The Florist on the 14th


The Exotic Flowers Florist Shop is located at the heart of the city, perfect for any workers or student to conviently stop by and buy a bouquet for their loved ones. With such an ideal location, the shop is indeed busy. But on February 14th, the shop is madness. Baekhyun has been working here for 2 years, and he can tell you that on Valentine's Day, it's pure hell. Men and women coming in and out of the shop and  people are practically going into war for a bouquet of roses. On top of that, Baekhyun is even more outraged that he doesn't have a Valentine! He practically got the job to attract more females, but clearly, that didn't go as planned.

But this year, Song Hyeri decides to take a stop at the florist shop. Feeling melancholic of how her Valentine's Day is spent lonely this year, she feels that buying herself some flowers would make her feel better. But her initial plan to just buy a 10$ bouquet turned into something very, very different.



Poster and BG Credit to: Poster Paradise!


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Chapter 1: Truly wonderful <3
kihyunbaekoppa #2
Chapter 1: i would say yes,if u ask me ㅠㅠ haha btw good job author-nim!
MinYukiChan #3
Chapter 1: That was so sweet♥
Chapter 1: of course yes Baek.. :')
Chapter 1: So fluffy and funny at the same time! Loving this one shot♥️♥️♥️
Chapter 1: that's cute < 3
i want to be his valentine too.
HAHHAA okno.
i love this one-shot!
Chapter 1: Owwwnnn that was cute. ^^ heheh thumb's up for this one-shot. :)
Hum, I've seen the poster on the shop you've requested at and decided to take a look in the story. It hasn't the first chapter up yet, however, the description sounds interesting.
I decided to wait for the first chapter and see how it's going to be. ^^
Fighting! Update soon hehehe :D
This story sound awesome ;D
I'll wait for your next update ^^