Chapter 2

Living with the Enemy

It was all too sudden and confusing it came to a point where I couldn't even engage in my classes I felt like I couldn't believe this was happening,was this all a dream? My classmates would chatter away about their days and weekends but I couldn't comprehend all I would think about was the first day I met him he seemed so...cold.


We were all sat at the dining table, eating and talking all but me and him. He was sat opposite me looking down and eating his meal. Not once did he look at me his silky blonde hair covered his forehead and brows. He was incredibly good looking but his attitude was appalling. It hurt that he didn't want to know me and what it made it worse was this was the guy I'm going to marry. My heart sank and every minute felt like an hour, I couldn't do this I didn't want to spend my life with someone who doesn't care about me. All I thought about was how I'd break it to my family gently. No appa I don't want to do this.

The lessons for today were over and thank God too I needed a little time to myself I cannot believe how this whole arranged marriage could overwhelm my feelings like this I mean I didn't have to right? I'm not being forced or anything right? I just took a deep breath and walked away from the university building towards home. I was looking down as I walked just trying to clear my thoughts when all of a sudden a car honked. I jumped surprised and looked up. I couldn't believe it.

Coming out of his red sports car was a y blonde wearing a white suit and sunglasses that covered half his face. Oh my god, was he new? Does his girlfriend study here? Was I dreaming this? Whoever he was here for was a lucky person. I went from looking up at the good looking blonde to back down again, worrying about my own yellow haired mess. 

"Hey" called out a smooth voice. I ignored it I mean like come on, really? He was probably greeting someone behind me. All of a sudden someone was tugging at my wrist and was gently dragging me along to that red sports car. The man turned and took of his glasses all in one swift movement. It was Sehun! Oh my gosh! I was gobsmacked and speechless.

"Hey" he spoke "Sehun imnida I hope you don't mind me taking you home I just want to get to know you a little bit".

it's likes bees nest got stuck down my throat I probably looked like the biggest arse staring at him like that I quickly nodded and managed to stutter, "y-yeah yeah".

He opened the passenger door of his Porsche I tried to walk calmly over to him hoping I didn't trip but as I was getting inside I hit my head on the roof of the car door with a gentle thump. I refrained from crying aloud and brushed it off he smiled genuinely I smiled back before he could ask anything. He closed the door and got in the drivers seat and zoomed away.

At first it was awkward very awkward I didn't speak and neither did he I was looking down at my hands as I fumbled with them. I wanted to say something but didn't know what. "You're dropping me off home right?" It was better than silence.

He nodded. Then silence again oh God I felt like an idiot it's like I didn't even know how to start a conversation anymore. "Is that it?" He asked, "don't you want to know anything about me I mean we are going to get married soon". I couldn't believe he could say it so casually it's like he was alright with the idea! "You do want to get married to me right?"

I cleared my throat, "it's not that I don't but you're okay with this I mean arranged marriage? In the twenty first century?" No such guy existed like come on who believes in arranged marriage these days.

He laughed gently his eyes turned upright like cute smiley eyes and his cheek bones were apparent. It was an understatement to say he was just good looking. "I didn't agree to it at first but when my father showed a picture of you I changed my mind" he looked at me whilst he was saying this then looked back at the road, "how about you?"

"To be honest it was the same for me too you were handsome at first sight but then later it looked like you didn't want to know me" he laughed again.

"I felt like you didn't want to know me! I didn't understand why you didn't say a word since you saw me, to anyone. I thought it was because you were unhappy because if that's the case I don't want to force you". 

I smiled, "I was just shy mostly I was hoping you'd speak first". 

He stopped the car we were outside my house already, that was so quick!

Sehun turned to look at me, "I don't want us to have an awkward relationship I want to know you before I marry you. We'll have a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship so you don't miss out and in the end I want you to like me for me and get married to because you want to not because you have to". He put his hand on my cheek it was warm and inviting, "in the end I hope you'll love me because I'm already starting to fall for you". 

Because I'm already starting to fall for you...

I didn't know what to say maybe deep down I was falling for him too...

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Elizabethguppy #1
Chapter 5: Plis update authorim jebal ^_^
Chapter 3: wait why luhan call sehun as a "hyung" especially sehun called luhan "little brother"???