My Knight in Shining Armor

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“Is this for real?” I continued to scan the newspaper that I was holding.

It has been over a week now since I had seen Jiyong that’s why I was dumbstruck to see his face on the newspaper. On entertainment page that is. I tried to open the following pages and saw not only Jiyong but also the rest of Bigbang members. So I went over the article again.

I found out that these five friends of mine are now endorsers for Coca-Cola. And that they’re about to shoot a commercial for the said beverage company.

“Hmmm, Amman Jordan. Interesting!” I silently reflected.

Then I stared back again at his picture that was taken during one of the press conference that they had.

“Oh Gawd! I miss you, Jiyong!” I couldn’t help myself from touching the portion of the newspaper where his picture was not really minding that my fingers would soon be tainted with the print’s residue.

It sure had been a week now since I last saw and spoke to him. Even if Bommie, Minzy, Chaerin and I have been seeing regularly for lunch or a quick chat someplace, nobody mentioned to me about the Bigbang being endorsers for Coca-Cola. Honestly, it was the last thing on my mind that these five guys would engage themselves with.

“Must have been Seungri’s idea.” I figured that only him would come up with such invitation.

I gathered up much of my courage after deciding that a week was more than I can bear without a word from my best friend.

“Jiyong.” I shyly said as I heard him answer my call.


Fine classify me as one of the most scheming chap in this land! Who cares? It has been a hell week for me. I’d say business has never been better. But you know what really big time for me this time around? Well let me brief you of what happened during the past week.

Last Thursday, my best friend Dara and I went into a fight. As you all know, it’s about this Won Bin guy whom she’s been dating. The nerve of that girl to complain about her privacy been invaded and when I suggested that the only way out of her situation is not to date or stop seeing that Won Bin guy well she suddenly started to take it out on me. I was merely suggesting.

Fine! She didn’t like my idea but does she really have to be harsh on me and insulting me by raking up my..

“How did she call that again?” I started to recall. Oh yeah! My “sleazy ways” of sleeping around with women. Hey! That does it for me! So I told her the truth, that this Won Bin guy that she’s been dating just couldn’t wait to get her into bed. And with what she answered me, I suppose that she wanted him to.

But no! I could not let that happen. Over my dead demi-God like body!

And so, I started my spying schemes. I made it a point that I was just everywhere they go (without their knowledge of course!).

Their second date wasn’t much so to say. They just dined and wined. I say this guy isn’t anything compared to me. So what if he showered her with flowers? Duhhhhh!

What really ticked me off was the fact that even at her work place, he was there. My informant, Dara’s boss, who’s under my payroll also, well he would always tell me what goes around their office.

“President Kwon.” Mr. Hyun greeted me.

“Mr. Hyun. What a nice surprise. Any problems at the office?” I asked.

“Ummm, President, it’s not about work I’m calling. It’s about Dara.” He paused.

“Go on. What about her? Is she not performing well with her work?” I asked.

“Oh she’s doing fine, sir.” He answered.

“What is it then?”

“Well, she has a visitor right now.”

“A visitor?”

“Ummm. A suitor would be the appropriate word for it, sir.” His voice trailed mentioning what was happening.

“A suitor?” I asked in wonder.

“Ummm, Won Bin is here to visit her. And he’s inside his office as we speak.” Mr. Hyun informed me.

“What?” I was suddenly made to rise from my office chair.

“What the hell is he doing there?” I continued to ask.

“Well, he just, I don’t know. He’s Ms. Park’s visitor not mine.” He said.

“Okay, Wait, Ummm, do me a favor and look closely on them okay?” I asked Mr. Hyun.

“Yes, sir. I will do that.”

“And please report to me whatever happens in there.” I said.

“Yes, Mr. President. You can be assured that I will do as you say.” Mr. Hyun assured me.

“Okay, well get your there and I’ll just wait for your updates okay?” I said before I placed the receiver down.

That whole afternoon, I was more than disturbed. I patiently waited for Mr. Hyun’s phone call. It was to my relief that nothing much happened.

I felt silly cause I knew that nothing much could happen inside a work place. And I had to remind myself to be calm and composed about everything.


I arrived at NB to meet the rest. I made it a point to come by at a pretty late hour than the usual with every intentions of making the rest believe that I was at my usual what-do-I-care facade.

“Jiyong hyung! You just missed them.” Seungri announced as I settled myself into our booth.

“Missed who?” I asked.

“Dara  and Won Bin.” Youngbae supplied for Seungri.

“They were here?” I asked.

“Yup. And they just left. Say 5 minutes before you arrived?” Seungri answered.

“Where are they now?” I had to ask but still trying to act as if I was okay with it.

“They said that they’d be dining or something. Who knows? The night is young.” Seungri teased.

“Really now?” I thought to myself.

In another hour or so, I found myself not paying attention to what was happening around me. I was so hooked up with my thoughts about what could be happening on the other side of town where Dara and that Won Bin guy was.

This is so frustrating. I needed to get out.

“Ei guys! I need to go. I’m kinda, bushed out. I have to leave.” I quietly announced.

“Bushed out or you’re up to do some spying again?” Seungri asked.

“What the hell are you talking about, maknae?” I berated.

“Just so you’d know, Dara sent me an SMS. She said that they are at the “Claws”.” Bom informed me.

“Now go!” Seunghyun hyung said and whisked me off.

Fine! So they got me! Thanks for Bom’s info, I was able to find them in no time. I actually saw them exiting the resto and so I need not come out of my car.

In another few minutes, I was trailing his sports car through the busy streets of Seoul’s night scene.

“Where the hell is he taking her now?” I was getting impatient in my seat as I drove around following them.

Finally, they stopped in front of a cafe. I was continually berating with myself whether I would show myself up and act as if I was there out of pure coincidence or I would just stay inside my car and wait for them to come out of the said cafe. I opted to do the latter option.

10 minutes.

15 minutes.

20 minutes.

The waiting was killing me. Maybe I should have shown myself instead so that my mind would at least have its peace. As I waited my thoughts was filled of numerous possibilities that could be happening inside.

Then at about another half later, I saw them coming out of the cafe. Hand in hand.

And so I trailed them again.

I was relieved that he was already taking her home. I tried to watch them closely from where I had parked my car. The moment that I have been dreading was about to happen.

“You are not going to kiss her, do you hear me?” I wanted to shout at them when I saw him inch himself towards her and reached up to cup her chin.

“Don’t let him, Dara! Stop him.” I could almost feel the vein in my head throbbing.

Maybe she heard my plea because as soon as he lowered his head to kiss her, she slightly moved hers to the side making the kiss intended for her lips land on her cheek.

“That was close!” I sighed and started to breathe easily. I waited for Dara to get inside her apartment before finally deciding to drive away.


Won Bin and I had gone out on a date twice already. Last night before heading to our 2nd dinner date, I asked him if we could drop by first at NB to see my friends. I know that I wouldn’t be hearing the last of it if I weren’t to show up.

Thankfully, when Won Bin and I got to NB, Jiyong hasn’t arrived yet. It’s not as if I didn’t want to see him. It’s just that we got into some sort of a fight regarding my going out with Won Bin that’s why I wasn’t so keen on seeing him that night.

I made sure that our stay at NB wasn’t that long and so after chatting a few minutes with the group, Won Bin and I bade good-bye to them.

The date was just like our first one. Well, not really. The first one was better considering that I was able to meet Song Joongki. Anyway, I really think that Won Bin is a nice guy. Cause if he wasn’t I wouldn’t go out with him again.

“So where are you taking me this time?” I asked Won Bin as I settled myself inside his BMW. I was wondering why he had asked me to dress casually for tonight. And so I did. I wore my beige Capri pants and a yellow baby tee.

“Hmmm. I’m taking you somewhere fun.. I heard him say.

“Yeah? Like where fun?” I asked.

“Like the theme park fun.” He answered with a smile.

I felt my smile break from my lips as I heard that we were going to the amusement park.

“Gawd! I haven’t been to the amusement park or such a while now!” I excitedly said.

“I’m glad that you like the idea.” He said as he drove through town and headed to where the amusement park was.

I honestly was having fun with Won Bin that night. We hopped on from one ride to another. As expected people began to recognize him and at one point we had to stop for him to give in to his fan’s request for an autograph. It was ok. I really didn’t mind. I guess he was more worried about me not ok with it. But I assured him that it wasn’t much of a bother since I know that it’s his job.

So far that was the best date I had with him.

Just before midnight, Won Bin received a call from his agent.

“Ummm, Dara, I hate to cut our time here short but I really need to get back in the city. My agent wants to have a word with me.” Won Bin told me.

“Sure that’s okay.”  I said.

“But I’m still not taking you home, okay?” He said.

“What do you mean?”

“I won’t be long talking to my agent. Then we can grab something to eat or if you want we can have coffee again.” He said.

“That’s fine with me.”

Once we were inside Won Bin’s agent’s penthouse, I started to have this uneasy feeling. Won Bin introduced me to his agent and we exchanged a few words (of utterly non-sense). Then I decided to excuse myself and asked if I can use the bathroom to freshen myself up a little.

I stayed inside the bathroom for more than 10 minutes before deciding to come out. As I walking back towards the living room, I heard Won Bin arguing with his agent.

“Are you that serious with this girl huh, Won Bin?” His agent asked.

“I really like her, Thomas.” Won Bin answered.

“Fine, you like her. But what about your career? Your fans?”

“What about it? What about my fans?” Won Bin asked confusedly.

“You’re beginning to spend so much time with her. And less with your work. Look, we’re behind schedule already for your album.” Thomas, his agent stated.

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“You better keep your priorities straight now, Won Bin. I’m warning you. You can’t do this to yourself. You’ve already invested so much on your career.”

“It’s not as if Dara and I are marrying soon, Thomas.” Won Bin replied.

“I wasn’t saying anything like such.”

“But you sounded like such. I really like Dara. And I intend to keep on seeing her.” Won Bin said.

I was shocked with what I was hearing. I didn’t know that Won Bin like me that much. Well, I like him too but, not as much. I suddenly felt the need to get out and not hear anymore but I was left without any other choice than to stay where I was.

“Whatever, Won Bin. I’ll give you enough time to be with this girl then you have to promise me that you have to let go. You can still stay friends with her. But please don’t go into a relationship with her or with anybody yet.” Thomas warned Won Bin.

I guess what I heard that night was enough for me to surmise everything that was going on between Won Bin and me. I knew that everything was too good to be true. Although I was really flattered that he really liked me. I’m just relieved though that I really didn’t have special feelings towards him. I was actually trying to picture myself as his girl friend but alas, I just couldn’t see myself parading in front of the camera as his better half.

I thought that after our third date, I would be seeing and hearing less from Won Bin but to my surprise, he was still very much visible. He’d call me every now and then just to say hi. It’s as if his agent’s warning didn’t happen.

End of FB


“Dara?” I was surprised to receive a call from her after a week if not talking to her.

“Ummmm, You busy?” She asked.

“Not really. How are you?” I was dying to know how she has been the past week.

“Fine. And you?”

“Ummm. Okay.” I answered.

“Dara ah, mian.” I told her after a second or two of silence.

“I’m sorry too.” She said softly.

“I’m really the one at fault here. You have nothing to say sorry about.” I told her.

“Oh but I do. I’m sorry. I know that you were just concerned about me.”

“You bet I am. I was just.

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Chapter 18: ❤️???
Unixai21 #2
Chapter 18: Ohh good story.. I love it.. Thank you authornim
airan07 #3
Chapter 18: This is super cute :)
Chapter 18: Happy Ending.. i love it from start to finish tho some of scenes frustrated me. :))

Thanks authornim.
Chapter 17: I love this chapter.

Omg.. this is the biggest yet one of the sweetest proposal that ive read.. i just love it. <333
Chapter 16: That's a good plan Ji but i hope it wont backfire vod she's hurting.
Chapter 15: What the F Ji? How dare you bring some gurl after what happened?
Chapter 14: kyaaaaa~~~~ they finally kissed after so many months. :)))

I have a feeling that Dara won't be able to remember what happened that night and Jiyong won't tell her that he already knows.
Chapter 13: I'm not against again with what happened but i felt bad for Ji, i felt like she's playing with him.
Chapter 12: How embarrassing is that? I have a good laugh because of that