
Cup of Coffee

Kibum and Minho were close since young, not because they wanted to but because they were forced together. Both of their mothers were close friends and well they wanted their kids to be friends as well. They didn't hit it off well at first, their personalities were way to different from each other - they were complete opposites. Things were awkward for the first few years but as time dragged on, they became close. It came to the point in which they knew each other inside out and depended so much on one another. There was never a time where Kibum was without Minho and Minho without Kibum. I guess you can say that opposites due attract.


Thier friendship started in their last year of elementary school; Kibum had always been small in structure almost fragile despite being older by a few months. He had a feminine aura and a beautiful feline-like face. Minho, on the other hand, was tall for his age and had a lean, fit body thanks to all the sports and outdoor activities he enjoyed doing. They both protected and cared for each other in their own unique way. From then on they knew they would be together forever and would always be there for each other.


Once they graduated from high school and headed off to college, they moved out, each renting their own apartment. They had different ambitions therefore they went to different colleges. They lived relatively close to each other and even though they wouldn't see each other as often, they promised to stay in touch. And they did...for a while at least.


During the first two years, Kibum would always go to Minho's apartment in the mornings. They would have a cup of coffee but Kibum never finished it. He would always leave half or sometimes less because he always seemed to be in a hurry. As time progressed and life took its course, they saw each other less and less until it came to the point where they didn't see each other at all.


5 years passed and now they were both mature men. They had a stable job and a life set. Kibum decided that it was time to pay his old best friend a visit after all those years of no communication. So that's how half a decade later they were both reunited.


Minho opened the door when he heard a knock and found Kibum at his doorstep. Astonished, he once again offered him a cup of coffee and a chance to reminicse the time without each other. And between laughter, chatter, and memories they told each other how their life had been during those years of absence.


When Kibum finished his coffee, he found a short message at the bottom of the cup.


Will you marry me?


Surprised, Kibum turned to his best friend, "What is this?"


To which Minho responded, "I had made that cup when we were 20 years old and I always waited for you to finish your coffee so you would read my proposal and know how much I love you."

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Chapter 1: omg!!!
ilabya5 #2
Chapter 1: Omg this is supperrr sweet!! ;~;
I loveeee this!
Chapter 1: woooow how sweet of minho ! waiting IS a good thing
Chapter 1: Daebak...that's so sweet..this means Minho hv been waiting for Kibummie..5 years..awww..n i hope Bummie said yes...>_<

Such a cute story...Thanks for sharing this with us...^_^
Chapter 1: Omg this is awesome really xD
I love Minho's proposing way
Even though I can't imagine the nervousness he felt for... 7 years? XD everytime key drink his coffee..
But really great job for first fic! BUT I NEED KEY'S RESPONSE OMG SUCH CLIFF HANGER