Final ^___^

Only You




Time check, 2:30pm, and i’m on my way to school as per usual, and  every monday i will be back home late. Why? Because of the guitar lesson that my mom signed it up for me. Its such a burden to be honest. No, not that i don't like playing the guitar, its just, the distance between my house and the school is the burden. My family is not that wealthy and i only have my mom left. My dad you asked? To me he died a long time ago when he decided to leave our family.


Just three days ago my mom was fired from her work, not because she is not good in her work its just that the company she was working for, their sales has been dropping and the company doesn’t have enough budget to pay their workers so they began firing workers which my mom was included. So now im working part time except for Monday to help her in paying our bills and also my guitar lesson.


 I told my mom that i want to quit this guitar lesson but she doesn’t let me, she said that it was my dream to become a talented guitarist and a talented singer and she wont let our family situation affects my dream. My mom is just to stubborn and persistent, and thus i followed in her stubbornness. But i have no choice but to follow her orders, if not i will have to spent a full 3 hours to persuade her. Yeap, when shes not happy or feel sad, i will have to spent exactly 3 hours to make her feel better. Dont ask what i did. Its too embarrassing to say.


Back to why i said the guitar lesson was a burden, like i said the distance between my house and the school is very far, and in order to save money, i had to walk. So imagine, me bringing my guitar to and from from my house to the school burden right? But, there is a but on why i didn’t continued being stubborn to my mom on quitting the guitar lesson because recently, one week ago to be precise, a new guy joined our guitar class. Yeap, he is my eye candy. Name? Baekhyun, he is quite a hottie. Heh.


We began talking to each other one day after he joined our class because i was assigned by the teacher to become his guide in guiding him through the basics. And from there we began exchanging numbers. And from there also, i got to know that slowly, my heart was drifting towards him. But i didn’t tell him yet, i don’t want this friendship to be over because of my stupid one sided crush. Like i told you. Im stubborn.


I was the first to reach the class, so i went in and put my bags and my guitar bag near my sit before heading out to go to the toilet. Before i went out of the class, something caught my eye, it was Baekhyun's bag. So i wasn’t the first to reach, like what i thought.


I went out of the class, walked straight and turned left to head to the toilet. As i was walking along the corridor, i stopped in my tracks when i  saw something that i didn’t wish to see. There he was, my crush Baekhyun, with one hand one the wall and in front of him was a girl, who was trapped between his body and the wall. The girl was giggling and so was Baekhyun and suddenly, Baekhyun did something that i wasn’t expecting, he leaned in towards the girl and there, their lips met.  My vision was getting blurry due to my tears welling up in my eyes. I turned my head and was planning to go back into the class to act like i didn’t see anything when i hear him shouting my name.




Without thinking further, i ran down the corridor and pass our classroom. My legs couldn’t bring me any faster and i could hear his footsteps behind me.


"_____! Stop! I can explain! Stop running!" He continue shouting through the corridors.


I kept running past the lockers and turned to the right, before i could continue running, his hand gripped my arm and slam my body on the wall. He put both of  his hands on the wall trapping me between his body and the wall, to prevent me from running away. I was still crying.


"Damnit! Didn’t i tell you to stop running?" He said between his pants before slamming his hand on the wall. That shocked me. He was really angry. I kept looking down, still crying.


"Look at me." He said, his voice becoming steady.


I didn’t budge.


"Look at me i said. Don’t make me repeat the third time _____." He said again, but in the soothing voice.


With no choice i lifted my head to look at him. Suddenly, i could feel his plump lips on mine. My mind went blank.  My eyes widened in surprise. I lifted my hand up to his clothed body, wanting to push him away, but there was no energy in my hand so i couldn’t do anything and i just grabbed his clothes. We stayed like that for a few seconds before our lips parted. I only stared at him with my eyes open wide.


"Why did you run?" He asked.


I couldn’t answer.


"You like me, don’t you?" He asked before smirking.


Still no answer from me.


"Look, earlier, what you see was nothing. If you think that i kissed her, no, i didn’t. My lips are only for you, no one else." He said before smiling.


"Wh-what?" I stammered, after his explanation sinked into my brain.


"I like you _____." He confessed.


I could only look at him.


"I liked you from the moment my eyes laid on you, the first time we met in the class. The first time we talked, and the first time when i see you smile. It made my heart fluttered. Thats when i knew i fell for you." He continued.


"But just now, what was that? Whos that girl?" I asked referring to the girl from earlier.


"She's just someone who asked for my number. When i said no, she threatened me by saying that she will hurt you if i didn’t give her my number and thus i leaned in just to whisper to her that, if she touched you, or even a single strand of your hair, i wont leave her alone." He explained.


After hearing his explanation, i felt relieved and could only nod my head. We were still in the same position from earlier. So i looked up to look at him. He gave me a blank stare. I tilted my head to the side as if asking what are you doing.


"Dont you have anything to say to me?" He said, still staring.


"What thing?" I asked playing dumb.


His face went nearer to my face and i backed away and realised that behind me was a wall. Our face was really near and our lips was just a few centimetres apart.


"Fine, i l-like you t-too." I stammered.


He smiled before pecking my lips again and that took me by surprise. I bite my lips because my heart was beating really fast. And my heart almost exploded when he said this;


"Don’t bite your lips _____. If you do that, i’m not gonna be responsible what happen to your lips after that." He smirked before winking at me.



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jonginslover #1
Rose_56 #2
Chapter 1: Omoooooo god this was amazing great job
SharonLau #3
InspiritHamster #4
Chapter 1: Omomo naughty baek <3 ayee you definitely make girl fangirling all the time lmao :p
Chapter 1: Omg so sweet and cute haha I really like the way u write (: i'll read ur other stories too!