Chap 3

Childhood → Boyfriend

 “Okay class, let me introduce myself. My name is Han Younah. I’m your classroom teacher from now on.” a middle-aged teacher introduce herself to us.

“Why don’t we have a little introduction start from you.” She said while pointing to the boy who sat in front of me.




“Now since we’ve already know each other, so I want you to share your activities during the school holiday.” she said.

‘Gulp. Let’s see, what did I do in school holiday? Umm sleep? Eat? Sleep again and eat again. OH MY GOD!! Is that the only thing I’ve been doing?’ Chaehyun thought. She’s really nervous right now.

“Ryu Chaehyun, now tell us.” Mrs. Han called Chaehyun,

Chaehyun didn’t really response because she kept thinking about what to answer.

“Miss Chaehyun!” she called her. This time she raised her voice a bit.

“YES!” she stood up quickly.

Mrs. Han gave her a smile. “It’s your turn now.”

“Umm I really slept a lot during the holiday.” Chaehyun said shyly.

“Oh is there anything you did other than-“ the bell already rang.

“Okay class, we’ll continue this later.” Mrs. Han said

‘Fuh, thank goodness.’ Chaehyun felt so relieved.



‘Today was not really bad. Except for Mrs. Han class but to be honest after her class was over, there were many of my classmates came and talked to me. That’s great, right? But, I’m worry about Luhan. There were so many girls around him.  He looked like he’s going to cry.

Luhan really don’t know how to make friends. You know, when the first time I know him, it’s really hard to make him talk to me. After a few months, then he has the courage to talk to me. Oh you know Miyoung right? I know Miyoung since I was in 3rd grade. She’s really friendly. She tried to talk to Luhan but Luhan never talk to her. When we’re in 6th grade, that was the first time Luhan ever talked to her. Miyoung did blush a bit haha.’



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update please
Baekhyunxxxx_ #2
Chapter 3: i love it.. update soon
savespongebob #3
update soon

Baekhyunxxxx_ #4
update soon :D