Haesun High

Beautiful Disaster

"Lee Yoojung?"

Yoojung snapped out of her light, unintentional nap.

"Are you still with us?" her advanced chemistry teacher asked nicely.

"Uh..y-yes," Yoojung sat up straighter and cleared , "Yes, sorry."

She could hear her best friend, Hyemi, attempting to stifle her laugh but failing horribly.

Not again. This is so embarrassing. Pay attention Yoojung!

Thankfully, she sat in the back of the room, so the rest of the students couldn't see her blushing face. It wasn't her first time nodding off in class, and to be quite honest, it would most likely not be the last. Yoojung was a bit of an insomniac and averaged only about 3-5 hours of sleep a night. As much as she loved sleep, it seemed like a waste at the same time. She fared pretty well based on her lack of sleep, but some days she could not fight her drowsiness no matter how hard she struggled.

Yoojung took a deep breath and resolved to stay awake. She sat up as straight as she could and took a sip of water to clear her brain. With her eyes wide open, she managed to be awake for approximately ten seconds before her eyelids began to droop once more. She almost gave in, but she shook her head and willed herself to stay awake. As if on cue, her teacher explained that they would watch a movie to discuss the different types of intermolecular forces and turned off the lights.

As if staying awake wasn't hard enough with the lights on, how am I supposed to stay awake with them off?

After several more attempts to stay awake, Yoojung gave in to her body and slept behind the protection of the conveniently large classmate who sat in front of her. Seconds before the bell rang, her best friend woke her up and Yoojung nodded at her friend appreciatively. The bell rang soon afterwards, and the class rushed out the door.

"You can go first. I'm going to talk to Mrs. Park for a bit!" Yoojung told Hyemi who was waiting for her.

"You sure you don't want me to wait?"

"Yeah, I'm sure!"

Yoojung wore her backpack and sheepishly approached Mrs. Park who was erasing the board. Mrs. Park was a new teacher this year in her early 20's who was quite popular amongst the students for her caring and laid-back nature. She cleared , "Mrs. Park, I'm really sorry about dozing off in class. It's definitely not because your class is boring or anything, I'm just super exhausted."

"It's all right Yoojung," Mrs. Park smiled understandingly, "Everyone has those days, and since you're a bright student, I'm really not too worried. Now hurry off to class, you'll be late!"

And this is why I love her.

"Thanks for being understanding Mrs. Park!" Yoojung bowed, "I'm sorry again!"


Yoojung walked out of the classroom feeling like a huge burden had been lifted off of her shoulders. Before making it too far down the hallway, she heard a loud, deep voice call her name.

"Hey Yoojung!"

She turned around to see Chanyeol waving his hand and walking with a smiling Jongdae and rather grumpy Sehun.

"Hey guys, you made it!" Yoojung stopped in the side of the hallway and waited for the three to catch up.

"Yaayy!!" Sehun said in a sarcastic voice.

"Woah, no one here gets to use sarcasm, but me," Yoojung said in a jokingly stern voice.

"Well hate to break it to you, friend, but that's about to change," Sehun remarked while putting a hand on Yoojung's shoulder.

Yoojung made a face and shrugged his hand off of her shoulder.

"So how has your first day of school been so far? Did you make any friends?"

"Who needs friends when we have you?" Chanyeol winked.

"Who said we were friends?" Yoojung teased.

"Shots fired, bang bang," Jongdae added, laughing with Sehun.

"Fine," Chanyeol pouted, "Your loss."

"We're friends though, right Yoojung?" Jongdae asked, further teasing Chanyeol.

"Of course, Jongdae," Yoojung replied, sticking her tongue out in Chanyeol's direction and pretending to walk off with Jongdae.

"It's ok," Chanyeol said straightening up, "I already know you're secretly dying to be friends with a handsome guy like me."

"You keep telling yourself that, hyung," Sehun said, slowly patting Chanyeol's back.

"Hey I don't appreciate all of this ganging up," Chanyeol puffed his cheeks, "Especialy from you maknae! That's no way to treat your hyung."

Sehun backed away with his hands in the air, and Yoojung high-fived him.

"Fine, fine. I'm just kidding," Yoojung laughed.

"Thought so," Chanyeol said.

"So where's your next class?" Yoojung asked.

Sehun shrugged, "It says Calculus with Mr. Chung?"

"That's my next class too!" Yoojung said excitedly.

"Wow, yay!" Sehun said sarcastically again.

"Hey," Yoojung made a face, "Since when were we so close for you to be mean to me already?"

"It's all out of love," Sehun said while patting her head. Jongdae chuckled at the cute interaction.

"Sure sure," Yoojung laughed, "Usually I'm the one reassuring that to my friends."

Jongdae whispered to Chanyeol, "So I'm guessing we're not going to tell her about the part where we kindly persuaded the guidance counselor to put us in all of her classes?"

"Yeah...probably not," Chanyeol replied.

"Oh no!" Yoojung gasped, "We're going to be late to our next class if we don't hurry up!"

"Oh no, how horrible," Sehun remarked sarcastically yet again.

"Shut up," Yoojung said to Sehun who merely laughed, "Guys, can you walk any slower? We still have to go upstairs."

"I mean if you're asking..." Sehun said, walking in complete slow motion with Jongdae and Chanyeol.

"Fine, you guys can find your own way to class," Yoojung said, dashing off on her own.

"Okay, okay. We're coming!" Chanyeol gestured to the others to hurry up.

And in this manner, with a lot of playful bantering and an occassional scolding or two from their teachers, the four of them spent the rest of day happily. As for Yoojung, she thoroughly enjoyed her school day for the first time in a while and was glad that Jongdae, Chanyeol, and Sehun were so friendly and easy to get along with. Although the three boys were in high demand by the other students who wanted to get to know the conveniently handsome and attractive new kids in school, they usually hung around with Yoojung and occassionally her group of friends.


Following the dismissal of the last class of the school day, the group walked to the east wing where it was less crowded to exit the school.

"Hey, do you guys want to go to Boba Island with me?" Yoojung asked expectantly.

"Sure, I'm always up for some bubble tea," Sehun replied.

"Me too," Jongdae added.

"Hold on, I at multi-tasking. What did you say?" Chanyeol asked after replying to a text message.

"She asked if we wanted to go to Boba Island with her," Jongdae repeated.

"Oh yeah, sure!" Chanyeol said happily.

Suddenly Yoojung heard a loud sound behind her, and she turned around, startled, to see what is was. It wasn't a what, but it was more of a who.  Standing right behind her was a tall, tan male with sharp facial features. He had a slightly cold exterior and gave off a strong, charismatic aura. He seemed slightly antsy and in a rush to be elsewhere. Noticing his close proximity to her, the male took a couple steps back and cleared his throat.

Wait I'm pretty sure I didn't hear any footsteps. How and when did he even get here and why was he standing so close...?

"Oh...uh hey Jongin," Jongdae greeted rather awkwardly.

"Hey," Jongin replied, nodding at Sehun and Chanyeol in acknowledgment and then looking at Yoojung curiously.

"Well, uh this is our new friend, Yoojung. The one we told you about yesterday? Yoojung, this is our friend Jongin. He's new here too," Chen introduced.

Exactly how many families moved here and why do they all know each other?

"Hi, nice to meet you. Welcome to town," Yoojung greeted.

"Thanks, nice to meet you too," Jongin said rather uneasily before pulling Jongdae aside to talk privately.

"If you could excuse us for a moment," Jongin added politely.

"You couldn't make a more graceful, inconspicuous entrance?" Jongdae asked quietly.

"I mean it's not as easy when I don't really know where I'm headed."

"Anyways what's up? You seem a bit stressed."

"Suho hyung will fill you in, so we kind of need everyone back home right now."

"Right now?"

"Yes, now!"

"But we promised Yoojung that we'd go to Boba Island with her...what's it about?"

"Some of the members are under the impression that we're being watched..."

"Watched? What do you mean watched? It's only our second day back."

"I don't know all the details, but I need to bring you, Chanyeol, and Sehun back with me."

"Ok, I'll tell the others."

The pair walked back to the other three and Jongin nudged Jongdae to talk.

Jongdae cleared his throat, "Hey, I'm sorry Yoojung, but something urgent came up so we're going to have to skip out on Boba Island today."

"But-" Chanyeol and Sehun started before Jongin shot a glare at them.

"Is everything alright?" Yoojung asked, concerned.

"Oh yeah, yeah. Everything's fine. Don't worry about it," Jongdae said with a hopefully convincing smile.

It sure doesn't seem like everything's alright...

"You sure?" Yoojung confirmed.

"Yeah, just uh...Jongin's relatives are in town to visit the new house and they wanted the four of us there too," Jongdae lied. He hated lying to people, especiallly Yoojung, but it couldn't be helped.

"Oh, ok then. Have fun!" Yoojung replied. She was still unconvinced, but she decided to drop the topic for now.

"Sorry to take them away from you," Jongin added.

"We'll make it up to you tomorrow for sure!" Chanyeol promised.

"You'd better!" Yoojung smiled and waved good-bye as they walked away.

I wonder what's up...

Yoojung shrugged and left for her usual after school routine.


{A/N} Hello hello new readers! <3 I was so surprised and happy to find that already 24 of you lovely people decided to subscribed, and even 3 people upvoted the story! The comments were extremely encouraging, and I almost did a double update yesterday out of happiness, but I just didn't have the time. The gif below accurately describes how I feel right now.

I'm pretty sure you can assume how Kai suddenly appeared, and I hope this chapter made you curious about the next chapter C: I purposely made Yoojung a little suspicious because I know I always get frustrated at oblivious characters! I'm slowly trying to characterize starting from Jongdae, Chanyeol, and Sehun today. Who's your favorite character so far? Hope you enjoyed today's update!  xoxo -- JS 

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 8: Update if u can =)
Chapter 8: Oh, Jaeho looks like a sweet boy to me
Chapter 7: Welcome backkkkkk
Chapter 6: Oooooh! I'm a new subbie here, but I'm wondering, "How does Yoojung have the power to block Luhan?"
Mizz_Kpopperz #5
Oh My God Authornim! Thank You Very Much For Updating..I Really apreciate it..Your story is the best..i love the way you wrote the story..Hope you'll update soon!! Hwaiting Authornim!
Chapter 4: Thanks for the update and don't worry much...we will still support you even though you are not going to update until December or after December. I'm not sure what type of person Jaehyo is but I think he is quite funny and innocent guy. - Yuki
hyerifan #7
wow! im happy i found this hehe but im sad there's only four chapters so far.
i think jaeho is evil, but he seems truly nice to yoojung so i feel confused!
hope you update soon authornim~~ please <3
apinkluver #8
Chapter 4: Just found this story and I love it! It sounds so interesting and I'm excited for the next chapter ^_^
Chapter 4: Authornim on chapter 4 all I see is the writing ik. I don't know what happen... Or is it only that's all you've written for chapter 4?? I'm confused authornim..
Chapter 4: please update sooooon authornim~
i'll be waiting~ the story just gets more and more interesting teehee! :3