
Who Am I

Lizzy sat down alone somewhere else in library wanting to remove herself from anything to do with Nana. Sure there was something inside of her that wanted to confront the girl, maybe even hold the girl. But she knew the girl in front of her wasn’t anyone worth her time, after all she wasn’t even the girl she knew back then. Lizzy wanted to remember the girl as someone that Jooyeon or Uee did. But she knew she would never be able to do that, not since the last time she saw the girl was when their lips had just happened to find each other’s. She recalled the events very well, at the time it made her heart flutter almost as if it were going to take flight. But now going back and reliving those memories, made her heart sink, sink farther than the depths of the ocean or so her dramatic side was saying. 

                “I left so you could be with your friends” Lizzy snapped out of her thoughts looking at the cocky girl now sitting in front of her. “You didn’t even realize I had sat down, must be a good song” Nana smiled as she crossed her arms leaning against her bent knees. Lizzy pulled her earphones out nodding, although truthfully there hadn’t been any music playing. She had been too caught up in her thoughts about the girl to even remembering pressing the play button.

                “What do want?” Lizzy said trying to act as if the girl’s presence didn’t send her body into memories. She found herself looking upon Nanas face admiring the girl’s almost perfect face, her eyes slid down her nose and landed on the girl’s lips.

                “Nothing, I just wanted to see if you remembered. Clearly you do, you’re still a terrible liar.” Nana smirked to herself as she reached out grabbing Lizzy’s hand. Lizzy looked back up to the girls eyes, trying to read them, to see why the girl might want to torture her.

                “Yes I remember, I remember lots. But it doesn’t affect me as much as you’d like it too.” Lizzy stood up throwing her bag over her shoulder. She pulled down on her loose flannel shirt, that truthfully was a boys but she just liked the way it fell on her body. Nana reached out with the same smirk on her face, grabbing the girl that was trying to escape.

                “You’re still a terrible liar.”

                “Must you do this really? You’re teasing me because why? You feel so confident in your looks, that I would be dying to want to even touch you? You need to snap out of your delusions that I would even have thoughts of doing anything like that with you again. It was a mistake, you’re a mistake. It doesn’t matter if you’re pretty, because as soon as people get close to you, they’ll see you’re just ugly.” Lizzy glared at the girl as she shook her hand free from the now stunned girl. “We were young, and yes probably a little confused. But I know who I am now, and I refuse to let an immature selfish girl like you ever influence me again.” And with that Lizzy was gone, leaving Nana and whatever feelings that still lingered for the girl behind. 

Nana walked down the hallway trying to wrap her mind around the words she had just heard. Maybe she wasn’t recalling the times with the girl the same way Lizzy was. Nana clenched her fists as she began to get angry, what did Lizzy know anyway. Nana looked over and saw the boys looking at her with hungry stares; she closed her eyes as she tried to make it to her locker without them bothering her. Nana enjoyed the attention, sure that may be true. But she hated the contact; she never gave anyone the invitation to invade her space.  One of the boys leaned against the locker beside Nana’s as she opened the door, trying to avoid eye contact.

                “Hey, you look great. That skirt…” Nana didn’t even have to look to know what the guy was doing, or rather where his eyes were going. Nana shyly smiled as she shut her locker door, sliding her jacket on. The guy still studied her body, clearly not getting the hint. “Would you like to hang out with me tonight?”

                “Sorry, but I really must be going.” Nana whispered by clearly it was dismissed by the boys. She began to notice the looks on the girl’s faces. She could already hear the girls rumors now, ‘it’s her fault they’re bothering her, I mean look at that outfit’. She sighed as she closed her eyes; she picked up her books clutching them close to her chest.

                “Come on I’ll drive you home” Another one of the boys chimed in, she looked away trying to get away from the situation. The confident Nana that was able to stand on her own was quickly starting to crumble. Nana shook her head no, as she leaned against her locker waiting for the boys to leave but they didn’t.

                “You shouldn’t be dressing for attention if you don’t want it.” One of the boys said as he crossed his arms having enough of the strange actions of Nana. “Your clothes and your actions aren’t matching up, so you may as well drop the act because you’re clothing is telling more about yourself.” She heard snickers from the girls that had taken noticed before; clearly everyone was now pay attention to the girl. This was supposed to be a new start for Nana, her chance to be noticed and not just fade away into the crowd. She had tried to fit in, and show off her looks as everyone seemed to like. But what had she done wrong to get this harassment from the boys?

                “And what do her clothes tell you?” Nana heard a voice; she looked up to see an angry Lizzy. Lizzy walked up standing in front of the now silent and shy Nana.

                “Do we really need to tell you just look at her?”

                “I am looking at her; all I see is a girl who wanted to wear a skirt, and a shirt that shows some cleavage. Is there anything wrong in admiring beauty?”

                “What are you gay?”

                “If I was is there anything wrong with that? Does the way I dress somehow say that?”

                “Now that you mention it…”

                “Oh wait that must mean the brand name shirt and those baggy pants you’re wearing must mean you’re an . Or better yet a stuck up jerk that will never get laid in a million years, because of his small… Well do we really need to say more?” Lizzy smirked as she grabbed Nanas wrist. 


Now you know more about what happened, also more of the kind of personality Lizzy has grown to have. Nana is only playing the role people assume her to be ebcause of her looks. Lizzy has been hurt by many people, (including Nana) and doesn't care about their opinions of her anymore. I don't know when or how but this chapter turned into a social issue, with the whole boys thing. You wouldn't believe how many people believe a girl is asking for it if they decide to show skin. I just hope everyone will change one day, lets just not hate because people want to be themselves. 


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Chapter 12: Superrrr cute~~~~~
Chapter 12: Awaaawwww so cuute
Chapter 12: this is indeed naliz thingy.cheesy yet real.
Chapter 12: Yes! YEEEEESS! Lizzy called Nana her GIRLFRIEND. my day is made.
bento19 #5
Chapter 12: Thank u for the update. Can I have more JooEE stories, please?
Chapter 11: omg this was so funnyyyy i just love jooyeon hereee<3333 update soon <3
Chapter 11: oh my god.i love this chapter.i love how lizzy flirt with nana thou the blocker lee jooyeon always ruined their moment.i love the way nana and lizzy's relationship grew naturally without much force
Chapter 10: Lmao jupal whyyyyy!!! Btw this is sooooo good!
Chapter 10: Oooh this is a good chapter. Keep up the good work ^-^.