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☆★☆ Reality ☆★☆


The day started like normal. He was still tired and wanted to keep sleeping but couldn’t. Suho kept dropping into the room and nagging him from the doorway before moving to the next member who was putting up a resistance. While he didn’t envy the role of the leader he also didn’t look forward to the day ahead. Another awkward day. At least that’s what he thought. It was only after he finally got dressed and walked, eyes still half closed, to the living room that he saw them.


Chen and Baekhyun were sitting on the couch. Together. The K vocal had his head rested on Chen’s shoulder and both boys’ eyes were closed. That’s why they missed the giant smile that came to Chanyeol’s face. He didn’t waste a moment. Happily he made his way to the couch and let himself fall down onto Chen’s other side. The M vocal’s eyes fluttered open in surprise at the sudden movement but smiled when he saw the tall boy. Silently Chanyeol nodded his head towards Baekhyun, whose eyes were still closed. You two made up? He wondered. Chen smiled gently and just barely nodded his head, his eyes flickering closed to complete the gesture. Yes. Chanyeol’s smile doubled as he nodded his head vigorously to show his approval. Thank god. Chen let out a quiet laugh and for a moment Chanyeol wondered if Baekhyun would open his eyes but he didn’t. He must have really fallen asleep like that.


Deciding that it looked comfortable, Chanyeol shifted slightly and rested his head on Chen’s other shoulder. He felt the soft fabric of the boy’s shirt rub against his cheek as Chen gave another laugh. After a moment Chen shifted his pinned arm and gave the tall boy a gentle pat on his head before letting his hand fall back down between them. He felt the vocal shift beneath him and knew the older boy must have rested his head back against the couch once more. Chanyeol smiled faintly and was about to close his eyes before he saw their hands. Chen and Baekhyun’s. Unlike his hand that was resting empty against Chen’s, the other two boys had their fingers laced between them. Without letting his smile fade, Chanyeol closed his eyes. In an attempt to appreciate the momentary comfort, Chanyeol reminded himself, this is what he wanted. It really was. He was happy. For them.




It seemed like things really were back to normal. Back to the way they used to be. The only abnormal thing Chanyeol noticed was Xiumin. He seemed to have made it his goal to boss Chen around the entire day and Chanyeol didn’t know why. Normally the oldest member wasn’t very needy but it seemed like he was today. Whenever he would tell Chen to do something he always followed it up by saying “hyung is tired.” Each time Chen would laugh to himself and agree to do the thing that had been asked of him.


Chanyeol wondered what was going on between the two. In an effort to find out, he dropped down next to Baekhyun who had been resting in a chair along the wall. For a moment the shorter boy didn’t seem to notice him. He looked lost in thought. Perhaps he was thinking about Chen too, though maybe not in the same way Chanyeol was.

“Do you know what’s going on with those two?” Chanyeol asked, leaning back in his chair as he watched the pair. The sound of his voice seemed to have caught Baekhyun off guard as he heard the boy make a startled noise from his side.

“What? Who?” He asked.

“Xiumin and Chen hyungs.” Chanyeol explained. He looked back to Baekhyun and saw

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Final chapter coming soon! 8-13-14


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Chapter 14: chanyeol also?? oh my god!! really??
R_nine21 #2
Chapter 8: Does Chanyeol love Chen?
Summergrass #3
Chapter 17: I have just read it again and I absolutly love it. I don't know if it's sudden but can you give me your permission to traslate this lovely story to Vietnamese? I'll link this page to my wordpress and give you credit. Thank you so much for writing this. Hope you reply soon^^
bubbles3104 #4
Chapter 17: This is so wonderful and feels so canon oh my God. Thanks for the awesomeness that is this fic ♥
baplover1989 #5
Chapter 17: One of the best baekchen fics out their It was perfect ! Thank you for writing such a wonderful fic ♡
I cried from the first chapter to the last. Thank you for this beautiful piece of art. It's perfect.
I'm like


Yeah. But I want to make a few things clear for myself. Does this fic only imply baekchen or...? I kinda don't get other pairings - I mean at first I saw hunhan but I saw xiuhan too. Can you please help me get me out of the blurry lines?
Annasj #8
Chapter 17: Wait...did they actually slept together or just slept together?? :D
New reader here~ update soon please^^ your story is interesting^^
hannahjill #9
Chapter 17: They're together!!