chapter 2

drosselmeyer doll

Wu Yifan coughed as he stepped out of the crowded subway station and made his way out into congested city sidewalk traffic. The papers he had printed directions out onto clutched tightly in his hands, worn, creased, and dirty from his travels. With wide eyes he scanned the buildings around him. Everything here was so much different that in was back home. The large dome over the city was so much wider to encompass the thousands of people who called this big city home. Supposedly it was three times thicker than other domed cities and made out of a material—he couldn’t remember what—that allowed it to be rather easy to work with should expansion be necessary…which it was, as immigrants from the countryside flocked into the safety the domed city offered.

Over the years, smog, pollution, and global warming had made living outside extremely difficult. Manageable, but hard, as the toxins in the air were linked to health issues; as if that wasn’t a deterrent enough, there was the wildlife to contend with as various animals had evolved over time and adapted to the changing environment. Stronger, faster, and far, far , more deadly. It was a constant struggle which caused many to leave their small towns, cities, and country homes to seek shelter in the nearest domed city.

That, created a whole new set of issues as those domed cities found themselves flooded with immigrants. New policies were implemented to keep tabs on the number coming in, what they were doing, where they lived: everything. Politicians claimed it helped them track the immigrants, and when to put a cap on letting them come in, but for every legal action, there were of course, other illegal options to explore. Getting all the necessary documentation and money was no easy feat, but the last thing he wanted was to be expelled from the city so soon after entering it. So, he did what he could to get here, first moving into a smaller domed town (the filtration system had been , but at least it kept out the wild animals) to earn some money while he gathered all the documents he needed to submit. 

It wasn’t much different than moving to a foreign country anymore…which was another thing he had done years ago with his family, but that was another matter entirely.  “Excuse me,” he called, stopping a passing pedestrian, he unwrinkled his paper quickly, “Do you know where this place is?” he asked.

The young woman’s lips curled into a disgusted sneer as she gave him a once over, taking a step back as she pointed to the left. “Slums are that way.” She spat before stalking off, giving him a sharp look back over her shoulder as she walked briskly away.

“Didn’t have to be such a .” He muttered under his breath as he moved over to the nearest crosswalk to stand with the gathering traffic as they waited for the light to change. He had no illusions about where he’d be staying, at least for now. All incoming tracked immigrants were kept to the slums, along with the impoverished and remaining dregs of society.

He jerked, snapping back to himself from his musings as a shoulder bumped him, prodding him to walk. All around him the lights to the downtown businesses were flickering on under the setting sun. Several plasma screens conveyed ads, of women holding the latest make up product, the newest hi-tech gadget, everywhere he looked, his senses were being assaulted with something. Domed cities never slept they said, and he believed it, the lights becoming more prominent as the sun set and a dark inky hue fell over the sky. He quickened his strides; his hands clutching at the black strap of his duffle bag as he moved. He wanted to reach his assigned project before night truly fell. He wasn’t about to risk getting robbed.

As he reached his project, the sound of traffic and blaring ads faded to a distant echo as new sounds took over. The blare of sirens, the thrum of bass filtering out from seedier nightclubs, and even ‘better’ ones, a few people talking animatedly to each other in a language he couldn’t understand. The people kept to themselves, the streets and sidewalks bare despite the early evening hours, and he noted that all the shops he passed had barred windows and doors. Here, the cars people did have were old gas guzzling rust buckets, no one here could afford a solar or hover car. He doubted if he’d ever be able to afford one in his life time either, but he knew for damn sure he wasn’t going to be staying in the projects forever. He had parents relying on him after all, and if not for them, then for himself and his own quality of life.

He stumbled, catching himself as he snapped his gaze downwards to see what he’d tripped over and cringed as he spotted a human leg sticking out of the alley he had passed. A newspaper lying over the sleeping man’s head and an empty needle not far from where he lay sprawled out over the dirty and cracked pavement. Wu Yifan shuddered as he shook his head and trudged on, faster now that he knew drug addicts were around. Drug addicts meant drug dealers…which translated to gangs, and he wanted no part of being on the wrong side of them.

His eyes scanned the official paper he’d been given, turning back to look at the addresses as he walked by, he was getting closer, stopping outside a large complex and heading up. “Project complex X219, room 234.” He murmured under his breath as he walked up the outside stairwell that led to the second floor balcony, moving slowly down the concrete walkway to scan the doors as he passed. “234.” He sighed in relief, fishing out his key from within his pocket. To his shock, the door opened before he could slip it out from its clear packaging letting the dim light from within spill out.

A lithe young man greeted him with a tight smile. “You must be our new roommate.” He smiled, stepping back and to the side to let Wu Yifan walk into the small apartment. “I’m Yixing.”

“Wu yifan.”

Yixing nodded, “Want to set your stuff down? I can give you a tour.” He chuckled softly, “though there isn’t much more to see.”

Wu Yifan cracked a small smile. “It’s cool…where should I set it?” he asked as he took slid the duffle bag’s strap off his shoulder.

“The couch is fine.” Yixing shrugged. A ‘couch” really didn’t describe it, the thing was so old and sunken in with bits of yellow foam protruding from its cushions, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. “So, step forward two paces, and you can look into the kitchen.” Yixing chirped, pausing to let Yifan look inside. It was a cramped space, a small oven, a small fridge one free counter for space, and on the other side was the kitchen sink. A small window on the wall allowing them to see out, there were three hanging cabinets, and a one more incorporated under the counter top, “take another step back, and we have our room,” Yixing gestured to the shut door, moving on, “then at the end of the hall, our bathroom…and yeah…that’s the grand tour.” He grinned. “Any questions?” he asked.

“Who is the other roommate?” he asked.

“Ah, his name’s Luhan, he’s still at work right now, his shift usually ends at 11.” Yixing informed. “So where are you from?” Yixing asked. “All the informational letter said was your name and arrival date.” He began, referring to the immigration services letter to all documented workers. When new spaces in rooms became available, they weren’t vacant for long, but all tenants were given a brief notice when they’d receive a new arrival.

“A small dome by the border. New Sector KI-19.”

Yixing gave a soft hum of acknowledgement. “I’ve heard of that one, it’s small isn’t it?”

“A couple hundred people, it’s just like a small town community…where are you from?”

“Dome CCH-2x…used to be Changsha, Hunan.”

“Oh wow, you know your Dome’s old name? Impressive.” Yifan stated.

Yixing flushed. “My grandparents still remembered it, they were around when the Dome first came up over the city. Do you want anything to drink?” he asked.

“Water is fine..where are the glasses?” Yifan asked, following close to Yixing to watch where he went for them.

“Closest to the window.” He stated, retrieving a glass before turning to the fridge and opening it up, with the door open there wasn’t any room to go around, but he pulled out a gallon of water. “We don’t drink from the faucet. It comes out tinted orange sometimes. It’s fine to shower in, but I don’t recommend drinking it.”

“Good to note.” He shuddered.

They settled in after that, Yixing showing Yifan into the room and letting him set his bag down on the empty futon they’d set up for him before returning to the living room, sitting on the floor to converse. “Some things you should know, there isn’t an official “curfew”, but things get more dangerous ‘round here at night. Not so much the gangs, dealers, pimps, or any of them, I mean they’re bad, but they’re easily avoided. Really, if you keep your head down they’ll leave you alone, it’s the black vans you need to watch for.” Yixing informed.

“Black vans?” Yifan inquired.

Yixing nodded gravely. “Whenever they come around, people tend to disappear. Where they go, I don’t know, of course you can hear rumors, but…just watch out. They don’t come around often or anything, but when they do, it’s best to keep to the shadows.”

“What about the police?” Yifan asked, a pit of dread forming in his stomach.

“They don’t care, there’s a lot of anti-immigrant sentiment, what’s one less to them? People have told them, family to missing loved ones, and they go through the motions, but I don’t think they really look. No one here does. People go missing everyday, and not just from those vans. Death, immigration services, illegals running. There are a lot of factors, but the vans are one you can be more proactive about…and not being illegal helps keep immigration away, so aside from that.” Yixing cut off with a little laugh. “Rent’s due at the first of every month, so you’ve got some time to find a job. We’re charged by the people, not a flat rate unfortunately, so you’ll have to find a job soon. I work at the grocery store down the street. Luhan works the gas station, umm I think Luhan mentioned the gas station’s looking for another worker. Of course the clubs are always hiring, but I don’t think you want to get involved in that.” Yixing shuddered.

“Isn’t there anything else?” Yifan asked, he’d been hoping to find a better job than waiting tables…at least something, somewhere else to get his foot in the door and secure a way into a different position, a better position.

Yixing sighed, “Further off, maybe, and I wish you luck if you try applying. There aren’t many places willing to hire immigrants. Even those that speak the language.” He smiled bitterly. “It’s a hard system to beat once you’re in it.” Yixing mused wistfully.

“ It can’t hurt to try.” Yifan argued.

Yixing said nothing as their eyes met, and the cold pit in his stomach only grew worse as he looked into Yixing’s eyes, so full of understanding. Soft and gentle, and yet so empty, a small smile on his lips, and Yifan couldn’t help, but feel that he was being pitied. “Sometimes, you’d be surprised.” Yixing whispered.

After that they fell into silence, Yixing retiring to bed early. His shift at the grocery store started at 6am, and it was already nearing 10. Yifan didn’t know what to really do with himself, he was exhausted from his travel, but unsure if he should go to bed. The other roommate hadn’t come home yet, and truthfully, while his body was tired, his mind was still awake, reflecting on everything Yixing had told him. Maybe Yixing was right, and maybe he did know things Yifan wasn’t privy to, but he came to the decision that he wasn’t going to give up before he’d even tried. Even if he ended up a dishwasher or a waiter at a restaurant, if it was a better one than any in these parts, maybe he could find a way to advance from there…there had to be a way.

He knew full well there were many immigrants that gave up and returned to their original domes, but he didn’t want to be one of them. He wasn’t intending to be elitist, different people could handle different things, nothing wrong with that, at all, but he couldn’t face himself if he gave up without trying.

It was to these turbulent thoughts that he met his second and final roommate. The jostling of keys catching his attention, a sharp clatter of metal on create alongside a muffled curse behind the door, presumably from the other dropping his keys. As he got up to assist, the door creaked open, the young man who stepped through jerked, eyes going wide and reminding Yifan of a deer he’d seen in a book as a child: stock still and straight with wide eyes. His hair was cut short, bangs swept to one side, he was a few inches shorter than himself, and had a lithe build to him. “Yixing went to bed?” was the first thing he said.

Yifan nodded curtly in affirmation. “Y-yeah, I’m—“

“New roommate, I knew you were set to arrive today,” he jerked a thumb over his shoulder to the small table in the conjoined dining room. “Yifan, right? Look, I’m beat, talk tomorrow?” he asked, “good. You know where things are? Awesome. See you. Turn off the lights if you’re staying up later.” He plowed on, not waiting for a reply at all from Yifan before slinking off into the bedroom.

For a few seconds Yifan stood there, staring at the wall. “What the hell?” he muttered, shaking his head as he began to turn off the lights one by one. As he turned his back away from the window and moved off into the bedroom, a pair of headlight beams flashed through the window casting shadows on the wall as a large van roved slowly on by.

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Chapter 9: This is so good, i wished you could continue this fic 😢
Chapter 9: lol back again. had to reread everything all over again, but still satisfying like all the other times i had reread this.

author, i hope you are doing fine and maybe will return someday. no pressure though
Loving #3
Chapter 9: I'm so glad you updated! <3 can't wait to see how the story progresses...
90hanako #4
Chapter 9: omg! you update!
I like it...look like chanyeol start to accept kris.
chen and kris interaction is gold...I love their banter:)
Chapter 8: Love it! I wonder how long it's going to take for them to realise that they're made out of real people. I'm sure that will be a shock.

And can I just say, I love Chen's character in this so much!
Chapter 7: oh my God! this story is me in, poor kai ;;;;;, it almost feel like they hurting a puppy damm.its heart wrenching. and to someone who sideeyeing people with dolls, chanyeol is no better than them. i hope next chap he to realize that the dolls are once a complete human being. thank you for this great piece, author, your writing is beautiful
joanna20 #7
Chapter 7: Welcome back ;-) the thechnician is bullying kai just bcz he is a bot. Poor kai!!!!
Chapter 7: thank you for coming back!! I missed this story so much you have no idea!
chanyeol is so cold towards kris it hurts, I just hope he can be more gentle.. kris is trying his best but with chanyeol being cold towards him won't help their relationship. I see Kris is getting frustrated, he should have broken down if he was a human being treated like that.
and poor kai, he is in pain. I hope kai and kris will be best friends!~
Phoenix-inDra-around #9
Chapter 7: OMG you've had come back!!!!!! I'm so happy to see you again;!!!!