Our past

I'm Giving Up
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14 years ago....


“Mommy, Daddy I met my soul mate today.” Those were Myungsoo’s first words to his Parents as soon as he stepped inside their House.


His Parents stared at him oddly, not knowing what to say.


“Really baby? Then mind telling me and your Daddy who’s the lucky girl?” His Mom asked.


“It was Sandara Park Mommy!!!” Myungsoo said as he was jumping all around.


“Wow I didn’t know my baby boy have a very unique taste when it comes to a girl.” His Dad said.


“But Mommy I think Wu Yi Fan hyung also like her. I saw him approaching her earlier tonight and—and he even ki—kiss her forehead.” Myungsoo said with disappointment on his voice.


“But Honey how sure you are, that it’s your cousin Yi Fan?”


“Mom I saw Yi Fan hyung give his locket on her.”




“Mom. Can I ask you a favour?”


“Anything’ darling anything.”


“Can you make Yi Fan hyung leave for Canada as soon as possible.” Myungsoo said making his parents gaps in shock.


“Baby I think you’re taking this too far, we just can’t tell his parent to leave, besides their here for vacation, to spent time with you, Don’t you like it?”


“I don’t... I want Yi fan Hyung to leave. Mommy I want him to stay away from her.”


His Mom shook her head feeling defeated with her son greediness. She let out a very deep sigh before talking to a kid in front of her.


“Ok I’ll try to talk to your aunt tomorrow.”


“Thanks Mommy you are the best.” Little Myungsoo make his way straight to his room giggling


“Hon! You can’t be serious, I mean your sister is not that easy to talk to, what’s more to convince her to move out of the country.” Her husband uttered.


“I don’t know. I just – can’t say NO to our son.”


“But you’re spoiling him too much, If he really liked that girl he should do it on his own, not with you helping him. Make him responsible enough to make his own decision.”

“I know.. but what else am I supposed to do he’s just a kid.”


“He needs to prioritize what he wants. We are not always with him to guide or help him. He need to think of it. And one more thing, don’t you go and tell your sister to leave.”


“Then I have no choice but to call the Parks, I guess its fine having a dinner at our house. What do you think?”


“I like the sound of that more than telling others to leave.”


The next day Myungsoo’s Mom arranged a meeting with Sandara’s family. Since both family are business related it’s not that hard to contact them.


The evening came. Myungsoo and his parent were now waiting for the others to arrived, After 10 minutes of waiting they finally came.


“Mommy look there she is, She is really beautiful isn’t she Mommy.” Myungsoo told his mom.


“Yes dear, I can see it. You have one good eye.” His mom stood up waiting for their company. “Baby behave ok, Just don’t talk too much, and you’ll be fine.”


Myungsoo only nodded his head not breaking his stare with the little Sandara who’s now walking to their direction.  With every steps Sandara made it makes Myungsoo more and more nervous, dropping his head down playing with fingers and momentarily biting his lips.




A girl voice interrupted Myungsoo’s thought.


“She looked more beautiful from a far but she looks like a GODDESS when you’re in front of her. Her round circle eyes, her prominent nose, her rosy cheeks and her lovely lips.” Myungsoo’s thought..


“Uh—um—H—Hi” Myungsoo answered shuttering.


“Don’t worry I won’t bite you. I’m Sandara and you are?”


“I’m Myungsoo.”


“Nice to meet you Myungsoo, Looks like our Parents are talking about business.”


Myungsoo looked at his parents, And she’s right both of their parents look like occupied for the mean time.


“I guess you’re right, They look busy.”

“This is one of the reason why I hate coming with them. They always let me stay in one place.”


Myungsoo feel the same way she is feeling right now. Exactly what will a two 7 year old kid will do. Myungsoo then turned and start to scan the whole place hoping that he will find something they can play with. Luckily he found a small playground at the edge of that room.


“Then wanna come with me and play.” Myungsoo offered his right hand on her.

“But my Mom and Dad.. They won’t let me.” Sandara said disappointed. She really wants to play with him.


“Wait for me here..”


“Uhh?? Wait---??” Sandara called but it was too late Myungsoo is now standing beside’s her parents chair.


“Uhmm Hi Good evening Sir!” Myungsoo said in a manner tone.


“Ohh What a well mannered boy you got here Mrs. Kim.” Mrs. Park said.


“Oh thank you Mrs. Park.” Mrs. Kim said


“What is it boy.?” Mr Park asked.


“Um Sir I was just wondering if maybe I can play with Sandara over there,” Myungsoo said pointing the small playground.


“Sandara’s parents looked at each other and smile. “Yes of course my dear. You can go play with her, But not that long she gets easily tired from playing too much.


“Thank you Sir I promised I won’t let her play too much.”


Myungsoo run to where Sandara is. “Come your Dad said it’s ok we can play now.” Said Myungsoo dragging Sandara to the play ground. “Come. Hurry up.”


“But--- but are you sure they said yes?” She’s looking back and front with Myungsoo and her Dad. When her Dad nodded his head she smile and let Myungsoo lead the way.


“Here, we can finally enjoy right.” Myungsoo exclaimed sitting at one of the swings. “Come here Sandara have a seat,” He waved his hand up and down to her.


“You can call me Dara, Sandara is too long..” She smiled at him.


“Ok Dara.” Myungsoo can only admire her from where he is. He still hopes that maybe one day or in the future it will be him and her.


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Chapter 28: Why is kyungsoo being possesive? krisdara for end. Figthing. . Is this story will be left like this unfinish? Wish you finish it.
Chapter 28: i re-read this again and i hate her best friend.
Chapter 28: don't make stupid mistakes kyungsoo!
i was rooting for you.
cottonmouth95 #4
Chapter 11: I want kyungsoo-dara
Chapter 28: Let KrisDara sail. Yeah D. O. Is sweet but Kris is toor! And that kiss aaahhhh spazzworthy. Looks like a lot has been getting the second male lead syndrome. But KrisDara ftw!
Chapter 8: omg, this story is so cute, why haven't I notice it before?
I read up to chapter 8 and I thought the kyungdara moment was adorable.
Aww, kyungsoo you should of kiss her on the lips haha xD.
So far, I love their moment, but we'll have to see!
blacksuit #7
Chapter 26: Waahh ! Pls authornim make it darasoo ..
jhazza_min #8
Chapter 26: i know this story is about krisdara but i'm still hoping Dara would choose D.O in the end like the story in memories in bali. the guy may not be perfect and only use the girl at firt but in the end though its late the girl revealed she truly loved the man she didn't intend to love at first. but that's just me, hoping... i saw exo's love me right and the part where D.O hit the high note, i just feel him. but thanks for the hard work authornim <3
channiee27_92 #9
Chapter 26: Why do I feel like something unexpected is about to happen.. I mean Kris ask for a second chance and come to think of dara she might give him a chance.. I don't know I just have this strange guts..