Drunk while admitting

Intoxicated Love

"Its really okay" Tiffany tounched the now Still on the couch where the blonde had kissed her Tiffany was silent her lips trembling from the warm sensation of the skin that had just be on it.

Tiffany couldn't help but trace her fingers over her blossom tinted lips wondering what exactly the feeling she would have every time the petite student would kiss her.

After a moment of silence the woman decided that she would distract herself from her own thoughts.

Moving quickly off her couch the brunette made her way to the kitchen checking the time on the circle clock that hung from a white wall in the large kitchen.

"Its already two pm, where has the time gone?" She stated moving her attention from the clock and to the coverts.

Pulling out a few pans, the woman being to remove still wrapped vegetables and meats from the square fridge.

After a while of placing the foods and pans onto the counter, Tiffany took the pink apron which was patterned while bright cartoon animals and soft lace.

The mother couldn't help but smile remembering how excited her daughter was to buy the bright clothing for cooking.

But then she also recollected the fact her daughter was not with her anymore.

After a moment of silence and thinking Tiffany collected herself only allowing small droplets of tear to pass her cheek.

"Okay" she said taking a deep breath in. "Lets get cooking"

The mother had forgotten about time as she immersed herself in her cook.

An hour passed then two then five, before the woman was able to place the large amount of food onto the dinning room table it was already seven in the night.

Although the time was late Tiffany had assured herself that is was still early while viewing the still bright summer day.

"Wow that was fun!" She commented to herself brushing off a few remaining messy crumbs and flours off her hand.

Taking a seat in a wooden chair that was placed along with five others around the table pulling herself in.

"Issssh" She sighed realizing the large portions of food she had made.

"I made too much food"

The woman had become accustomed to making large meals since she had a huge family she had to feed every night,

but now she was alone and knew that she would have to accustom herself to making less things.

After a while of thinking up ways to get rid of the food without wasting it a name came to her mind.

"Taeyeon!" She shouted out surprising herself.

Tiffany instantly place her hand over slightly embarrassed.

"I'll give Taeyeon some food" She moved from the chair walking to the kitchen sink."I mean shes a student and must eat allot of junk" 

The woman continued taking a sheet of paper towel and wiping the water off.

She stopped half way back to the table.

"But she is a good cook"

"I'll just give her some any ways"

The woman moved to the table taking the pile of food, one by one ,back to the kitchen where she took a medium glass pan and arranged the food into portions.

"I'm sure She'll appreciate it"

After her arrangement Tiffany closed the bowl with a glass led that came in a set.

Placing the dish in a large tote that was much of a shopping bag rather than a going out one,

Tiffany placed on leather strapped sandals that had a small heel and garbed her keys that hung by the front door.

She was still dressed in her morning attire and hadn't realized until the door opened and she felt the cool wind again her exposed legs.

"Wow it got really chilly, what time is it?" She asked herself closing the door and placing the tote onto the glass dinning room table.

Tiffany made her way through  the home running up the stairs to the second floor where a large closet was located.

After a while a savaging through her closet Tiffany located a  thick burgundy cardigan which was long enough to cover her knees that were exposed through the shorts she had on.

Running back down, Tiffany placed the tote over her shoulder and grabbing her keys exiting her home and moving to the next door home.

With a smile, the brunette stepped onto the white cement pathway and looking through the textured glass door which revealed nothing but blocked shapes.

The mother rung once, the twice, but before she could rang the button again a low voice groaned.

"Whaaaat?" A black haired beauty asked opening the door.

By now the sun was already sitting and the day was transforming into night, Tiffany only smiled like the beauty she was at the unfamiliar face.

"hello I'm Tiffany Taeyeon's neighbor" The woman pointed to her home next door before bringing her attention back to the young girl. 

"Wow your Tiffany, the Tiffany" the girl glowed in a sarcastic manner but still sweet.

"You've heard of me?" Tiffany panicked a little already knowing how badly her husband had talked about her.

"Don't worry its good" the girl laughed allowing the woman in.

"I'm Yuri by the way" The tan girl said closing the door as Tiffany walked over to the chair where she sat.


The mother looked around the home searching for a familiar blonde.

"Oh yeah your looking for Taeyeon" Yuri leaned against the door.

"She's not here, she went to a party or something"

"Oh" Tiffany got up placing the tote onto the white living room table.

"Could you give her this" She pulled out the dish of food.

"Wow" Yuri walked over taking the food from Tiffany and looking at the prepared meals.

"This looks good" She smiled smelling.

"Well I'll be off the" Tiffany took the flat tote and made her way to the door.

"No no" Yuri placed the bowl onto the table running over to the brunette.

"I know where she is I can take you"

"No it okay" Tiffany placed her hand around the door knob."I'll come back later"

"No I insist" Yuri replied.

"It's really..."

"Tippany it's okay" The girl cut the older woman off with a smile.

"Well okay then" The woman couldn't help but reply with a smile.

"great I'll get my keys and take you there" Yuri turned from the woman and moved quickly up her stairs skipping two stairs like a dork.

It was already dark by the time Yuri reached a tall building with music from inside.

"Yuri is this a club?"Tiffany asked looking from otside and to the young girl.

"No duhhh" Yuri smiled unbuckling her seat belt and exiting the car.

"Wait" Tiffany held onto the girls wrist.

"I can't go in there"

"And why?"

Yuri stopped standing on the side of the open doored car.

"I'm a mother" Tiffany explained which Yuri understood but found funny. 

"Hahaha okay mother enjoy your stay in the car I'll go and get Taeyeon for you"

Tiffany nodded in agreement as the younger girl left her and entered the building.

Time passed about 40 minutes and Yuri had not returned, this made Tiffany nervous espically since she was alone.

Nervously she exited the car and walked up to the bricked building which seemed like a wall.

Unsure Tiffany knocked but received no response.

Annoyed the mother forcefully opened the unlocked door and storming into a highly explosive scene of lights and loud music that pounded.

Looking around through the crowd while holding onto her keys Tiffany walked through hot sweaty teens that jumped up and down shaking their bodies.

Finding her way through Tiffany met a large bar where she simply sat disgusted by the environment.

"Can I help you?"A young boy asked wiping a few cups.

"Oh no i'm fine" Tiffany explained politely before turning back to the crowd where she was now searching for Tiffany and Yuri.

Completely distracted Tiffany had not noticed the guy staring with lustful eyes at her.

He called the young boy over and whispered a few things into the boys ear with a smirk, after that the young boy took a cup filling it with water while placing a pill into it that instantly dissolved.

"Ma-am" The boy tapped Tiffany's shoulder after talking to the man.

"here is some water" He passed the sup to Tiffany who smiled.

"Oh Thankyou" She took the drink and sipped.

She didn't taste anything strange nor see anything so the mother continued drinking.

After finishing the cup of"Water" Tiffany slightly stumbled of her chair while the man ran to her helping her up.

"Thank...thankyou"Tiffany smiled confused at why she was growing increasingly dizzy.

"Are you okay?' He asked her  as Tiffany pulled away.

"I'm fine" The woman continued towards the crowd as the man followed.

"sir I told you I am fine"

"sorry I'm just really worried about you"He smiled at her.

"well I'm good and..." Before Tiffany could finish every thing went increasingly blurry and the woman slight tumbled. "Am I drunk?" She asked.

"i think you are you know I can take you to a place to sleep and sober up" he offered moving closer and wrapping his hands around her shoulder.

"ahhh" Tiffany was some what apprehensive but was not in her right mind.

The man begin to direct her around the room before she stopped.

"Tiffany?" I voice called from behind.

The wife turned moving from the man to a familiar blonde.

"Tae- Taeyeon?" She asked slightly tilting. 

Taeyeon moved her hands around the womans waist in effort to keep her still.

"You...you know i tryed to look for you...and i just"

"Okay okay Tiffany come I'll take you home" The student told the mother directing her to the exit.

"but that guy said" Taeyeon looked in the direction that Tiffany pointed and saw a familiar face but cared to much about the wife to care.

"Alright come on Tiffany"  

Carrying the woman over her shoulders Taeyeon opened her car helping Tiffany into the passengers seat.

"Taeyeon where are we going?"

"home" Taeyeon responded getting into the drivers seat and closing the door driving from the location.

Tiffany simply rested her eyes falling asleep quickly in the car.

"Geez Tiffany"Taeyeon exhaled placing her free hand on the woman's forehead.

"At least she's not sick"

Taeyeon sped quickly reaching her home and stopping the car almost running out her seat to the passengers seat where Tiffany slept.

"Tiffany...Tiffany" Taeyeon called the womans name but the mother did not budge.

Realizing there was no other option Taeyeon unbuckled Tiffany picking up the surprisingly theme frame in bridal style and closing the car door with her leg.

Taking the woman in her arms Taeyeon was able to barely open the door closing it with her leg again.

"Tiffany" Taeyeon whispered moving up the stairs her worry increasing as the woman did not answer, placing the body on her large queen sized bed, Taeyeon removed Tiffany's shoes and Cardigan placing a large comforter over her body.

Taking a breth in as she brushed Tiffany's hair in place, Taeyeon went to her bag where she pulled out her cell phone dialing in a number.

"Daddy"She said nervously sitting back next to the woman.

"What is it Taeyeon" her father responded in concern.

"I think somethings wrong with Tiffany"

"The house wife?" He asked remebering the many times his daughter mentioned the name.

"yes! I found her at the club with Jonghyun and shes completely knocked out"

"Okay sweety calm down its probably not serious"
'dad this is serious please come over"

"But honey it midnight and I'm still at the hospital"
"Dad please" He was worried hearing his daughter voice crack.

"Okay sweety I'm coming" With that Taeyeon thanked him and hung up.

After about twenty minutes her door bell ranged.

Relunctently leaving the woman's side Taeyeon ran down the stairs to the front door .

Opening it immediantely she viewed her father still young with rich brown hair and a tall frame.

"Where is she" He asked coming into his daughter home holding a large bag.

"Up stairs" Taeyeon answered leading him to her room.

"Shes been like that since we left the c...place" She covered slightly not wanting her dad to know she was at a club.

"Alright Taeyeon I'll do some quick test and see what might be in her system for the time being get some rest you look drained"

"No dad I can't I'm..." 

"Look honey I know your worried about Tiffany and I know how much you like her but you have to get some sleep"


"Taeyeon" his voice became more stern.

"Okay but i'm next door anything just call me" She explained to him as he nodded to her.

The young student left the room slowly watching her father look over Tiffany.


2 Hours later.

"Taeyeon" The girl heard her name and opened her eyes sitting up from the couch.

"Wow okay" he smiled at her."Tiffany's going to be alright the drugs in her system were not so serious just a cocentrated amount of sleeping pills, luckily she  only had one if more she would have died" her explained causing the girl eyes to widen.

"How did she get that in her"

"Well" He touched Taeyeon shoulder in effort to calm her.

"It must have been given to her at the club, i had figured because of your clothes" he smiled at her.

"Thanks dad" She stood and hugged the man.

"No problem" Her rubbed her head making his way down the stairs.

"oh and Taeyeon just know that Tiffany is very lucky to have you around"

"Thanks dad" the exhausted girl replied as her father smiled at her.

"And sleep okay you look really tired and that's not good for your health"

"Alright dad night" The said louder causing her father to laugh and reply goodnight before leaving.

As her father left Taeyeon went to the room where Tiffany still layed still asleep taking a seat near the girl Taeyeon sighed a little more relaxed.

"Geez tiffany sometimes i feel like I take more care of you then myself"

Morning -6am

​Tiffany woke a bit drowsy opening her eyes to witness an empty room. She wasn't sure what room she was in so her eyes opened widely.

"Where am I" The girl responded in a low tone.

"Your in my room" Tayeon said moving into the bed room in white cotton shorts and a black detailed bra.

Drying her hair with a towel Taeyeon made her way across the room opeing the curtians.

"Taeyeon, what happened?"Tiffany asked causing the blonde to turn to her.

"Well some decided to drug you last night at the club, it was sleeping pills so it wasn't that serious"


"Yeah" taeyeon found a seat on the edge of the bed next to Tiffany.

"My dads a doctor and i had him check you and everything, God I was so worried" taeyeon lowered her face into her hand.

"Taeyeon you did all that for me even brought me home?"

"yes Tiffany I love you enought to not..." Taeyeon paused realizing she was actually yelling.

"I'm sorry"

"No" Tiffany responded holding the girls face and pulling her close enough to peck her lips.

Taeyeon's eyes widened.

"i've never met anyone who have been able to make me feel the way you just did"

"And what did you feel" taeyeon asked calmly placing the towl onto the bed and pushing the wet strands of blonde from her face.


The womans answer caused Taeyeon to move closer to her pressing her lips harder against Tiffany's own.

Finding comfot in the younger girl Tiffany wrapped her arms around Taeyeon's waist as the girl moved over her on the bed sitting on her knees.

"Your wanted Tiffany because I want you so bad"

Taeyeon stated bitting the womans neck softly.

"hahaha, stop that tickles" Tiffany laughed lightly pushing the girl away.

"Haha okay now get up lets go have some breakfast" Taeyeon smiled sitting down onto the bed and kissing Tiffanys cheek before getting off the bed.

"Okay" The older woman got off the bed following taeyeon.

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jupiterand #1
Chapter 13: thanks author, waiting for your next update :), update when you can
ilovekimichi #2
Chapter 12: Great update!!! :D
czankx #3
Chapter 11: I can see that tiffany is really accepting taeyeon further.. but i got a little confused on what happened to yuri?..
PandaXXI #4
Chapter 11: I find tiffany and taeyeon being with hana adorable. And the yuri thing was random but yet sad. The feeling of not being able to protect your younger sibling really . Trust me. And then there's that husband, but it adds on to the drama well
Thanks for another great chapter!
Chapter 10: Wahh! so fluffy and adorable chappy, great update keep it up ^^
jupiterand #6
Chapter 10: i am really but really intrigued about where this story is going, jaja it doesn`t have a pattern and i like that, keep updating author :) i think is the first fanfic that i dont know what is gonna happen o what is happening :) is great
miao989 #7
Chapter 10: So adorable.keep updating authorshii
PandaXXI #8
Chapter 9: Another adorable chapter lol
Thanks for the update
miao989 #9
Chapter 9: waaahhh,thats too cute