Chapter 4 : What Happened ?

24 Hours

The next day , I woke up in my bed .

where am I ?

how am I here ? dizzy

but most importantly ..

how's tiffany ?

I went to school today . Cause of my long absence .

As I walk in class ,

I see a few of Tiffany's friends . Chattering among  themselves . I heard one of them say " Look . It's Taeyeon . The girl who caused Tiffany's pain . " I just ignored them . I sat on my chair , and I feel this thing standing next to me . I look at it in the eyes . It looks just like Tiffany , no , it can't be , right ? As I stare at it for a long time , Mary who was sitting next to me gave me a glare .

" What are you looking at ? "

" Do you not see this .. thing ? " I said waving my hands around it .

" No ? Ew , you're weird . " she said , looking away .


Maybe it's nothing . I mean afterall , what's the worse that could happen right ?


I look around , trying to find the guy that sat in front of me . He wasn't there . And so I asked around .

" Didn't you knew ? Kevin was at the hospital with Tiffany since yesterday "

But wasn't I there ?



I had that urge to rush out to the hospital .

Bell rang .

I texted my mom . " Visiting Tiffany , coming back late . " while hopping on the bus .

I reach the nearest bus stop and walked to the hospital as it was only a walking distance . As soon I reached the hospit-  , I see blood on the floor ?

Anyways .

Being me , I was too scared of using the lift ever again .

I used the stairs , no matter how much i hated it ugh .

" Kevin ? " I said knocking the door .

" Hello Taeyeon ! " Tiffany said happily opening the door .


why is she fine with me ?


" Hey . Is Kevin here ? "

" Yeah , he's using the loo . "


" Oh hey Taeyeon . " he said opening the door letting the noisy flush noises pass through .

" Hey is she - "

" Could I speak with you personally ? " he said pointing .

" Um , yeah sure . "


" Come back soon ! " cheerful Tiffany said .


Kevin dragged me into a shady area , probably because he didn't want anyone else to know ?

" So , um yeah . " he said nervously .


 [ insert awkward long pause ]


" WELL ? " I said .

" Oh . Yeah . I don't know how I can say this but - the doctors told me that Tiffany has this problem ? It comes and go . She can have her memory perfectly fine a day and forget everything anytime . I don't think thats much of a problem but what's even worse that she has to stay in the hospital for until he memory is perfectly fine . "

My body slid down the wall . I can't take it . Everything's happening cause of me . god take me and give everything to her. My tears start shedding . Kevin comforted me .

" Taeng , everything's gonna be alright , she'll be okay soon . "
" No Kevin , nothing's going to be okay . The doctors only say that to make you feel better she could die anytime or not gain back her memory at all I just - "
" Taeyeon , you just need to think positive . Nothing bad can happen if you do . Well I mean I remember my pet turtle that ran away - "
" But turtles can't run .. ? "

" They can if you believe - but that's not the point . My mom said it'll come back . So I waited . And waited . Guess what ? It came back . "

" .. thanks Kevin . " I said letting out a little smile .

" Now let's go back . She's waiting . "



" Hey guys ! You're back . " she said eating her fruits .

" Yeah . "

" Hahaha , are you hungry Tiff ? You seem to be starving chomping down those grapes . "

" Yeah kind off , I can't even remember what I had last night I was probably so hungry . "

" Hah...yeah.. "  I said miserably .

" Awww whats wrong Tae ? You seem down . "
" Nothing ! She's tired thats all . " Kevin said as I was about to explain .

" Can we eat some food or something ? I'm starving ! " she said rubbing tummy .

"  Yeah we can have some ddukboki ! Let's go ! I know a famous shop around here . " he said his lips .




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