
Falling in love


I've been in an unrequited love for quite a while now. For about 7 years, I guess? I did everything just to be noticed but he just wont notice me, he just cant see me as a woman. How can he even notice me? I'm his sister after all.





"Dara! Hurry up, I need to leave in a while too. Why are you so slow?"


"You can just leave and not wait for me"


"How can I leave my precious sister alone? Go get ready."


Yes, You've heard it right, I'm his 'precious sister'. I get really annoyed when he calls me that, When he says the word sister, I feel so annoyed. I don't want to hear it.


"I'm ready." I said.


"Well then, let's go."


I'm Dara, 17 years of age. I attend Seoul Highschool, and I'll be graduating this year. Jiyong is my brother and he's 8 years older than me. He's been taking care of me ever since our parents died in a car accident. It was really tragic, during that time. Our relatives wanted to take care of us because of the money our parents left for us. But Jiyong didn't allow it, knowing they would only use us for the money. And so he suggested taking care of me and everything. 


He started working at a really young age, As soon as he turned 11, he started working really hard. I didn't even know there was work available for 11 year olds. But now, he works for a company, his girlfriend's company to be exact. He had gotten a rich girlfriend and now we're doing fine. I don't know if I should be happy about this. I'm happy because we're doing fine, but at the same time I'm really sad because he has a girlfriend. They've been dating for 3 years now. They met at a shop where jiyong was working before. I didn't really know what job jiyong did, he just wont tell me.


Jiyong would not let me go to school by train or walking, He'd always go with me with his car, He would fetch me after school too. I think I'm pretty spoiled, and I feel happy that I'm much more important than his girlfriend, that's what I think.


"Thank you for the ride, again. I don't really get why you need to send me to school by your car." I said


"Because it's dangerous for you to walk alone or to commute. I wont allow you" Jiyong said.




"I told you that you should call me oppa, you used to call me oppa when you were little" Jiyong pouted. Yep, I stopped calling him oppa when I realized my feelings for him.


"I can't call you oppa because oppa is like a really cute-sy word and I don't do something like that." I said.


"Then then, I'll be going. Wait for me later, okay? Text me if something happens" Jiyong said.


I got down the car and my bestfriend, Bom is waiting for me.


"Take care of dara, Bom" Jiyong said.


"I'm not a child to be taken care of" I pouted.


"Yes sir! I will take care our little Ssantokki." Bom winked.


Jiyong drove off while laughing. Ssantokki is his nickname for me when we were little, He and Bom are the ones who can only call me that.


"I don't get it. You have a different surname with jiyong. I've been really curious for awhile now" Bom suddenly opened the topic.


"I don't really know too, I don't really want to ask. I'm not interested. But I knew that our mom's surname is Park, Maybe they used her surname for me." I explained


"Oh well, He's still the same. He sends you to school. Doesn't he fetch his girlfriend or something? If I was his girlfriend I'd be jealous of you" Bom said.


"I don't know either." I said while smiling.


"Maybe he has a sister complex? He loves you too much as his sister?" Bom said.


"Can I hope for something more?" I whispered.


"You've been in that one-sided love for quite a long time, don't you think it's time to find another guy to fall in love with? someone you're not related to?" Bom patted my back. I chuckled. She's definitely right. But I can't find someone who's better than Jiyong.


"Hi Daraaa" Ahhh, here he is again, the most annoying one.


"Jaejoong, please, can you go away for awhile? I don't want to see your face early in the morning" I closed my eyes.


"Aww, Why is our dara so cold towards me? You have an icy attitude. I wouldn't have expected that from your appearance." Jaejoong said.


"You know what? I don't care about what you think or what you expect. Leave me alone" I glared at him


"You look the prettiest when you're mad" Jaejoong grinned


"What.. Are you a masochist?" Bom laughed.


"Aren't I supposed to be a sadist?" Jaejoong asked.


"I bet you're both" Bom said.


"I'll be going to my class." I bid farewell to the both of them


We're in different classes. We're not classmates. I actually cried when Bom and I seperated. We used to be together in classes all the time. By the way, that was Jaejoong. The most annoying player in this school. He has so many girls, He changes girls from time to time. I even heard he took 2 girls in a love hotel! We probably all know what they did. Ew.


He told me he likes me tho, He confessed to me sometime last week. It was so unexpected. We were in the middle of the hallway when he suddenly shouted his love for me. Can you even believe that? But he still hangs out with the girls from his class. Girls who've been rumored to be working in a club. If he thinks I'm one of them, well, I'm very sorry for him but I wont fall for his tactics.


I just sleep in class all the time. I'm at the back so our teacher doesnt really notice me. And I think our homeroom teacher favors me anyway, He'd caught me several times but he doesn't really scold me. Perks of being pretty? Kidding. I wonder what Jiyong is doing right now... Is he with his girlfriend? Naahhh. I bet he's working.


"Sir, Can I go to the infirmary? I'm not feeling well." I excused myself and went to the infirmary. I do this from time to time when I don't feel like listening to the lectures. I just lie down here and just think.


I called Jiyong to check on him and he answered it after a few rings.


"Hello!" I said.


"Ahh, Dara? Jiyong is in the shower." Ahhh... His girlfriend.


"O-Oh.. I see." I said


"Do you have something to say to him? I can pass the message to your brother"


"N-no. I actually dialled the wrong number. I was supposed to call my boyfriend." I said and hanged up as soon as possible.


I don't really like crying, but everytime the reality slaps me in the face, I can't help but cry. I can't help but feel broken. And no one can even understand what I feel. Why did I even fall in love with my brother? I don't get it at all. What did I do to deserve this?


"Are you crying?" I heard jaejoong's voice. There's a curtain so he doesnt see me.


"Why do you even care?!"


"I said it before, it's because I like you." Jaejoong said.


"Stop joking around with me" I said


"I'm not joking around with you!" He shouted.


"Then kiss me" I opened the curtain and looked at his shocked face.


He slowly went closer and closed the gap between us.




"She already went home?" Jiyong asked.


"Yeah, She sent me a text to tell you" Bom said.


"She could have sent it to me instead. What is that girl doing? aish!" Jiyong said as he dialled dara's number.


"You cant contact her? Me either. As soon as I received the text, I tried calling her but it seems that she turned off her phone" Bom exclaimed.


"What? Try calling her again later, This is so not like her. I'll go check if she's home" Jiyong said and quickly drove off.




From: Bom

Jiyong looked really worried, seriously, where are you?


To: Bom

I turned off the calls. I'm fine don't worry about me


I, then placed my phone at the bedside drawer.


"Who were you texting? hmmm" The guy beside me hugged me tighter.


"Jaejoong, I can't breathe." I removed his arms around me


"Who was it?" He turned me so now, I'm facing him.


"I was just telling Bom to not worry about me" I smiled.


"Did you tell her you're with your boyfriend?" He pecked me on the lips.


I didn't answer him and just started kissing him, and the kiss turned into a hungry kiss.


"Another round?" He winked.




"Where have you been?" A fuming Kwon jiyong is right in front of me.


"I just went somewhere." I said and tried going upstairs.




"What do you want to talk about!?" I shouted back.


"Where have you been and who were you with?" He asked, obviously trying to calm himself.


"I was with my friend, happy now?" I said.


"Friend? which friend?" He raised his brows at me.


"You dont know her! Stop asking questions!" I said.


"You told sohee you have a boyfriend? Why am I not aware of this?" He said.


"It doesnt concern you" I said


"It concerns me because you're my little sister!"


"Stop with that little sister bull! I hate it! I hate you! I'm so done with this. Don't you see my feelings at all?! Can you stop calling me your little sister! I love you more than a sister should love his brother!! Why can't you see me?! Not as your little sister but as a woman!?" Someone shut me up. What am I blabbing about? I can't stop.




"I had enough. I'm moving out. Don't ever search for me. I don't want to see you and its for our own good" I said and quickly ran upstairs.


I packed all of my clothes and called jaejoong.


"Dara?" He quickly answered


"Let me stay at your place.. please"




I arrived at his apartment and he quickly hugged me as he saw me crying.


"What happened?" He asked. I sobbed harder. He led me to his bed and made me sit there. He went to get water for me to drink. He waited for me to calm down.


"Do you want to know?" I asked him when I calmed down.


"Is it okay?" He softly asked. I nodded


"I'm in love with my brother." He obviously got shocked with what I said that he can't even talk.


"I've been in this one-sided love for about 7 years now. I'm pretty stupid, right?" I chuckled. "I really really fell in love with him." I started crying again.


"Hush, baby" Jaejoong hugged me and whispered sweet words in my ears.


"Make me forget. Make me forget everything" I said.


He looked at me with sad eyes and started kissing me




Dara woke up and saw 30 missed calls and 50 messages from Jiyong. Dara got up and went to the shower. Changed to clean clothes and looked at the sleeping jaejoong. She kneeled beside the bed and held his hand


"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry" Dara cried and kissed the back of his hand.


She left his apartment quietly but little did she see the tear that escaped in jaejoong's eyes.


Dara wandered in the streets of Seoul. Thinking of what she said last night to Jiyong. It'll be hard to face him now, she thought.


She was about to go to call bom when her phone rang.




Dara answered the call and a gasp in the other line was heard


"Where are you? Go home, we need to talk" Jiyong said softly


"Don't scold me" Dara said


"I wont. So please go home already" Jiyong said




I went home after the call. I have nowhere to go to anyways. We're currently in the living room, sitting beside each other in the couch


"We're not blood-related" I looked at him really shocked at what he said, he did say we're going to talk about something but?!


"W-what are you saying?" I asked.


"I'm saying that we're not brother and sister" He smiled. "Your mom was my mom's bestfriend. Your mom passed away and your dad left you. My mom then took you in."


Omg, too much information that I can't handle.


"I don't get it" I cried.


"I actually love you too. But I can't say it since you knew that I was your brother. I was afraid to tell you about my feelings because you might run away." He said, I cried harder.


"I'm sorry for not telling you this earlier, dara." He hugged me.


"I can't believe this" I said between my sobs.


"I love you. Please, give me a chance" Jiyong hugged me tighter.


"I love you, Jiyong. You have all the chance" I said.






the foreword didnt match meh this was not supposed to end happily

so sorry if i didnt continue on with the foreword



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appleman #1
Chapter 1: No no no no no no how could dara to this to jaejoong!! Yaaaaaah dara go back to him. Ppali!!
Chapter 1: yaaaaahhh...... Sequel with jaedara ending pleaseeee ><
leeteuksuperjunior #3
Chapter 1: Seeeeeeeqqqqqqqqqquuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllll
iamnay #4
Chapter 1: authornim we need a sequel !!!!
dakotasanify #5
Chapter 1: Poor jae...can you please write a sequel for this.. For our jaedara hearts... Thanks
riaforever2ne1 #6
Chapter 1: sequel!!!!!authornim please
Chapter 1: actually i kinda hope for more details or multichap.. since i see many jaedara.. sequel? hahaha its good for oneshot..
DaragonButterfly #8
Chapter 1: like it authornim....this story is like real hap