Chapter Twelve

Prince of the Underworld

Junmyeon had known Kris for about three years. When Kris first arrived at the camp, he looked rough and hardened, but most demi-gods who had to survive out there did. Kris was quiet at first, but eager to embrace the camp lifestyle. Within weeks, those hardened eyes softened and he began to smile and laugh with other campers. It wasn’t long before Kris had found his place among Junmyeon’s little family. Over time, pieces of who Kris was started to fall into place as he opened up, but Junmyeon had always sensed that a very large piece of Kris’s puzzle was missing. He never asked because there was never really anything to base it on except for a feeling.


When Kris brought them to a community center and told them to stay there until he got back, Junmyeon argued against him going alone. When Kris pulled him to the side, Junmyeon was sure Kris was going to let him in on his plan, but instead Kris told him to stop wasting time and focus on keeping Sanchez and Markus from doing anything stupid. Junmyeon had never heard Kris use that harsh tone of voice or have such a guarded look in his eyes. It was nothing like the Kris he knew. It made Junmyeon think that Kris’s missing puzzle piece was larger than he had thought.


Markus paced impatiently as he fiddled with various nuts and bolts he found in his jean pockets. Aria Sanchez sat at a table where she was writing on some loose paper she found on the information counter. The community center lobby was pretty much deserted except for an elderly man sleeping on a couch on the other side of the room. Occasionally, the girl who worked at the information counter would appear, only to disappear minutes later.


For the fifth time in two minutes, Junmyeon checked the old clock hanging on the wall and sighed. After they woke up, they had wandered around deeper into the city until they came to the community center. It had been a bit after 1:00 PM by then, so that meant Kris had been gone almost five hours. When the clock’s hands’ lined up to read 6:00 PM, Markus let out a groan and plopped down on a chair. The noise startled Aria and she finally looked up from what she was writing.


“What time is it?” Aria asked as she looked out the window. The sky was darkening as it introduced the evening.

“6:00,” Junmyeon sighed, following Aria’s gaze out the window.

Markus clapped his hands together, drawing the other two’s attention. “Well, I’m just gonna say it. He ditched us.”

“Markus,” Aria said warningly.

“Look,” Markus held his hand up to as if to block Aria’s warning, “I don’t know why he would do it. Maybe he figured if Luhan could go out on his own, he could too. Maybe he knows something we don’t and he thinks we’ll just slow him down, I don’t know, but I do know that he’s been gone, what, like five hours? He didn’t even say where he was going or what he was planning to do. All I’m saying is that it doesn’t look too good. I’m tired of waiting, I’m hungry, I just want to do something to help our situation instead of sitting around like a useless idiot.”

Aria looked at Junmyeon worried Markus had said too much, but Junmyeon just stared at the clock for a moment before, in a quiet voice, he said, “He’ll come back. We just have to trust him.”


Markus looked at Aria, who nodded her head in agreement with Junmyeon. Markus grumbled but sat back down without a fight. Aria looked back at Junmyeon. She had her doubts about Kris even if he saved her life, but it was Junmyeon that she trusted. She couldn’t exactly explain why, but she felt that Junmyeon would always do what’s best for those around him. Maybe it was in part because of his mother, the Goddess Hestia that Junmyeon always felt he needed to create a feeling of family and home. It came naturally to him and he even considered it a gift. Aria thought that maybe it was because the way she and Markus felt so at home with two people who were practically strangers on a personal level was amazing. Somehow she knew it was Junmyeon doing it.


Junmyeon considered his ability to appear calm and confident in most situations one of his better features, but it did take a considerable amount of effort to keep up. He didn’t know what he should be more worried about. He was afraid something had happened to Kris and he was lying injured in a ditch, but he was also afraid that Kris had gotten lost and wouldn’t make it back in time before they were forced to leave the community center, and then they would be separated. And of course, there was that creeping doubt that maybe Markus was right and that Kris had abandoned them, but Junmyeon really didn’t want to go there. He definitely didn’t want to think about what he’d have to do if Kris didn’t come back, how he would keep them safe, or where they would even go.


Deciding he needed to distract himself, Junmyeon got up and pulled up a chair next to Aria.

“What’ve you been writing?” he asked.

Aria finished scribbling out a sentence before she answered. “I’m writing down everything about what happened, so that later I won't forget any details that might be important in the future, like approximate time the demons appear, who died and where who ran in case we might find them again.” She shrugged and tapped her pen on the table. “I think I’m finished now though, but I’ll keep the paper and pen in case I remember something or need to add something.”

Junmyeon nodded. “That’s smart, and it’ll help document the events that happened. Should I write down what happened before we ran into you guys?”

“Yeah,” Aria nodded and then paused, flipping back to the first page. After she glanced over it, she said, “Yeah, and actually you guys, you, Kris, and Luhan, knew about the demons basically as soon as they attacked. It even seems like you guys knew before the demons attacked. You guys seemed about halfway to us when the demons started pouring from the portal, but that would mean you would have had to start running before the demons came in through the portal. Theoretically, if the demons started coming through the portal while you were all still in the north woods, it seems that you would have been cut off by incoming demons…”


Junmyeon hadn’t really thought about the details, but as he rifled back through his memories he realized that Aria’s theory was right. They had been at the edge of the woods but the distance was still large enough that the demons should have cut them off by the time they were halfway to the edge of the west woods. He tried to remember if he saw any demons as they were exiting the woods, but he only remembers seeing them later when he glanced behind him.


“I didn’t mean to insinuate anything, Junmyeon, I was just thinking out loud,” Aria said cautiously, worried that he hadn’t responded.

“Oh no! No, I wasn’t thinking anything like that,” Junmyeon said hurriedly, “I was just trying to remember and from what I can remember you’re right. It should’ve been impossible for us to cut across to the west woods without getting cut off by demons, but somehow we did.”

Aria’s brow creased in thought. “How did you know the demons were coming? Did you see them or..?”

Junmyeon shook his head. “No, we didn’t see them until you did. Kris is the one who knew. He said…I think he said he could smell them.”

Aria nodded. “Well, I suppose that makes sense. Assuming the demons came from some sort of portal, it’s possible that their presence could be sensed before they actually appear, like a ripple in the atmosphere or a tear where time and space are stretched especially thin. But even then, his senses must really be something.”

Junmyeon hummed in agreement, but he knew that Kris didn’t just happen to have an amazing sense of smell. There was definitely more to that. He wondered if he’d ever find out. 


As the three heard the community center’s doors open and close they turned to see a young girl making her way over to them. She looked deceitfully cheerful but non-threatening. She smiled as she made her to Junmyeon and quickly leaned in to whisper in his ear.

Kris says he’s waiting outside. Down the alley on your left when you exit.”

It took Junmyeon a moment to process what happened and by the time he did, the girl was gone.

“Junmyeon?” Markus questioned, “What was that?”

Junmyeon stood. “Let’s go.”

Aria and Markus gathered themselves and followed Junmyeon, giving each other confused looks.

“He came back?” Aria whispered to Junmyeon. He says nothing but turns and nods with a smile on his face.


Junmyeon had to admit that he was relieved. The whole situation was strange and even though it could be a trap, something told Junmyeon that it was really Kris. Turning the corner down the alley met him with another wave of relief as his eyes connected with Kris’s. Kris gave him a nod before motioning them to follow him through a metal door.


The four walked in silence down a dimly lit hallway that led down a set of stairs, which led to another hallway that branched into three separate hallways. Junmyeon, Aria, and Markus were confused but couldn’t bring themselves to speak. Instead, they continued to follow Kris down the hallway to their right, which seemed to have a slight curve. Finally, they went through a door and into a room, which actually just had more doors. Despite that, Kris immediately walked up to the third door on their left, pulled out a key, and opened it, gesturing for them to go through. They walked into another room that’s completely empty, save for what looked to be elevator doors in the middle of the far wall.


Markus finally let out a frustrated sigh. “Okay, I’m just gonna say it. I mean I’m all up for a good mystery but this is way too much. What in the hell is all this?”

To everyone’s surprise, Kris cracked a smile like they had finally caught on to his joke. “I was seriously wondering who was going to crack first. Anyway, we’re almost there. I’ll explain everything then.” He took out three gold coins and put them in the slot above the panel of numbers before pressing the number 36. A light above the elevator dinged on and the doors opened.


They stepped through the doors and into an alleyway. Not the same alleyway next to the community center, but an entirely different alleyway in the metropolis of a city. It was not the same city they were in before, but they didn’t have time to wonder as they were ushered inside a sleek black car with tinted windows and car seats that faced each other.

After a moment, Junmyeon spoke up. “Um, is now maybe the time you explain?”

The three of them looked at Kris expectantly, but he just shook his head and said, “No time,” and with that, the car stopped and they were being ushered inside what seemed to be a very large house.


Kris led them up to the second floor and to a small hallway. “These,” he said, gesturing to the three doors, one on the left, one on the right and one at the end of the hall, “will be your bedrooms. Each has its own bathroom and stuff prepared for you guys to showers and clean up.”

“Kris, I still don’t understand,” Junmyeon said.

Kris nodded. “I know and I’m sorry but I can’t explain everything right now, but I promise I will. When you guys are finished you can come to the lounge. Someone will be waiting to take you there,” he sighed, “I have to go, but I promise you’ll be safe here. I’ll explain everything as soon as I can.”

Junmyeon, Aria, and Markus stood in the little hallway unsure about pretty much everything.


“Oh,” Aria drew the boys’ attention; “It has my name on it.” She pointed out a small plaque hung from the doorknob of the door on the right in which her name was inscribed.

“I guess that’s your room then,” Markus said. Even he was unsure of how to feel about everything that had happened. He looked to the door on the left. His name was inscribed on the plaque. “And this is mine, so I guess that one is yours, Junmyeon.”

There was a sad look in his eyes as he nodded his head. “Yeah, I guess so. We better get cleaned up and down to the lounge.”


Junmyeon could almost believe he’d been in a very long dream, but the reality was all around him. He was beginning to think that the Kris he knew was never Kris at all. The more he learned about Kris, the more it seemed like what was missing wasn’t a piece, but it was the whole puzzle. He felt conflicted because Kris was family, but how could a stranger be family?


A person in all black was waiting for them at the end of the hallway. They said nothing but gave a slight bow and began walking. The three demi-gods followed the person equally silent, but when they entered the lounge they couldn’t hold back their gasps. That was definitely not the Kris they knew. That Kris wore his hair styled and gelled back, he was sharp and stoic, undeniably impressive standing tall in a fitted, 3-piece, white suit with matching dress shoes. His blazer was off, collar ed, and sleeves rolled up but it somehow made him look even more refined.


“My, isn’t he just gorgeous,” a lulling voice said from behind them. The three broke apart and turned to see a stunningly beautiful woman. Small details told her age, her experience, but she moved swiftly past them with outstretched arms. She had a powerful frame and presence aided by the bold red of her fitted dress. Aria thought she looked like a modern-day queen or duchess.

Kris smiled warmly as he strode towards her. “Mama, I’ve missed you,” he said as they embraced.

As they pulled back, Mama rested a hand on his cheek. “I’ve missed my boy, my sweet Yifan.”


“Brother!” yet another voice bellowed out, interrupting the tender reunion.

At the voice, Kris’s eyes lit up. “Brother!” he called back, taking swift steps once Mama parted with him and into the arms of his older brother.

“Look at you! You’ve grown so much!” the brother exclaimed, as he looked Kris up and down.

“You look good too, Hanyu,” Kris said. He held onto his brother for just a moment longer before parting and bringing the attention to the three demi-gods standing at the edge of the room. “Mama, Hanyu, these are my friends, the ones that I managed to escape with anyway. The camp was compromised by demons. I doubt there’s anything left. You said I always had a home here, so here I am. I hope that my friends are just as welcomed.”


“Of course they are,” Mama said with a warm smile.

Hanyu nods. “And we’ve talked it over with the family. We’re willing to help the rest of the demi-gods as well, get the camp back, and just do what we can, those of us who are able.”

“W-Who are you people?” Markus couldn’t help his outburst; he was just so confused. “What is this place?”

Markus!” Aria gasped. Her eyes flickered to the people around her warily. She had a feeling that these people were dangerous. Even Kris looked like he was unsure what was going to happen next.


Mama calmly held a hand up as though to cease Aria’s mild panic. “It’s quite alright,” she said with a warm smile, “I understand how confusing this must all be. Come, take a seat. I’m sure you’d like to hear from Yifan, or as you know him, Kris. He will explain everything he knows, but there are things he does not know,” she gently placed a hand on Kris’s arm, “Your brother and I think it’s time for you to know everything.”


Junmyeon, Aria, and Markus took a seat on the small couch opposite of Kris and Hanyu. Mama sat in a plush chair in between the ends of both couches and gestured for Kris to begin his story. Kris leaned forward, elbows rested on knees and gazed into the decorative crystal centered on the coffee table. He started from the beginning, recalling his memories as though they were playing out for him within the colorful crystal. Details were bypassed about his early life giving only enough information to let them know what life was like for him, how life had always been for him. He told them how his parents had died and his brother had the sight, how all he’d known was survival and demons. It was all they needed to know in order to understand Kris’s behavior and actions since the attack.


When it came to the part where Mama took them in, Kris more or less glazed over that part of the timeline and jumped right into the day that Hanyu had come home to tell Kris that he was a demi-god and that he was going to a camp that specialized in taking care of kids like him. “And well, you guys pretty much know the rest,” Kris concluded.

The three demi-gods took a moment to process everything they had been told. Junmyeon especially was shocked about Kris’s childhood and was doing his best to not get emotional, but just thinking about what Kris went through, how scared and alone he must have felt, and never being able to share it with the people he was supposed to consider friends, who Junmyeon considered family, deeply saddened him.


“That’s real heavy, man,” Markus said. He felt guilty about his attitude towards Kris, even if there was no way he could’ve guessed how hard the past couple of days had been for Kris. “Sorry, you know, about how I’ve been. This must’ve been really ty for you.”

Kris didn’t respond; his face remained stoic. Hanyu placed a hand of comfort on Kris’s shoulder. “A little less ty than it used to be, though,” Hanyu said, “because now we have a home to go back to. We have a family that’s got our backs.”

Kris nodded in agreement and looked over to Mama, who smiled and held out a hand for him to take. He kissed the top of her hand gently and said, “A family is forever.”

Mama nodded. “That’s right my darling. Even though such tragic events have brought you here, I’m so glad that you’re home,” she spared a glance at Hanyu before continuing. “Things here have been…not as good as they should be. We need you, Yifan, but we didn’t want to take you from the camp. It must be fate that you’re here now.”


For some reason, a shiver went down Junmyeon’s spine. Something about the woman just didn’t sit right with him. He felt she was somehow dangerous.







yall, this story keeps getting more complex

wot am i doin

idk but i hope you enjoyed it

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tymypv #1
Chapter 15: Why I read it .... I hate myself bc is not finish and I NEEED TO KNOW im in love and it's not even close to the point that I can't speculate and goes a long shot but please FINISH IT
Chapter 15: I'm so t HiR sTY fO R mOrE jUiCY cO nTENt gO Sh
Chapter 5: I'm literally rereading this and I wish it had more chapters cause this suspense is killing me!! Yifan's family is so suspicious...

i wish that Kyungsoo's group would end up in LA where he take them to his apartment and show his group his awesome outsider skills, that they don't have from staying in the camp for so long! (and like Hades just pops in sometimes to talk to Kyungsoo (me dreaming)...) he can prove to be so useful outside

Wishful hoping
Update soon please!!
Do_Dyo88 #5
Chapter 15: Omg yes!! My hope is not dead yet! Thank you for updating~ i really like this story even if it becomes more and more complex.

Also... I don't have a good feeling about "Mama" either.
Do_Dyo88 #6
This is one of the best stories I've ever read. I really like the change from all rainbows to the dullness and sorrowness. I mean you can still feel the joy but is like a mask. The drama in this feels so real, nothing is easy, even if this story it's fantasy they don't just saved themselves beacause they're demi-gods, most of all you can see the human in them, the powerlessness that follows them. And yet there's always a solution somehow. And a little help.
I hope you'll continue writing this, it would be a shame not to finish this great work. Thank you~
Have a nice day/evening ~
Chapter 14: Kyungsoo yaaaaaaah
Sjt191441 #8
This is so good I can't wait for more!
lilymelody #10
Chapter 14: squeals/ Yayyyy I am just so happy bcs it keeps getting interesting and I just love it ! hehehhe keep up the good work and thanks for the update.