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☆★☆ Homesick ☆★☆


Chen was laughing as the boy’s stepped into their dorm. Tao followed behind closely looking flustered.

“That’s not what I meant!” He cried but Chen continued to laugh. The four older members came in behind them looking humored by the two. “You have to admit they sound similar though.” Tao cried, still trying to defend his use of the wrong Korean word on the ride home. Chen just shook his head as he fell onto the couch and held his stomach laughing. He seemed unnaturally humored by the maknae’s mistake. Tao let himself fall in next to him. Even though Chen liked to pick on him Tao really liked the attention. When Chen looked over at Tao and saw the boy’s upset expression he fought off another round of laughs. Instead, he turned and patted the boy on the shoulder. The gesture must have appeared mocking because Tao flared up again. Before he had a chance to say anything Kris called out to the group.

“Ok guys its lights out. Let try to get some sleep while we still can.” While saying this he made his way to the two boys and grabbed Tao by the wrist. The maknae looked at the leader with a protest in his face but he didn’t voice it. Instead he let himself be led from the room.


Lay didn’t need to be told twice. The tired hyung got up from his spot on the floor and went to their door. Luhan, who had been leaning against Xiumin on the floor, looked unwilling to move. In fact he looked like he was content to sleep that way but was jerked awake as Xiumin shook his shoulders. When he looked back he saw Xiumin nudge his head toward the bedroom as if telling him you go to bed too. Luhan made a face but silently got to his feet and followed after Lay to their room.


Chen hadn’t moved from the couch when Xiumin approached him.

“Come on.” Xiumin said quietly. Now that there were only the two of them left in the room Chen knew the oldest member was talking to him.

“I’m gonna stay up a little longer.” Chen explained. Xiumin’s face looked like he wanted to refuse but Chen could see the older boy was conflicted. They were both still trying to deal with the move. Enough time had passed that the other four seemed to have forgotten their time in Korea, the two of them still felt it. The culture difference. “Want me to stay with you?” Xiumin asked. The question caught Chen off guard. Even though some part of him thought that might be nice he could see the way his hyung’s eyes were heavy with sleep.

“It’s ok. I just want to think some.” Xiumin nodded his head. He looked slightly troubled by his response but accepted it. “Be quiet when you come in.” Xiumin said. He leaned forward and patted Chen’s leg before walking off to their room.


Once he was alone Chen stood up and moved to sit in the chair by the window. He liked looking out at the night skyline. It was really beautiful and s

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Final chapter coming soon! 8-13-14


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Chapter 14: chanyeol also?? oh my god!! really??
R_nine21 #2
Chapter 8: Does Chanyeol love Chen?
Summergrass #3
Chapter 17: I have just read it again and I absolutly love it. I don't know if it's sudden but can you give me your permission to traslate this lovely story to Vietnamese? I'll link this page to my wordpress and give you credit. Thank you so much for writing this. Hope you reply soon^^
bubbles3104 #4
Chapter 17: This is so wonderful and feels so canon oh my God. Thanks for the awesomeness that is this fic ♥
baplover1989 #5
Chapter 17: One of the best baekchen fics out their It was perfect ! Thank you for writing such a wonderful fic ♡
I cried from the first chapter to the last. Thank you for this beautiful piece of art. It's perfect.
I'm like


Yeah. But I want to make a few things clear for myself. Does this fic only imply baekchen or...? I kinda don't get other pairings - I mean at first I saw hunhan but I saw xiuhan too. Can you please help me get me out of the blurry lines?
Annasj #8
Chapter 17: Wait...did they actually slept together or just slept together?? :D
New reader here~ update soon please^^ your story is interesting^^
hannahjill #9
Chapter 17: They're together!!