How To Join and Rules


How to join:

♦Follow @OverIdolRP

♦Change your username into @OR(Idol's name) or @OR_(idol's name)

      EX: @OR_zitao; @ORDonghae

♦Write #OverIdol and your idol's liner on bio

      EX: #OverIdol #86liner

♦Mention us with this registration format:

        "I'm (idol's name) of (group name) as a/an (idol's

          position in the group) #OverIdol" EX: I'm Kris of EXO as a duizhang

         "I'm (idol's name) as a/an (position for actor/

           actress/ulzzang/soloist) #OverIdol" EX: I'm Jang Geun Seuk as an actor #OverIdol

♦Once you mention us you should follow all the members. After we check it, just wait for us to verify you.

Please kindly remember WE HAVE NO BOOKING SYSTEM so if there's people who choose the same idol we will pick the one who mention us first:-)





NO MULTIPLE ACCOUNT. One person one account

♦NO THINGS ON TIMELINE! keep the timeline from THAT. it's okay to , but don't do things on timeline. USE YOUR DM for that, PLEASE KINDLY REMIND THIS.

♦NO /YURI RELATIONSHIP . If you want to do bromance or OTP it's ok, but NO Relationship (please think about the girls heart)

♦NO DRAMA. We will warn you , after the FIRST warning but you still make it until the THIRD warning, SORRY WE WILL KICK YOU OUT IMMEDIATELY.

♦We will do an ACTIVITY CHECK once a month, so PLEASE BE ACTIVE.

♦You CAN FOLLOW people outside the agency, but PLEASE interact with our family too, so no one feel left out. You don't want to feel left out too, right? DO NOT BE arrogant and ignorant.

♦You can have couple after 3days of staying. Before 3days? Please enjoy your single time n__n and as soon as you have dating someone pleasetell us:-)

        Please remember you can't date someone outside the agency.

♦Use ENGLISH as the main language.

♦You MUST inform the admins if you wanna take Hiatus/Semi-hiatus/Deactive.Taking hiatus is max ONE MONTH and semi hiatus is 2 WEEKS

♦Use brackets if you want to talk things non-RP >> () / {} / [] / etc.

♦There will be a  COUNSELOR DAY EVERY SATURDAY. So if you have a problem here, you can tell us on DM. Don't worry your problem or secret will be safe. We will keep it forever. We will try to help you solving your problems!:-)





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