Bittersweets 3 months.

The Beast.

Your POV :

Since the day he regain his conscious, Chanyeol will bring me wherever he goes. We already went back to our apartment when Mr. Junsu seems not care to bother us anymore. 

My watched shows 18:00 KST. We are still on the hill that showing his house. He keep staring at his house. 

" Don't you want to go in there and meet your family. Tomorrow is the last day isn't it ? " I asked him. Yes. The day of my nightmare have finally come. By 00:00 KST tomorrow, he will turned back to a wolf and live in the forest again. A bitterness that I have to accept. He will disperse away like a sweet dream of a sleeping beauty. He smiled wide. I know it is faked. He just don't want to show it.

" I can't. How can I explained what happened to me to my family. " I let out a sigh when he said that.

" Why don't you tell them about Mr. Junsu ? " I said.

" No. I don't have a prove. Even if it is true about he kidnapping me and murder attempt, I just don't have the prove. " I nodded agree at his words. I stared at the grasses and few minutes later, he suddenly mumbles.

" Wait a minute. Noona..... " I looked at him before asking.

" What's wrong ?" I looked back at his noona. I saw her get in a car with a man but one thing for sure it is not Mr. Junsu or their father. Weird thing is never at once I saw she using other's car. Even going to work, she will use her own car.

" Noona never use anyone's car even when she's dating she will drive herself. " he said before standing up and pull me along.

" Where are we going ? " I asked. 

" Baekhyun's house. I need to borrow his car and follow that car. That is Uncle's car but the man who pick her is unfamiliar. " he said. I just nodded and followed him. 

We reached Baekhyun's house one hour and a half later. 

" Here is the key. You sure you want to do this dude ? Tomorrow is your last day isn't it ? " Baekhyun asked.

" Yes. This the least thing I could do for my family. The target is me, Baek" Chanyeol answered. They hug each other for the last time. I feel a sadness fills me out of sudden.

" I'll passed the key to Nara. " he said and bid goodbye to Baekhyun. Baekhyun can't follow because his parents are around. It will be harder if they know Chanyeol still alive.


He driving all night around the Seoul to find the car. Chanyeol said, he recognized the car. When clock strike 1:00 KST, Chanyeol drove to his house. He peek around the house.

" I can't say she's at home now. " he said.

" Her room, the curtain didn't cover her window. She only did that when she's awake. Even if she's asleep at this hour she must cover her window. " he explained. I just nodded. 

We wait until the dawn. I fall asleep and awake when I feel the car is moving. I rubbed my eyes.

" Where are we going ? " I asked.

" His house. " I persumed Mr. Junsu. By the way he looks seems like he didn't sleep the whole night. I remained silent until we reached his house. I look around and spot the car we saw from yesterday. We just stay silent until Mr. Junsu leave the house at 8.00 a.m. 

Chanyeol's look around before ordered me to follow him. He reached Mr.Junsu gate and opened it easily while muttering 'Idiot' word. I followed him wandering around the house before finally he said.

" She's not here. "

" How did you know ? " I asked.

" It is simple. Her shoes are not here. The car also sent safely. I mean, if there's some struggle, the car won't be parked that easy." he explained. 

" Noona would be screaming for help too but the house seems silent. Let just follow him. I bet he is at the office." he said.

He was right. Mr Junsu is at the office. But by the lunch time , we saw him driving away from the office and we followed him. He was going to his home. We waited outside again. It was useless when he came out again and drive to the office. 

I bite my lips when I saw the clock shows 10 minutes before 18:00 KST.

" Chanyeol ah " I called. 

" Yes ? " He didn't look at me but he pay attention on what I said.

" I'm sorry for these 3 months if I did anything wrongs to you." I said.

" You did nothing wrong to me and it should be me who said that. I'm sorry. "  he finally turn his head to me before turning back to the car he was staring at.

" I-- I.. " I was about to confess my feeling but he cut me off.

" He's there. " I saw Mr.Junsu driving away again and Chanyeol start to follow his car.

We followed him. He picked up yesterday's man from I guess that man house and drive to his house. When both of them get in the house, Chanyeol mumbles.

" Damn it. Noona is in the house. No wonder his maids didn't come ! " he sounded frustrated. I peeked at my watch and it shows 19:00 KST.

" We have to come out with a plan. Do you have any ?  " I asked him.

" Let just watch from outside like this morning. " I nodded at his order and I followed him get down from the car. We have to climb up from the side fence to avoid being caugh. Chanyeol lift me so I can climb the fence easily. We passed the fence and sneek in towards the window. 

" Yura seems agree to her Dad. She looks like she's going to take the position. She's another scumbag." Mr. Junsu said. What scumbug. That is him. Dumb.

" Well, dad. That's not the way. She's so harmless. " the other man said. Dad ? I looked at Chanyeol and he looked at me confused as well. Chanyeol told me his uncle is not married. So, what is this ?

" Harmless you said. Yura and Chanyeol will owned the company . While you, son. Got nothing." he said again. We keep silent and listening to their convo.

" It will be easier if I just marry Yura when we were lovers. But you said Chanyeol will owned the company not her. You asked me to break up with her because you said it was useless. I loved her, Dad. " that guy explained. 

" Could it be,  Yongguk hyung ? " Chanyeol suddenly said before peek through window and sit back again.

" It is him. " he muttered." The fact that he is Uncle's son is still confusing. " he continued while clenching his fist.

" Love bring nothing if you can't owned her property. Don't be stupid. " Mr. Junsu continued.

" That's why you left Mom and me because of the wealth that you eager of. " he said and a sound like a slap was heard. 

" Shut up. You just as useless as your Mom. Go upstair ! Take your eye on her ! The one that you love so much ! " that was the last thing we could hear. 

" He is alone. Now ! " Chanyeol said before he rushed in the house with me behind him.

" Surprise, uncle " he greeted his shocked uncle and punch the older face making him falls on the floor. The older place a smirk on his face gaining another punch from his nephew. Chanyeol was out of control when he keep punching his uncle.

" I warned you didn't I ? I did give you another chance because you are my uncle. But what did you do you scumbag !!!! " he screamed and give one last hard punch on the uncle's face. I backhugged him and pull him away from the older before Chanyeol act worst than this.

Mr. Junsu looks half alive with his eyes almost closed. Chanyeol must be that angry that causing him to punch the older like that. Sound of footsteps were heard from the stairs. Yongguk's and Yura's figures appeared before us. 

" Chanyeol ! " Yura's eyes were widen and her hands covered at the sight of her brother. Chanyeol was shocked and pulled my hand about to leave the house.

" Chanyeol wait ! " Yura was chasing and pull his other hand.

" I know it is you ! Noona always saw you at the hill. I know it is you ! I know you are alive ! " Yura unnie was about to cry. Chanyeol turned his body to his sister and hugged her.

" I'm sorry noona. There's something that I can't explain. I can't comeback meeting you , dad and mom. It is hard for me. " Chanyeol explained. Yura's face was drenched in tears. Without I realized, my tears was flowing down. Yongguk there just stay silent and watched the scene.

" I got to go. Tells dad and mom , i miss them and i love them. Take care of the company too, noona." he said and pulled my hand again before stop in front Yongguk.

" I didn't know we are cousins." he told Yongguk. Yongguk was just smile. There's guiltiness in his expression.

" Take care of noona, hyung. I trust you. " he said patting Yongguk's shoulder and we went out to the car. 


The journey takes longer than usual. It was 23:45 KST when we reached our apartment. Chanyeol park the car on the side of the road where the first time I met him.

" Remember this place ? Under the light ? Where we first met ? " he started the conversation. I just nodded biting my lips preventing the tears that about to fall.

" 3 months had passed. " he chuckled." That was so fast. Meeting you is out of the plan. I request on being a human to take my revenge. Now that I fulfilled my intention. I think it is the end" I can sense his fake smile again. Maybe, that is the last smile I would see.

" You will permanently changed into a wolf ? " I asked finally after gathered all my courage.

" Yes, when the old man pick me up here and took my ring. I'm no longer this handsome. " he joked. I can't help it but to laugh. It is a sincere laugh after all of his jokes were annoying to me.

" Who is this old man by the way ? " I asked again.

" He's like a guardian to me. He take a good care of me for the whole passed 6 months and after this maybe. He isn't a wolf but I can tell he is taking care of the werewolf " He explained and I nodded. 

" Anyway, last question. Why did you called me chicken girl ? Why chicken ? " he laughed at my question before anwered.

" You are noisy like the chicken that I ate when I was a wolf. For the first time, I hate to eat them because of their noise. But, when I know how to keep them silent, I feels like eating more. " he looked at me. It was a creepy explanation but I laughed as I know he is joking. I looked at my watch. 5 minutes before midnight.

" Well I guess, it is about the time." he nodded and we both get down from the car. I watched him walk to the dim area. He turned his back facing me. 

" Kim Nara. For the passed, 3 months that we've been together. I liked you, I loved you and I'll be missing you." he confessed and turn backfacing me. My eyes widen and my heartbeat went wild again. I was shocked with the sudden confession.

" Chanyeol ah. " I called and run to him. He turned back to face me. I can't help but to kiss him. He kissed me back. The kiss was a sweet one but last longer than I planned. I pulled back and looked down.

" I love you and I'll be missing you too, my werewolf. " I said. He smiled and stand there. A very light bright suddenly shined on him and he lost from my sight.

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Chapter 17: The story is short but cute. But her reaction when she first time met Chanyeol is too calm.. I mean in this kind of situation normally people will freak out but she didn't. That was a little odd. But still I like this story.. Thank you for this beautiful story..
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 3: Lol her reaction is too calm Xd
miakay #3
Chapter 17: i love it!! >.<
Chapter 17: Omygawd I cried!
And it's the last chapter!
Omg! This story is the best Author-nim! ㅠㅠ
You should write a sequel!
I want Nara to meet the other members of EXO too!
이 이야기는 최고입니다! >□<
maechille123 #5
Whhhha i thought it would be a
By the way
Author -nim please make a sequel PLEASE
And i like your pair couple
anakmalek #6
Chapter 17: Ahhh a sequel of them happily married and have kids running around pls! Ahhh i cried reading this fanfic. Its too beautiful. ><
Chapter 17: sequel pweeeeease *buing buing*
Chapter 17: Really pretty story :] I enjoyed reading this while studying.
I'm surprised, that there are only few comments, you definitely deserve more!!
I couldn't find nice Chanyeol fanfiction for really long time, so your story was like little present to me :]
It would be nice, if there was a sequel, just a one shot or bonus chapter would be awesome, but it's up to you.
Hwaiting on your other stories author-nim ❤