Ch.9- Chilling Before Mission

The Old Times
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Heyooo!!! Reminding you all that this is still a flashback (You are 13 years old here)

Recap: You had just completed your first mission but Matt had to assign a part 2 to your first mission  because the drugs were still at the Four Star's apartment (Four Star is what the murderer is categorized as) Matt had just explained the mission.

- Baekhyun, will can lead the mission with Dru and Sehun will be backup.

- Kai, Chen, Tao, and Kyungsoo are going to Philadelphia ​with Matt to smuggle some guns and bullets in.

Sehun POV 

Damn...She's cooking only because Luhan asked her, too. Why??? So unfair.

At least I get to help. I know I was going to lose in rock paper scissors but I don't mind.

I always carry her up the stairs because of her laziness.  

When I reach the kitchen on the second floor, I set her down and walk to the fridge "What to cook, hmm?" looking inside and finding some vegetables, a whole chicken, and steak.

She was sitting on a chair and as she turned to face me, her hair did the most beautiful flip ever.

She looks past me, into the fridge "Uh...isn't that too little food for all of us? I guess we have to use the pot outside."


(LOL it can be this but like...three pots)

I turn back around and pull out all the steak and the whole chicken "There's only nine pieces of steak... we are going to have to share." 

Dru bites her bottom lip, thinking. "Okay go wash the steak and chicken for me, I'll cut and wash the vegetables and make the rice and some noodles" she finally says, as she take the beef strips out.

I nod and get right to work. Dru's cooking always tastes so good. I know that the reason she doesn't cook much is because of the preparation. She is probably the laziest person alive. There was once when I woke her up around 12pm right on time for lunch that Kyungsoo cooked, but Dru was so lazy that she rolled over and stayed on the bed till 5pm, watching YouTube videos on the iPad. She didn't even eat anything but dinner. 

Holy crap, living with so much people .NO RICE LEFT. We always buy 100 pound of rice and that whole bag is gone in not even two weeks. Guess we're having noodles only.

I rinse the steak and chicken and place it on a plate. Both of us take a few trips in and out of the kitchen to bring the ingredients to the outside kitchen.

Two pots of water were filled and waiting to boil.

Dru opened a huge pot of water and puts the whole chicken in and leaves it to boil again.

"Yo! Give me all the seasoning needed" She tells me. I stand right in front of her and open my arms "Your ingredient is right here"

She hits my chest with her head and turns "You know what I meant haha" 

I go back in, wondering around the kitchen, grabbing random seasonings and bring it back to her. I don't even know what it is.

I watch as she randomly adds some stuff in "Do you even know what you are putting in?..."

She smiles "Nope, but experimenting is always good, now we leave it to marinate for about an hour or so, bring this back in so flies don't  land on it"

"So you don't know what you put on the steak to marinate it? What if it tastes bad?" I ask.

Dru shrugged "It looks fine to me so it should be fine."

I face palmed and carried all the steak back in.

When I came back out, the the other pot of water was boiling so I dropped the huge stack of noodles in.

Dru was sitting on the top of a table. Hah, so lazy.

She was staring at the fire, waiting for the noodles to boil.

I go over to the front of her and hug her. Since she was sitting higher up, my face was in her chest. Dayum she got big s...what am I thinking???

Her arms wrapped around me and I felt her cold fingers on my neck Holy crap that's so soothing I thought as chills ran through my body

We stayed like that for a few minutes and Luhan came out to the balcony "HEYOOO, eat yet?"

"Nmpf" (nope)  I mumble to him, still buried in Dru's chest.

I felt Dru shake her head "Almost, just waiting for noodles to boil and then I'll drop the beef and vegetables in."

Luhan nods "What's the steak for?" 

"Steak is for midnight snack of course hehehe and the I'm making chicken soup" she replied.

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7/25/14 The Old Times-Ch. 26 updated


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Pinkfiniteforever #1
Chapter 26: This story is daebak!
Chapter 5: What are the Luhan gifs in Chapter 5 from?
Chapter 26: good job author-nim . i'll be waiting for your next update :)
Chapter 26: thanx for sneak updating!!!
haesicarocks #5
Chapter 25: finally i can read this amazing book i had a headache and my stmach hurt so i took a day off i might go to my 'work' tomorrow idk but great story had to catch up lol :D
dat_azian_gull #6
Chapter 25: Authornim-ah~ aish jincha, the feels I'm feeling, gull I can't even eshplain! Lolz it's like 4:00 am hur and I'm spuealing like a friggin' pig... Can someone slap me so I'll shutup? 'mkay I'm done... Can't wait for yah next update!!! Luvs yah <3 ^__^
byunblackpearl #7
Chapter 25: thanks for the update authornimmm..sarangaheyo!!!
Chapter 25: Oh my goshhh~ I was screaming because my feels for Dru and Luhan were coming out of me!!!!