suzy: the perfect role model.

The Black List

I grew up with the understanding that everyone has got to have two names. Like my mother, for instance. Sometimes she's Emily but the other days (like last month when we took a trip to Korea), she's Se-kyung. Once I got curious and asked my mother, why do we have to have two names? She smiled and ruffled my hair, saying that I'll understand someday when I grow up. This explanation settled me long enough until I realize one thing: My sister doesn't have two names. She is Alexis, right from the start.

As if her name wasn't enough to differentiate her from the rest of the family, she grew up fearless. Her actions were unpredictable and her words brash. She compensated, however, by having good grades and consistently did well in school. Unlike me, she never really was afraid of taking risks. I still remember the day when our parents told us that we're moving to Seoul - for good.

"Why?" I wailed, tears streaming from my cheeks. "Are we not happy enough here?"

"Soo-ji yah," My mother began, using my Korean name that I detest so much. "It's not about being happy or not, it's-"

I cut my mother by choking another sob. This went on for minutes until my sister, who is surprisingly able to keep shut until then, jumped on the couch and sat next to me. "Cheer up, Suze!" She poked my sides, grinning. "At least there mom won't hear you complain about the lack of Korean cuisine here, am I right?"

"But what about school-"

"We'll get into an international school, easy-peasy. There's a lot school that offers that, isn't there, mom?"

My mom nodded quickly, grateful for the thought. "And after you settled there, you'll move to a boarding school. Isn't that fun, Soo-ji yah?"

Well I'm here now, in the very boarding school mom told us years ago, so I guess something must've work. I guess it worked for Alexis too. Before she got blacklisted, I mean.

I stood awkwardly next to her, looking around her dorm room. It was empty, probably to give the newly-blacklisted kid some space. There were a lot of things I wanted to ask her, but only one question managed to come out.

"What happened?"

My sister looked up with her bloodshot eyes. "You've seen the bulletin board, haven't you."

"I still don't get what's the big deal-"

"I know who created the list."

I stopped rambling and looked at her closely. "Are you okay? Perhaps too much crying damages your brain."

She shook her head adamantly, looked at me fiercely. "Suze, it's not a single 'who'. It's a group."

"What the ing-" I began, but she shushed me again.

"Suze," She said, her lips trembling. "Listen to me. I knew. I'm not supposed to, but I did. And they knew I knew. And don't ask me how I knew, either." 

I frowned, ignoring her last order not to be so curious (I was) (damn why wouldn't she told me). "But...can't you keep their secret? Why didn't you guys talk it out?" 


"Alexis..." I said, things slowly dawned on me. "You weren't planning on telling on them, are you?" When she said nothing, I proceeded with my hypothesis. "That's it! You were going to rat on them, and this is the way they warned you." Alexis stared at me with her bloodshot eyes. I sighed and held her hand, the only thing I can do to comfort her right now.

Both of us drifted in an uncomfortable silence, me wondering on how on earth can someone be that stupid to report what may be the most intimidating group in school, and Alexis...I don't know. I really don't know.

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a/n: let's just hope i finish this okay mwach


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