Chapter II

A Speck Of Dust

Warning: Very short chapter.


“There’s a cure for almost everything, but what cures a broken heart?”

It’s been a hell of two weeks since the last time we talk. He didn’t even look at me when he walk pass by. I’ve never feel so lonely before. Of course I have other friends too, but they’re different.

Maybe this is for the best. I can’t love him anymore. He already has someone else.

I just need more time. To forget him. To heal the wound of my broken heart.

I sighed. He will never love you, Suho.


Kris’ POV

Taehyun hugged my arm tightly. It felt wrong. I don’t like his clingy attitude, but then I realize, Suho used to be clingy to me too. Hold my hand, grab my arm, etc because he loves skinskip especially with me. But it felt right.

Maybe it’s not about the clingy action. But the person who does that.

I kept comparing Taehyun to Suho. I know this is wrong, but I can’t help it.

Taehyun never give me thumps in my heart like Suho does. Taehyun has a different smile with Suho. Taehyun is taller than Suho, so it’s easier to hug Suho, because I’m tall, so our bodies fit perfectly. Suho hands also smaller than Taehyun and felt nice against my big hand.

I regretted it as soon as I walk out from Suho’s flat. Why should I be so rude to him? He’s my best friend for god’s sake.

And yes. I probably loves him more than a friend. But I think he doesn’t love me like that, I mean, yes he was so affectionate and care about me, but that’s a normal thing to do within friend right?

I saw no chance for me and Suho to be together, so when I become more desperate with my hidden feeling toward him, Taehyun suddenly come to my life. He was nice. And for the additional point, he also cute. But not as cute and adorable as Suho of course.

He said he likes me and would like to pursue a relationship with me. So I said yes. I don’t really know if I like him like that. But it was nice to be like by someone. Since someone that I want will never want to be with me.

I saw Suho walk through the gate to go home. His eyes accidentally met mine and he quickly averted his eyes. God, he looks like hell. His eyes are swollen and he has heavy bags under those used to be beautiful eyes. My heart clenched seeing him like that.

Crap. What have I done?

“You don’t know what you have until it’s gone.”



This is just some kind of bait for the last chapter. And I want to write Kris’ point of view. So, what do you think?

It’s very rare for me to update a chaptered story this quickly, but next week college already started, so I should write before I become too busy.

I hope you like this chapter! Thank you for your comments! They make me VERY happy! ^^

Oh, and Happy Valentine’s Day! ♥♥♥



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2437 streak #1
Chapter 2: i imagine that if this was continued, they'd fix this!!!
Kris already sees how distraught he made Suho be and he realized that what he had with Suho was much more intimate than what he has now with Taehyun... they just really need that one moment that will make them confess!!! UGHHHHHH

yup, in my imagination, they do make up after Kris finally gets a chance to confront Suho which makes Suho tell him how it was Kris who made him like that... then he confesses and Kris reciprocates! the end... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
MaraudingSnitch1314 #2
Chapter 2: Oh, geez, they're both so in love and yet unwilling to confess. T_T This is too sad for Valentine's Day, author-ssi lol.
littlestarrie #3
Chapter 2: Just be together KrisHo :'(

So sad to know that the truth is they're love each other but not together
exotaeng_ss #4
Chapter 2: Oooh Kris, you are starting to regret aren't ya'?
wonkyukrisho #5
Chapter 1: What?!!
Kris how could you?!
You'll regret it!!
Lurkerderp #6
Tsk tsk kris
Who needs kris anyways, when suho can have anyone with his cute self ^o^
Losing out on something amazing kris, yah dumbfack!
krishokim #7
Chapter 1: Kris you little sh*t, how could you do that to my Suho arghhh
Suho, move in with me, I'll take care of you instead TT^TT
p/s: Author, I like your story S2
Mayuki_Js #8
Chapter 1: Oh no.............
poor suho.........
please update soon....(┬_┬)
MaraudingSnitch1314 #9
Chapter 1: So sad... T_T How can Kris treat Suho this way?!

Please update soon, author-ssi. :)