
Six Thousand Words

Wrinkled fingers grasped the small, round object. A ring. It had lost its shine long ago, but it still held a certain beauty, even in such state. Oh, just how many years had passed since it was new and gleaming, glittering in the stunning sun's light? Just how many months and days had passed since all those soulful promises had been made and broken?

A low, broken chuckle escaped the one who was holding the ring; an elderly man with hair as white as the snow and eyes as brown as freshly brewed coffee in the morning. He couldn't even remember when he had been handled the small gift, when those cold lips had touched his own.. 

He knew no exact time or place, but he did know how it all started. He could remember quite clearly because it was a beautiful day of his summer vacation. The very one in which his heart had been crushed, healed, then shattered again into tiny pieces. Still, he recalled that summer to be the one that had made him happier than any other person he had seen.

And ironically, the beginning had been everything but rosy. But oh well, not everything is perfect, huh?

A tall but skinny boy was running down the street, a frown marring his face. He just had to miss the last train, didn't he? He had woken up just in time but of course, his mother had decided to be a pain again.

'Taeminnie, just one last kiss to momma!' She would say every time he would attempt to sneak out of the house, luggage in hands. He knew well what her plan was: she wanted him to stay. She never really wanted him to actually go to his grandparents' place but still, he was forced to do so, every summer by his father.

He wouldn't have really minded it, really, if she actually let him go. His grandparents lived in a fairly big city with a small beach area and quite a few places to go to. But his mother didn't like him going there, being the over-protective woman she was. 

And well, this was the first year he was supposed to go by train. The one he had just missed.

Taemin let out an annoyed sigh and turned back towards his house, dragging his small suitcases behind him. His mother was waiting him in the door already, black eyes shining.

"Did you decide to skip this year?" She asked expectantly.

"No, I'm asking dad to pick me up." Taemin said with a roll of his eyes, but still hugged his mother who seemed quite perplexed at his statement."Mom, I'm not two anymore, I want to go, so I will."

"Taemin," the woman sighed as she ruffled her son's hair."You know that I don't like you spend time with him..."

"Mom, dad has never done anything bad to us." The boy puffed out his cheeks despite hating the fact that he had to lie. His father had hurt them so many times before, but rarely on purpose. 

"Sure. You know what, baby, it's your choice. It's only a two-hour ride. Maybe you could go tomorrow? Or I could take you there..." His mother sighed as she pulled him close again, hating the fact that her baby was leaving her for weeks, once more.

"Mom, what if instead of being a worrywart, you busied yourself on getting me a baby sibling?" Taemin asked, giggling when his mother's cheeks flushed red. The boy smirked and pulled away from her, pulling out his phone."I know that you guys need some alone time. Just go." He added impishly.

"You..." His mother started before scurrying away, knowing well that for once, she had lost. She knew that she'd be able to try next year though and maybe for once, she would succeed. 

Taemin giggled to himself as he called his father, beaming when the man actually picked up. They chattered for a while and soon, a familiar old, but trusty car turned in to the parking lot.

"I'm leaving!" Taemin shouted and rushed to the car before his mother could have stopped him. He couldn't help but giggle a little to himself, feeling glad that he was finally out of his house if only just for a while. He loved his mother and her current boyfriend but boy, were they loud! And they really seemed to be enjoying the process of making Taemin siblings, which sort of disgusted the boy.

"Hi dad," he greeted his father, making a face at how the man seemed smaller and weaker than before. Taemin knew very well that he was sick but he hated seeing it. Sure, if his father had stayed, it wouldn't have happened..

Or would it? Could someone really avoid getting sick by being fine mentally? 

The wrinkled hand shook a little as a soft, bitter chuckle escaped greyish lips."How funny I barely saw him again..." The elderly man whispered quietly."He was always..away. And then, gone..."

"Dad, do you think granny will be mad at me for being late?" Taemin asked as he made himself comfortable on the front seat, giggling as he noticed his mother ran out the door, his stepfather following her close."I'm leaving!" He shouted at the top of his lungs as they drove off.

"Nice trick, kid." His father praised him and off they were to their destination.

Some time later, Taemin was already in his grandmother's arms, trying to escape from being squished by her chubby arms. She resembled his mother eerily, which was just a bit odd and creepy given that they weren't related. The boy shrugged it off once he was able to pull away and looked around in glee, having a feeling that something grand was going to happen to him in these few weeks.

And it surely did. The man could recall the strange buzz he felt in the air throughout the first days he spent there... Something grand was in the making and he knew it very well. But little did he know that he wasn't prepared for it, not yet.

Taemin smiled to himself as he sat down in the cosy, tiny cafe he had grown to love so much in the previous summers and greeted the familiar waiters and waitresses with cheeky grins. He was incredibly glad to be away from all even if just for a while. No school, no boyfriend, no nagging mother and strict stepfather, no worrying about anything.

Just him in the summer heat, glamour and everything else.

Taemin ordered a glass of ice-cream and cheered to himself when a cute guy sat down next to him, claiming that he had nowhere else to do so. It was nice, being ogled by a stranger and being able to stare back. Taemin's boyfriend was a bit too overprotective, albeit sweet and kind and well, the boy sometimes just had enough.

Even just a week or two ago, his boyfriend had made a fuss because he dared to say that a star was y. Taemin despised being controlled like this. Sure, he loved Onew, of course but...

Taemin wanted to live a little and being able to voice out whether someone look good or not seemed like a part of just that.

"You're cute." The other guy said, snapping the boy out of his own little world. A soft blush grazed Taemin's cheeks as he let some of his auburn-colored locks fall into his face."But you need a haircut. And maybe it should be dyed, too." The other continued.

"Do I?" Taemin asked, a pout forming on his lips."My boyfriend says it's cute..." He added, inwardly flinching at how much he depended on Onew despite how he wished he didn't."He says long hair suits me..." he added.

"And it makes you like like a five-year-old. Sweetheart, people gotta change. If he loves you, he will love you with a different haircut, too. I'm Key by the way." Key said with a cheeky grin."And your helper to get out of your boyfriend's claws and try a new hairstyle... Well, as long as you intend to stay here, of course."

"I'll be here for a few weeks. How did you know that I do not live here, by the way?" Taemin asked curiously, wondering about Key's real name. Well, there was a chance that it was Key but the possibility of it seemed quite scarce, who would call their own child like that? It just sounded so weird.

"You don't look like you've been born here, plus I overheard you and Jess talking." Key said with a grin as he ran a hand through his spiky, blond hair."By the way, we'll be going to the mall at two, tomorrow. I gotta run now, my puppy is waiting for me."

"Puppy?" Taemin asked, biting into his lower lip. Key was obviously bubbly and sweet but he had an odd glint in his eyes when he talked about that puppy he had.

"My boyfriend, silly." The blond laughed."He looks like a dog because of his eyes." He explained."By the way, I never got your name..."

"It's Taemin." Taemin giggled softly, the previous attraction he had felt towards Key quickly disappearing but being replaced by something else. He liked how quirky the boy was and how carefree he sounded...

"Nice. Now, I trust it you know where the mall is, don't you?" Key inquired as he stood up, stretching out a little. His eyes were alit by genuine curiosity and a hint of amusement mixing with fondness, that for some reason, made Taemin like him a bit more.

"Yup." He replied as he ran a hand through his hair, wincing inwardly at how long it was. He really needed that haircut.

And he did get it.

He could still remember the seeing his own shocked face glance back at him from the mirror under a neat mop of vibrant red hair. He looked weirdly unfamiliar, even to himself as his hair was short, bright and well, red. But still, he fell in love with it at first sight.

"I look so different," Taemin squeaked and hugged Key tightly by pure impulse, giggling when the boy just shook his head.

"I know I know, I'm amazing..." he said, beaming back at his new friend. Because that was what they were: friends.

And Taemin couldn't even recall the last time he had such a great time with a friend of his. Just being like this without anyone he knew - expect for his grandparents and now, Key - was uplifting for the boy.

It all changed on one very hot day, one whole week since he had left his mother, his home and Onew. And Taemin didn't regret any of it. 

He was sitting in a fast-food restaurant on the first floor of the huge, glass-walled mall, fiddling with his food. Key was going soon and the two of them were going on a little adventure as the older boy - they found out he was two years older than Taemin a day into their friendship - had put it and well, Taemin couldn't have been more excited. He loved life here, more than at home and even if it was a little scary, he didn't care.

The sound of shuffling made him look up and Taemin's eyes widened, shock quickly appearing in them. A boy, around his age had just sat down on the other end of his table, and boy, did he take attractive to a new level!

He was tall and lean with short, black hair and huge eyes that held a hint of amusement and something else. Taemin wasn't quite sure about what it was as he was busy gaping like a goldfish.

"Hi." He whispered quieter than ever as his cheeks flushed a deep pink.

"Hi," the stranger said, a smirk tugging at the edges of his thin lips," hope it's not a problem that I sat down, this place is crowded..." he said with the hint of mock regret in his voice.

"No, it's fine..." Taemin choked out as he struggled to regulate his breathing. This boy, he was different from Onew whom the redhead was missing dearly. He looked somewhat wild, clad in a leather jacked and ripped jeans, and just different.

Not better or worse, Taemin had to admit because he did adore his boyfriend's chubby cheeks and sweet smile. Just... Onew was boring and this boy was far from it. He was everything that Taemin would liked in a person. Rough, untamed, perfect.

Or well, so it seemed.

"Name's Minho." The stranger - Minho -  introduced himself as he held out his hand. Taemin took it with a dumb nod, his lips parting and closing for a few times.

He just had no idea what to say.

"I'm... Taemin." He mumbled finally, cheeks gaining a rosy color as he glanced into the other's eyes shyly, suddenly feeling bashful."Nice to meet you."

"Sure sure." Minho said, lips curling upwards at the sight of the obviously flustered boy in front of him."You me, at the club down the street, tonight." He continued, his lower lip as he watched Taemin gulp.

"He already has a boyfriend." Key's annoyingly loud voice was what snapped the two of them out of their little conversation."Seriously, Minnie, I told you to meet me down near the bathroom, not here." He added, a knowing smile that only his friend caught appearing on his lips."Now, if you excuse us, we need to go now." He added and dragged a still blushing Taemin away.

He could still recall being interrogated by the naggy teenager he had learnt to call his best friend. Key had always been quite blunt and snarky and sadly, this showed in his questions, too.

"Do you think you should leave your current boyfriend for him?" The blond asked as he casually picked out a couple T-shirts before tossing them to Taemin. They were in a small store that sold unique but stunning clothing and apparently, the blond decided to play dress-up with his friend.

"What? I would never leave Onew..." Taemin whispered as he bit into his lower lip. What he said was true but... only partially. For some reason he wished to go to the club and see Minho. It was an odd urge, building up in his chest. He had never felt something like this.

He never missed Onew like this, either.

"Your lips are saying that, but is your heart doing the same?" Key wondered out-loud as he threw a dark, denim vest at his friend."Try that and those pants," he pointed at a pair of tight jeans on a stack near them,"and the blue T-shirt."

Taemin nodded obediently, a pout soon forming on his lips as he didn't like the clothes that had been chosen for him. He shrugged a little though, knowing that Key knew what he was doing.

"We're going to the club, by the way." He heard his friend say."You just need to dress up well so your bad boy will know who he wants."

"I don't want him to want me." Taemin said with a sigh as he pulled off his plain, grey T-shirt."He just sat down suddenly in front of me, what should have I done?"

"Maybe told him to leave? Tae, I'm not an idiot, I know Chemistry if I see it." The blond replied before suddenly a few more items of clothing were tossed on the younger's head."Try them, be a bit wilder." He instructed.

And he was. Taemin ended up wearing tight, leather pants and a revealing, white T-shirt to the club. He could recall that night perfectly even if it had been so many years before. Such events, when one's life turns upside down just can't be forgotten...

Taemin was bouncing in his car seat nervously."Will they even let me in? I'm not even eighteen."

"They don't care, it's a youth centre." Jonghyun, Key's boyfriend replied from the front seat."But be careful, if you don't see us, don't move from where you are, kid." He added. 

Taemin knew that the other hated him. Apparently, he was taking up too much of Key's time and well, Jonghyun hated it. He looked somewhat cute, being short, thin and somewhat cuddle like a poodle but he was incredibly possessive over his boyfriend. And well, that and Taemin being close with Key just didn't go well, not at all.

"Jong, stop." Key said with a giggle as they stopped in front of the club."Don't worry Minnie, you will enjoy your night here. You look good, by the way."

"Thanks." Jonghyun replied despite knowing that it wasn't him who had been praised. He couldn't handle it, being ignored by the boy of his dreams for another pretty boy.

"Your look like a rat, Jongie." Key giggled and busied himself with straightening out his boyfriend's clothes."Now, you look much better." he said as he pecked the other's cheek before dragging him and Taemin into the buzzing place.

An hour later, Taemin was completely wasted and dancing with a random boy who was taller and buffer than him. 

Another later, he was grinding against Minho, small, soft body colliding with the other's."Such a little tease~" He heard the other purr into his ear."Such a cute little tease..."

Hands were traveling up and down, lips were clashing, limbs were tangling and they were in a car just some time later.

Touching, kissing, .

Pure lust was tainting the air and they never noticed how far they had gotten until Minho was pounding hard into Taemin, making him scream for more.

And they wanted more of this, of these raw, uncontrollable feelings... So they kissed again and again, the scent of overbearing in the car. They only needed each other and no one else. Lost in the pleasure and lost they made each other writhe in pure want and need, not something that they could explain just with a few words.

Nothing seemed to matter for long, long hours, just their pantings and soft voices, rough and tender touches and voices that were faint from crying out the other's name so many times. They lay in a tangled mess on the backseat, unable to decipher which leg or which arm belonged to the older boy or the younger. It was such a sweet mess that they never wanted to be freed from it, not until they would be forced to do so...

"Such a little tease..." Were Minho's last words as exhaustion finally took over his body and he passed out, holding onto Taemin with the remnants of his strength.

Taemin was blinking up at the dark ceiling of the car for long hours, never quite realising what he had done. He was unfaithful but... it had felt so good. To be free and do what he wanted to.

He would have done it again and again, if needed. But only with Minho. Because he was different, even if he didn't know why...

He fell asleep in said boy's strong arms, surrounded by that musky scents and lulled by those even heartbeats.

He woke up to the same. Arms around his waist, a face nestled into his neck and a pounding headache. He was hot and cold at the same time, and felt so right to be in those sweaty but strong arms.

"You're up, huh?" Minho's scratchy voice hit his ears and he nodded a little, eyes flickering shut again."That was one wild night."

"Yeah." Taemin breathed out, yearning comfort from the embrace that was making him feel so safe and somewhat treasured. He just wished that Onew's hug did the same to him."I cheated on him, didn't I?"

"You damn did. Several times, if I might add." Minho chuckled and lightly ruffled the boy's hair."Do you regret it?"

"Honestly?" Taemin took a deep breath as he sighed quietly."I don't."

"Someone texted you some time ago," Minho whispered a few minutes later, never loosening his hold on the boy," your phone is on the front seat, I think."

Taemin sat up slowly, fighting down the nausea that hit him with such little actions and slowly reached for said object, eyes widening when he saw the name on the screen. 


The short message that he scrambled to open broke his heart, calling tears into his dark eyes.

I have a girlfriend, we're through.

"Taemin? Taemin, are you okay?" Minho asked quietly as he grabbed the boy by the shoulder before growling when he read the message over his shoulder."Bastard." He growled.

"I betrayed him, too." Taemin whimpered, feeling like his heart was being broken, again and again.

"And you did well... He should find out so he would see that you don't care, either..." Minho whispered as he once again brought Taemin into a kiss, this time one that was salty but soothing."It's okay..." he murmured."I will be here for you..."

"Will you?" Taemin's quiet voice broke the silence after minutes as he laid his forehead against the other boy's."Will you really?"

"I will..." Minho whispered before planting the sweetest of pecks on the boy's forehead."But only if you will be there for me."

"I will..." Taemin repeated softly."Or at least, I think so... I don't know... I'm confused and tired and hurt and don't want to leave you..." He was still crying, bitter tears escaping his eyes slowly, tainting his flushed cheeks slowly.

Some time passed of the two of them holding onto each other like that, the quiet pitter-patter of the sudden rain lulling them into the state of peace. It was somewhat odd because Taemin had never felt like this safe with Onew. For some reason with his now ex-boyfriend, he had always felt the need to be perfect for him and could never let himself go.

However, they both flinched when suddenly, they heard loud pounding on the windows of the car. Taemin scattered to gather his clothes, cheeks ablaze as he looked at everything but Minho the moment he heard Key's voice shout at the two of them.

They were in trouble and he knew it.

"At least be decent enough to cover yourself up, idiot." Key said once the doors were unlocked and he could peek his head into the car."May I say you two didn't really beat around the bush."

"You knew it?" Taemin asked quietly as he looked away, biting into his lower lip."How?"

"How do you think he knew where you were? Mr bad boy here is nowhere near as independent or wild as he looks like. Heck, I choose the clothes he wore because I knew that you would like him!" Key said as he rolled his eyes.

"You...planned it." The youngest whispered quietly."I'm not gonna question why because I know that you have your reasons but I guess... thanks for this night. For both of you."

"Too bad you will have to go back soon..." Key said before throwing a backpack at Minho."There are clothes for the both of you in that, no need to thank me. Now, get ready and we'll go have some late breakfast."

They both nodded and dressed up, Taemin struggling to do so as his lower half was hurting. His heart was still heavy but he didn't dare to show that. He hated feeling like this because he had cheated on Onew...

Still, Minho was different in a sense and this complete situation was making the redhead confused. He wasn't sure if he liked how unpredictable his life had turned out to be. Somehow, he wanted to go back to his protective mother and weird stepfather and boyfriend who were always there for him, who would never changed. However, he wished to stay here, too, where his life was thrilling and fun.

The elderly man snorted to himself at the thought before sitting down on an old, rusty bench. He listened to the heartfelt trills of the many little birds and closed his eyes, letting the autumn sun caress his wrinkled skin. He used to think that summer was just heat and water, preferably mixing with some wind but... He had to realize it when he was still a teenager that it was much more than that.

Taemin fiddled with the hem of his T-shirt as he glanced at Minho again and again. They were both drinking coffee and eating some homemade breakfast food in an awkward silence along with Key who seemed to be in his own world, texting with his boyfriend. He would giggle now and then, pearly teeth showing from time to time.

"So... would you like to go out later?" Minho broke the silence with the soft question."We could watch a movie, maybe?"

"I..." Taemin started with the softest of sighs before letting his teeth sink into his lower lip."Maybe." he added with a soft smile."Just... I would like to call him first and all. Maybe it was just his sister pranking me or... I don't know."

"You already cheated on him, does it really matter?" Key butted in, his words harsh but true."I mean, you never even said anything good about him and all. Maybe you could give Minho a chance. I hate him, but I hate your ex more."

"Since when do you hate me?" Minho asked with a scoff."I remember you screaming my name a few years back..." He added with a smirk.

"You put a cockroach in my pillowcase, of course I was screaming." Key muttered, his cheeks gaining a soft pink blush."Anyway, I do hate you but I think that you two would make a good pair. Plus you had already so you guys do have something going on."

"Why do you have to be so blunt?" Taemin asked, obviously flustered as he tried to curl up on his chair as much as he could so people wouldn't notice him."And okay, we could go out, I guess. But I do have to talk with Onew. I... I think I love him still..."

"I doubt he loves you." Key deadpanned."Breaking up over a text is not something I would call nice and if you did love someone just a bit and you were forced to part with them, I doubt you would just send them a short little text."

Key was right and Taemin knew it very well but... He just couldn't choose. Minho was tender and sweet, but he lived far away. And Onew was... Lee Jinki, the school's cute nerd that people fawned over. It was a tough choice to make despite one ship had already sailed out. There was little to no chance that his ex would take him back and the red-haired boy knew it.

He just... didn't know what to do. Could he really choose the boy who he barely knew instead of fighting for the one that had been with him through everything? 

The boy sighed deeply before smiling at Minho lightly. He liked the other teen a lot and well, people only live once."We can go out. Tomorrow afternoon sounds okay, or...?"

"Sounds perfect." Minho said with a grin, his lips curling up in such a way that made Taemin's heart pound loudly against his chest. The older boy was simply adorable like this. 

"Can we watch a cute movie though?" He asked, playing with the ends of his hair."Onew would never let me choose them..." He added with a sneaky grin. What he said was the truth, unfortunately, but for some reason it didn't matter at the moment.

"Sure. Anything you want." Minho replied with another stunning smile that made Taemin's breath get caught in the back of his throat. There was something about this boy that was making him lose his mind way too quickly and for some reason, he didn't want to care about that.

"Okay, lovebirds, I think you two should be separated before anything happens," Key laughed and pulled Taemin out of his seat,"come on, Tae, we have many things to do today and you even have to call your mom..."

Taemin nodded dumbly and quickly planted a sweet kiss on Minho's cheek before scurrying out of the caffe, his chest heaving with each little breath."Life is...weird." he mumbled.

"Meh, you're just in love. Never felt it before?" Key rolled his eyes with a fond smile before pulling the younger to the nearest bus stop."I'm happy you two like each other this much. Minho looks tough but he is quite sweet, to be honest. Way too sweet for someone with a body like that, actually."

"He is a bit controlling tough..." Taemin whispered." In... , I mean." He added, cheeks flushing when he realized what he had just said.

"I bet." Key laughed as he shook his head."You two fit together, trust me. Just, you should move here or something. Your dad lives near, doesn't he?"

"He does but... I don't want to live with him." Taemin whispered with a soft sigh."I... I would love to stay but it's complicated."

"Don't worry, we all have our demons." The blond ruffled his friend's fluffy hair as they arrived to his house."I hope you two will be able to be together for a long time, though. When he first spotted you, you should have seen it, he was like some puppy that had seen its owner for the first time in years or something. I call Jonghyun puppy but nature-wise, it's Minho who resembles one. Or so I think, at least."

"I can't know, I don't know them that much..." Taemin admitted quietly."Anyway, I think I'll try going out with him and we'll see what's gonna happen. I am attracted to him, that's for sure..."

He could recall the first few days that would only end up with the two of them making out on a bed, preferably on Minho's whose parents were away for the summer for some reason. Quite a few weeks were spent with basking in lust and passion as the love the two of them shared grew steadily.

But July was coming to an end and with that, so was his stay in the city. His mother had been nagging him to go home for weeks and well, he really couldn't just stay anymore.

Parting was something Taemin had always hated. He was clinging to Minho as he watched the enormous clock strike two, meaning that his train would arrive soon."Can't you come with me?" He asked in a whimper, small hands curling into the older boy's beige T-shirt."I can pay for your ticket, you just have to pack..."

"You know that I can't." The black-haired teen ran a hand through his hair with a sigh."I wish I could but..."

"Then do it!" Taemin all but screamed."My mother won't care as long as you're not rude and..."

"Taemin, I can't." Minho whispered before pecking the boy's lips. Salty tears spoiled their kiss but they didn't care, they just needed to be close to each other."Sorry. I'm sorry, baby."

"I wish I never came here..." Taemin admitted bitterly."I wish I just stayed at home like a good kid."

"I'm glad you were here. And we will meet, I promise you..." Minho whispered as he kissed away all those tears while his own eyes were shining with unshed ones."Don't worry, the moment I can, I will go to see you. You don't even live that far away..."

"I know but I don't want to leave my boyfriend..." Taemin whispered before sniffling."I will come back if mom lets me, maybe even in a week or two. Key said I can stay with him if I want to..."

"You can stay with me, too." Minho murmured as he buried his nose in the boy's neck, inhaling his sweet scent."Just promise to love me for a long time."

"Do I even have to promise that?" Taemin giggled tearfully."I fell for you, Choi Minho and I don't regret it."

"Good, because I don't, either." Minho whispered and kissed the sweet skin under his lips before sneaking a small object in the younger's palm."Wear it so people will know it that you're mine."

Taemin nodded a little, his eyes widening as he admired the ring for a few moments. The train arrived, its shrill noises making both of them wince slightly."I won't ever take it off." The younger whispered with a smile.

"Good, because you're mine..." Minho whispered."

Those sweet words still echoed in the man's head as he closed his eyes again, letting his bitter tears fall. He never took off the ring, not even when it became too big for his finger.

He always showed the fact that he belonged to the Choi Minho proudly. Even as they both got older and soon, moved in together. Even as they adopted children and raised them in pure bliss. 

And still, Minho left him. Just two years ago, on the very same day.

With his eyes closed, he could still see his face. Wrinkled eyes shining with love, pale lips curling into a smile.

"Taeminnie," he heard the older whisper."I see that you have kept your promise."

He nodded blindly, knowing well that his lover wasn't there. Of course not, because he had passed away oh, so many months ago. They say love doesn't last forever, yet the elderly man's heart was still aching for the one who he had left for so many decades that he couldn't even count them.

"I miss you, Minnie..." Minho's raspy voice cooed into his ear."I can see you, but can't ever touch you, kiss you..."

"Why did you leave?" Taemin whimpered out, his own voice suddenly unfamiliar to his own ears. Because there was no way that his voice was so smooth and young."You could have stayed, couldn't you? You weren't even that old..."

"Dear, sicknesses won't choose according to age or such silly things..." Taemin could suddenly fear arms wrapping around his small waist tightly."No one cares about such things up there, you know..."

"Up there..." Taemin whispered, a small smile finally appearing on his lips. He could feel his body becoming heavier and soon, he was lying on the bench, his ring falling onto the ground with a soft clinking sound."Do you think they have place for me there, next to you?"

"I think so..." Minho cooed softly as he planted a tender kiss on his lover's forehead."We have waited enough for each other, after all, don't you think?"

Taemin nodded a little, tears of happiness sighing in his eyes that were slowly losing their shine.

"Mommy, look, Mr is sick!" He heard a shrill voice scream but paid no mind to it. Why would have he cared if he was being held by the one he loved so much?

He shrugged off the questions he was asked, not even comprehending them to their fullest. Only Minho mattered, the one who had shown him that summer flings could last forever. And he could be never more thankful to anyone...

Lee Taemin passed away on a breezy autumn afternoon, the ring of his never forgotten lover lying near him on the ground. He was finally back with the one he loved so much and that was all that mattered... Not even the small metal object held any meaning to them anymore.

Just each other.


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Loljkjk #1
Chapter 1: It is amazing! One of the best oneshots I have ever read!
Niek999 #2
Chapter 1: Wow... Beautiful
Chapter 1: ILOVETHIS, amazing story~^^~
SohAnna #4
Chapter 1: It's very beautiful
Amazing story!
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful!
Chapter 1: Quivers lips, sobs ugly tears, and bawls.
My feels...
But hey, at least they're together, no?
Mawyna #8
I'm scared of your last sentence.. Still, I'm looking forward to this as it's 2min..