’s name.

               “M… Myung… Soo?” Myung Soo’s suddenly slipped out of Eun Mi’s mouth since she was shocked. That guy was really handsome, exactly what the both of Krystal and Chen talked about a moment before. No wonder Krystal kept talking about this Myung Soo. But, somehow, this Myung Soo seemed so familiar. Really familiar. Realising that Eun Mi suddenly mentioned Myung Soo’s name, Chen took a look at Eun Mi.

               “Yeah. This is Myung Soo. Myung Soo, this Eun Mi and this is Krystal.” Chen introduced Eun Mi and Krystal to Myung Soo. Chen knew already that Krystal was not comfortable when someone she does not know yet, calls her by ‘Soo Jung’. So, that was why she always introduced herself as her English name, Krystal to the people she met for the first time.

               “Oh! You’re the one who led me to the office, right?” Myung Soo smiled at Krystal when he recognised her.  Krystal smiled sheepishly to Myung Soo and nodded her head. She did not know why but her heart beat so fast. Every time Myung Soo talked to her, every time Myung Soo looked at her, every time Myung Soo smiled at her, succeed to make her heart beat like it will explode soon. Even though, they only met today, Krystal knew she already fell in love with this guy.

               ‘How can I not realise this guy? Is he the one who sits on So Ryong’s seat? The one which is beside me But, somehow, he seems… familiar.’ Eun Mi thought.

               “Anyway, what are you doing here? Beside, how do you know my name?” Chen asked suspiciously. They did not say anything to each other yet, so, how come Myung Soo knew his name? Myung Soo chuckled.

               “First, I’d just finished the meeting with teachers that will teach me. By then, I’m hungry and found this café. So, with no doubt, I came in before I saw you were talking with them. And! I knew your name because I heard that Chan Yeol guy called you a while ago.” Myung Soo explained.

               “Ah! That’s why. So, why don’t you order what you want now? And then, you can join us, right?” Chen gazed at Eun Mi and Krystal. Krystal’s smile became wider than before. She and Eun Mi nodded their head together.

               "Yeah. It would be good. We can know each other more.” Eun Mi smiled at Myung Soo as Myung Soo smiled back.

               “All right. Then, I order now.”

               At this time, Chen and Krystal felt jealous toward Myung Soo and Eun Mi.  Chen was jealous towards Myung Soo because Eun Mi was smiling to Myung Soo. Eun Mi is not the type that will easily smile to people, unless those people are the one that she is closed to. But, in this situation, she did not know who Myung Soo is until Chen introduced Myung Soo to her. Before this, Eun Mi only smiled, talked and felt comfortable with Chen only. But, now, Eun Mi seemed really comfortable around Myung Soo. She also smiled and she was the one who tried to make a conversation with Myung Soo. It was new to Chen, and he did not like it. Even with her classmates, whom she already knew for years, she was not that comfortable around them.

               And for Krystal, she was jealous because of the same reason as Chen. But, she was not jealous over Myung Soo, but Eun Mi. Nevertheless, what can she do? Myung Soo was not her boyfriend. So, she did not have the right to mad at Eun Mi for smiling at Myung Soo. Plus, no one knows about her feeling towards Myung Soo. Because of that, she cannot blame anyone.

               “Hey.” Myung Soo tapped Eun Mi’s shoulder. Eun Mi turned her head around, only to find Myung Soo was smiling at her. She smiled back as he took a seat next to her since Chen and Krystal sat next to each other, while Eun Mi sat alone with no one beside her, opposite to Krystal.

               ‘They seem really closed. What are they actually?’ Chen said mentally. “Ehem.” Chen cleared his throat. “So, Myung Soo, what school have you been?”

               “My previous school? I was from Seoul Performing Art High School.”

               “Oh! Yeah. I’m sorry. I forgot.”

               ‘Seoul Performing Art High School? Is he really ‘him’?’ Eun Mi thought in her mind.

               By then, a waitress came and put the food that Myung Soo ordered on the table. Myung Soo thanked her before she shuffled off.

               “You were from that school? Wow! That’s great. Do you know that Eun Mi once was partnering with a student from your school? They were performing together. That student was playing a guitar while Eun Mi played the piano. Because they were too great, the judges chose them as the winner.” Krystal told Myung Soo a story that happened about 3 years ago.

               “Who’s that student?” Myung Soo asked Krystal curiously.

               “Emm… who eh? What I know is that that student is a guy. He was really handsome. But, I don’t remember how he looks like.” Krystal gazed at Eun Mi. “Do you remember that guy’s name, Eun Mi?”

               “I… I don’t know his full name because he introduced himself as ‘L’.” Eun Mi responded.

               ‘So, it’s her. I should’ve known that time when I saw her.’ Myung Soo said in his head. He took a look at Eun Mi. ‘But, I wonder why she’s not joining the competition the next year after we won?’

               “Anyway, where’s your house located?” Chen asked the boy. Myung Soo jumped a little when Chen suddenly spoke.

               “Ah. I just live in an apartment near the park.”

               “You’re not kidding us, right?” Krystal asked, shocked.

               “No. Why?” Myung Soo had no idea why Krystal did act like that.

               “Because we live in the same apartment. All of us.” Chen explained.

               “Really?” At this time, it was Myung Soo’s turn to surprise.

               “Yeah. So, would you like to go home with us? Like…,” Chen read the time on his watch. “Now?”

               “Sure. But, let me finish this food first.”

               They laughed. Of course they would give some time for home to finish his food.


               7 minutes later, all of them, Eun Mi, Chen, Krystal and Myung Soo, were almost reach their apartment. The apartment is not that far from the café. The duration from the apartment to the café is about 10 minutes while the duration of the apartment to the school is about 20 minutes.

               Along their walking, they were talking about their routines. They also advised Myung Soo to wake up early in the morning, so that they can walk to the school together. Since Myung Soo was new to the neighbourhood, they told Myung Soo everything that they know. For example, they told him not to go to an old house near the café they were before. It was because the inhabitants of the house who are the drug-addicted.

               “By the way, Myung Soo, what floor your house is?” Chen questioned his new friend when they were already standing in front of the apartment. And now, they were waiting for the lift to open its door.

               “Sixth.” Myung Soo answered shortly. The lift opened and all of them stepped inside it.

               “We are one floor higher than you.” Krystal spoke.

               “You guys living in the same floor?” Chen and Krystal nodded. “All of you?” They nodded again. Myung Soo surprised a little before gave his attention to Eun Mi when he realized that Eun Mi’d give no response towards him. “You, too, Eun Mi?” He asked just to grab her attention. However, it disappointed him when Chen was the one who was replying him.

               “Yes. For your information, I lived beside Eun Mi’s house. And they lived together even though they’re not siblings.”

               “Why don’t you answer me?” Myung Soo ignored Chen’s answered. Instead, he asked another questioned to Eun Mi. Eun Mi stared at Myung Soo and wrinkled her forehead.

               ‘Oh no. She will curse Myung Soo for asking him such question. Too late to tell him about it.’ Chen thought. He glanced at Krystal and he can tell that Krystal also worried of what will happen later.

               Myung Soo was a new student, their new friend, and their new neighbour. And Eun Mi will ruin his first day of being their friend.

               “Uh…oh. Yeah. Sorry, I’m just thinking about something.” Eun Mi apologized. Chen and Krystal surprised by Eun Mi’s sentence. Their eyes widened.

               Myung Soo smiled because finally, Eun Mi talked to him again. The lift opened which means they were already on the sixth floor.

               “So, see you guys tomorrow at 7 o’clock. Bye.” Myung Soo waved and grinned at them. The lift closed. And the atmosphere in the lift was so awkward. Again, the lift opened and all of them stepped out from it. They walked silently toward their house before bidding a goodbye.

               Right after Eun Mi and Krystal were already in the house, Krystal fastened her pace, heading to her bedroom. She opened the door and slammed it once she was inside.

               Eun Mi jumped that time when she heard the door slammed by Krystal. Fortunately, Eun Mi’s parent was not at home. Her father might be at his office right now. As for her mother, she may be hanging out with her friends.

               “What’s wrong with her? Did something happen?” Eun Mi ruffled her hair. Then, she entered her room to freshen up her body.

               In Krystal’s room, she was lying on her bed, staring straightly at the ceiling.

               “Why does she act so comfortable around Myung Soo?” Krystal asked herself. “She never is like that around other guys except for Chen. Myung Soo also seems happy with her. What are they actually?” She messed her hair. “Ah! Don’t tell me like they like each other!” Her face could tell everyone she was in shock condition at that time.

               “Soo Jung-ah!” She heard Eun Mi shouted her name from outside. Not to make Eun Mi worried, she immediately answered her.


               “Do you want me to cook ramen for you? Because I’m going to do one for me!”

               “No, thanks! I’m not hungry!” Krystal shouted.


               That was the last thing Eun Mi said-shouted- to her. After making sure Eun Mi will not say anything else, Krystal back to her thoughts that she thought a minute ago. She sighed just by thinking of it.

               “If they really do like each other, I can’t do anything. Maybe, Myung Soo and I are just not meant to be.” She sighed again. But, her face lit up in a split of seconds. “No worries. There are lots of guys out there that are waiting for me.” She smiled brightly. Soon, she closed her eyes and drove off to her dreamland.




Finally!!!!! I'd have a chance to update this.

Fuhhhhhh So long!!!!!!!!! 

Is it long?? Well for me it is.

So, how's it?

Yeah, just enjoy it. And there's more waiting to be updating. Hahahaha

To be continued....


Anyway, Have you listened to OVERDOSE leaked song? I have. Hahahaha But, I dont got that chance to watch their dance practice video yet. The video got private when I wanted to watch it.

Okay. Seeya again!!!!!!!

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monsterrme11 #1
Chapter 1: yah author-nim!! When is it you'll updating.. Many people are waiting..
I cannot agree more than monsterrme11. Its a long update and i enjoyed reading it but add more dialogue so it'll be more ineteresting !

Author-nim FIGHTING ~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
monsterrme11 #3
Chapter 1: thanks for update! The story rocks but a little too long and too confusing.. You might wanna add a lot of dialogue cause all i read was their thoughts.. But it's okay!! I love it so much!!
monsterrme11 #4
unnie.. update the story.. i've been waiting since last year okay! ppalli or Kris Is Mine~ haha joking.. hwaiting unnie.. may this story be the best that i've ever read..
Update soon :)
Nice story & description! Keep it up - Yuki