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☆★☆ Understanding ☆★☆


It was hard to focus on anything after his close encounter with Chen at the door. No matter how many times he ran it through his mind Baekhyun found himself coming back to the same conclusion. Chen had wanted to kiss him too. At least, he was pretty sure that’s what he had seen in the other’s eyes. Then again, if the feelings had been mutual why had Chen avoided looking at him since then?


Even now as they rode back to their dorms Baekhyun couldn’t help but feel responsible for Chen’s decision to switch places and ride back in the other van. Even though he thought he had seen passion in the other’s eyes before his actions told a completely different story. For a moment at the photo shoot their friendship had felt normal again. Baekhyun felt a painful knot building in the base of his stomach as he realized he may have just crossed a line Chen wasn’t comfortable with. If he had been wrong and Chen didn’t like him then there is no doubt he would have felt uncomfortable after Baekhyun had been so obvious. While he had originally been aggravated with Sehun for breaking the moment, now Baekhyun found himself thankful to his dongsaeng. If Sehun hadn’t had said something he might have actually tried to kiss the other vocal. If just a look was enough to create this kind of tension between the friends an attempted kiss would have surely broken it for good.


As soon as they returned to the dorms Chen excused himself and went to bed saying he was tired. No one else seemed to notice but Baekhyun continued to wonder if he had done something wrong as the group settled down in the living room. Chanyeol was sitting next to Baekhyun but the tall boy was too busy talking to Kris and Tao to notice his friend was being quieter than usual.


It was Luhan who realized something was wrong. The Chinese vocal moved over and sat next to Baekhyun. Wordlessly he wrapped an arm around the other’s shoulder grabbing hold of Baekhyun’s attention. Instantly Baekhyun placed a smile on his face.

“Hey hyung!” Baekhyun said cheerfully. It took a moment before he realized the older boy’s expression wasn’t as gentle as usual.

“Ah, my cute dongsaeng, what trouble have you gotten into while I’ve been gone?” Luhan asked. Even though his tone was gentle and playful Baekhyun could swear he saw something darker in the boy’s eyes.

“Me? I never get into trouble hyung.” Baekhyun said, a faked innocent smile playing across his lips. It was really pointless to attempt looking innocent. Baekhyun had the kind of face that always looked devious no

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Final chapter coming soon! 8-13-14


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Chapter 14: chanyeol also?? oh my god!! really??
R_nine21 #2
Chapter 8: Does Chanyeol love Chen?
Summergrass #3
Chapter 17: I have just read it again and I absolutly love it. I don't know if it's sudden but can you give me your permission to traslate this lovely story to Vietnamese? I'll link this page to my wordpress and give you credit. Thank you so much for writing this. Hope you reply soon^^
bubbles3104 #4
Chapter 17: This is so wonderful and feels so canon oh my God. Thanks for the awesomeness that is this fic ♥
baplover1989 #5
Chapter 17: One of the best baekchen fics out their It was perfect ! Thank you for writing such a wonderful fic ♡
I cried from the first chapter to the last. Thank you for this beautiful piece of art. It's perfect.
I'm like


Yeah. But I want to make a few things clear for myself. Does this fic only imply baekchen or...? I kinda don't get other pairings - I mean at first I saw hunhan but I saw xiuhan too. Can you please help me get me out of the blurry lines?
Annasj #8
Chapter 17: Wait...did they actually slept together or just slept together?? :D
New reader here~ update soon please^^ your story is interesting^^
hannahjill #9
Chapter 17: They're together!!