Through My Frozen Heart Tonight

Through My Frozen Heart Tonight

I'm sorry for the delay! Hahaha. And sorry if this seems crappy. But being the weirdo I am, I teared up slightly while writing.

"I don't miss her. Not one bit."
"You can't say that. Just because she's married to me doesn't mean you didn't spend years loving her. It will have never not happened."

"It's been a month," Sungyeol says, slipping onto the bar stool next to Chunji. "How long are you going to be like this?"
Chunji looks up. "Like what?" He lifts his gin and tonic to his lips.
"Like this." Sungyeol takes the glass from his hand. "Drinking all the time... You never hang out with anyone anymore. It's getting everyone worried. I may be your ex-girlfriend's husband, but I'm still your best friend."
Chunji only laughs bitterly at him and snatches back the glass, despite the fact that it was empty. "You already have her... Why are you here?" He shakes his head and motions for a bartender to come over. "Scotch on the rocks."

Sungyeol pulls out his wallet with one hand and holds up a finger. "Make that two." he looks at Chunji, a slight trace of pity in his eyes. "On me. Hell, I'll open a tab. Tonight, you get to give me as much as you want. Tell me off. Hit me." He takes the drinks from the bartender and hands one to his friend.
"I don't need your pity." Chunji sighs, but accepts the drink anyway." He fiddles with the glass and refuses to look at Sungyeol. "I'm fine. I don't miss her. Not one bit." He closes his eyes for a moment.
"You can't say that. Just because she's married to me doesn't mean you didn't spend years loving her. It will have never not happened." Sungyeol says it quietly, but Chunji hears him loud and clear, the former's voice echoing in his head. He takes a long swig from his drink.
"I can try to pretend it didn't." he says. "Is that the only reason you're here? You're not going to send me to some rehab facility, right?" Sungyeol laughs softly. He's still the same, he thinks, somewhere inside him, he's still the Lee Chan Hee my Eun Seo had grown to love.
"Like I said, I'm your best friend. I'm here for you, bro." he shrugs, taking a sip from his own drink. He straightens up, feeling the warm alcohol spread through his system. "You can't say you don't miss her," he repeats.
"Well, I'm sorry, bro," he says the last word with a hint of sarcasm, "I don't miss her." He forces himself to give Sungyeol a pat on the back. With that, he turns around in his seat and stands. He is starting to walk away when Sungyeol speaks.
"She misses you." he says, taking another drink from the man behind the bar. Chunji froze mid-step. "She misses you bad." He downs the drink without so much as a second thought and signals for another one.
"Tell her she shouldn't." Chunji says before walking away. Sungyeol sighs and empties his glass. He slams it down.
"Four more."

Chunji steps out of his bathroom, clad in only his jeans from earlier. He is about to take the shirt lying on his bed when the doorbell rings. He doesn't bother putting on the shirt after all and hastily walks to the door. He opens it and almost audibly gasps. "Eun Seo..."
"Chunji... Can I move in with you?"

"What exactly happened?" he asks her hesitantly. It is the first time they're truly alone together after the wedding. The two still stood in the foyer and she is fiddling with her handbag, her make-up smudged. She doesn't answer his question, but instead, stares at him. He is confused as to why until he realizes he's still shirtless. "Oh." He looks back up at her and gives her an apologetic smile. "Sorry." he says, "I'll go put on a-" the girl leans forward and kisses him. Before it even registers in his mind, he's kissing back. He had missed this. He had missed her. The feeling of her lips on his, it was heaven. Just once, he thinks, one last time. Her hands rest on his bare chest and she sighs. She had missed this as well. As they kiss like they always did back when they were together, Chunji feels a spark of hope in his chest. He had only ever loved one girl. Images flicker through his mind. Their meeting. Their first date. Their first kiss. Their first anniversary. Her wedding. Wedding. Sungyeol. Her husband. Who loved her to the point of death. Guilt washes over him and he felt terrible. Sungyeol was right. He was still his best friend. And right now, Chunji is betraying him. And she is betraying the love of her life as well.
"Eun Seo." he pushes himself away from her, chest heaving. He did not fail to notice the flicker of disappointment in her eyes. "No."
She presses her lips into a tight line, as if trying to stop herself from snapping at him. She nods, making her hair fall into her face. "Sorry."
"Sit down," he offers quietly. He grabs the nearest shirt and throws it over himself, taking a seat next to her on the couch. "What happened?"
"Sungyeol..." she sighs, "he came home drunk earlier and started talking about you... How he shouldn't even be with me. He said you met up earlier? Did something happen? I mean, he even mentioned divorce..." she bites her lip. "And maybe we should -"
"Don't." he says, "I tried my best to let you go for him quietly. Don't run away."
"But I don't want to be with him anymore."
Chunji almost yells at her. "What? It's been only a month." He stands up and points at the door. "Go back to him."
"I can't." she stands up as well, eyes glistening. "He told me he didn't love me. It took me all the strength I had to walk out on him. I can't go back anymore. I can't deal with it." Tears stream down her face. "I love you, Chan Hee." she looks up at him.
He smiles at her softly. "I love you, too. So much. Every time we kissed, I felt like I was on top of the world. There was a spark in there and it was the best feeling I could ever imagine. But you and Sungyeol? Those are fireworks. You glowed when you were with him and you are so much happier next to him than you ever were with me. I never wanted to admit it, but it's the truth. I had to let you go, and I did. Now, it's your turn. You need to let go." She stared wordlessly at him and continued to let her tears slip down her face.
"I know I should." she puts her hands on either side of his face and gazed into his eyes af it it is the last time. And maybe it is. "But you've been there for me all along. Even now. It feels like this will be the biggest mistake of my life."
"The biggest mistake you'll ever make in life is leaving Lee Sungyeol." he reaches up to take hold of her hands on his face. He takes them in his and smiles sadly at her. "Let go." She nods and brings her hands back down to her sides.
"Now, go back to him." he says. She nods again. "Eun Seo, I wish you a lifetime of happiness with him." he kisses her forehead and wipes her tears away with his thumb. "Don't cry. At least not for me."
She nods for what felt like the thousandth time and doesn't bother holding in her tears. "I know you'll meet the right person, Chunji. And when that time comes, don't let her go like you did me."
He smiles softly and watches as she wiped the rest of her tears and stood up. Her hand was on the doorknob when she turned around. "I love you."
"Never stopped."

Lee Chan Hee only ever loved one girl his whole life, and he let her go. And, strangely enough, he wanted to let her go. Sometimes we don't want to let go of things or people, but it's only when someone else does it for us that we realize it's not that hard.

How crappy. 

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