Part Eight : Back To Korea

Forget it!!
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“Myungsoo, I don’t think I can do it…”Sunggyu muttered to his best friend

It has been a couple days since the last time they meet each other to find Myungsoo’s mother present and Sunggyu get another day out with the boy and since the day after tomorrow is Myungsoo’s mother birthday the black hair boy has to fly to Korea right away and his parents give him 2 ticket for both of them because Sunggyu always goes to Korea with him… But this year he didn’t think he can make it, remembering about his so called boyfriend

“Oh! Come on,Hyung! My mother misses you!”Myungsoo said

“But, you know what happen to me what will I said to him?”Sunggyu asked

“Just tell him you have a trip to Korea or something!”Myungsoo said


“Come on,Hyung! My mother will be disappointed if you don’t come with me!” Myungsoo pleaded


“Kim Sunggyu! Your parents also coming in case you forget about it…”Myungsoo said

Sunggyu think about it for a while and it was right that his parent also be there, he can’t just absent and didn’t see Myungsoo’s parent

“Fine! I will tell him!”Sunggyu said finally

Myungsoo smiled brightly at that,”Great, I will pick you up on your apartment and we will go to airport together!”

Sunggyu nodded as the answer before unbuckled his seatbelt and step out from the car… He made his way towards his apartment door thinking what will he say to his ‘boyfriend’?

“I am home…”Sunggyu said softly

The black hair boy came out from the kitchen as he smiled brightly at him

“Welcome home, baby… How is your day?”Woohyun asked as he hug the brown hair boy and pecked his forehead gently

“It was okay…”Sunggyu said softly as a pretty pink made it way towards his chubby cheek

After more than a week living with the other black hair boy, Sunggyu can’t help but taking a liking towards the other boy… The boy is charming and such a gentleman even though Sunggyu still find it hard to lie at the other… The other is a great company for him and he enjoy it

“Is there something wrong?”Woohyun asked him

Sunggyu snapped out to reality as he realize himself that he just stare out blankly for a while

“Nothing, it just, Woohyunnie, I need to go into Korea tomorrow…”Sunggyu said softly

A frown made it way towards the boy handsome face as he asked,”Why?”

“Myungsoo’s mother has a birthday party this Saturday and since our family is really close I always come…”Sunggyu says

Woohyun frown just get deeper at the news,”Why do you need to come?”

“Like I said our family just so close… So I need to go and leave you alone here…”Sunggyu says

Woohyun think for a while he already taken a liking to this boy in front of him and he known that the other black hair boy also like this boy… He didn’t want the boy go but he also remember that he had something to do so if Sunggyu gone to Korea that’s mean he didn’t need to find an excuse to the othe

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707 streak #1
re-reading 🥰
Simran20 #2
Chapter 16: Hurray...I am really happy for both of them. Also I am glad that Myungsoo found sungyeol.
Thankyou so much for the beautiful fic author nim. Happy new year, hope 2021 gives you a lot of happiness. Stay healthy. God bless ❤️❤️❤️.
Chapter 15: This is beautiful, thanks for update.
Chapter 15: Awww.. This was cute. Flushed Gyu is adorable. I am glad that they are back together. Excited to read the epilogue.
Simran20 #5
Chapter 15: It's been a while author nim. Glad to see you back.
So happy that sungyu forgive woohyun ❤️.
fanfics_trash #6
Chapter 14: thanks for update
Chapter 14: Myungsoo is supporting Hyun.. That was unexpected. Thanks for the update
Simran20 #8
Chapter 14: Hope sungyu will accept the apology. Didn't expect Myungsoo to support woohyun at all, all thanks to sungyeol😂😂. It's been a long time author nim. Really missed your fics a lot. Hope you are healthy and happy. Be safe. God bless.
Chapter 14: Ohhh
You update it TT
Chapter 13: Sunggyu has amnesia... Okay... Let's see what will happen next. Thanks for the update. Loved this