A - Extramundane

◜❅ eunoia◞ — shop with simple ideas.

They aren't witches — they are Casters, mystical and supernatural beings with the ability to use magic. Those who can influence the elements and the weather easily, who have power to heal injuries and wounds, who can morph objects into others, and so on. On a Caster's 18th birthday, they are to become Light or Dark, to use their powers as good or evil. But they don't get to choose — their true nature and personality leads them to the side they should go to. That's not a big deal though... what if they fall in love with mortals?

Overall plot: for the casters of the story and mortals to fall in love.


MORTALS. Just typical beings. Mortals and Casters are never meant to be "in love," because of the bad history the subject is known to have in Caster/Mortal history. Supernatural abilities: none.

WAYWARDS. A special, rare type of mortal who "marks the path" or "guides" Casters to find the right path they should take. Superrnatural abilities: none; but somehow are "fated" to help Casters.

INCUBI. They’re are able to Travel — just a quick flash and they're gone. They also have enhanced strength, speed, and senses. Supernatural abilities: They have the ability to travel, the ability to "rip" away, kind of like materializing. They also have the abilities of enhanced strength, being compared to a 2 by 4, enhanced speed, up to where it is a flash in the moment, and enhanced senses. They also have the ability of seduction.

CASTERS. As mentioned above, they have magical abilities, but Casters differ from each other. Their type; their side, this will be determined on their 18th birthday. Supernatural abilities: determined by Caster type: Thaumaturge, Sybil, Palimpsest, Shifter, Illusionist, Empath, Siren, Necromancer, Evanescent, Telepath, Diviner, Cypher, etc.
Click here for detailed descriptions of the above.


(you should make your own plotlines since mine .)

001. ONE-SIDED LOVE. He has always liked her, since they were in elementary school. They are pretty close, and he tries to "signal" his love for her rather than to confess in a straighforward manner; but she's oblivious and he's afraid.

002. NOT-SO SECRET ADMIRERS. They both had a crush on each other for a significant amount of time, but they're both introverted, and he is forced into a relationship with one of the popular yet dumbest girls of their high school.

003. IRONICALLY. A nerd and a popular kid? But the nerd's a pretty nerd, and they both share a weird intrest, leading to their friendship... and relationship later.

004. THE LOVERS. They have dated for a while, and when he reveals his true identity and they both break up. After a few months of their break up, he has lost feelings for her, but who knows, she hasn't lost feelings for him.

GENRE. Alternate Universe, Fantasy, Supernatural, Romance.
INSPIRATION. the book "Beautiful Creatures" by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl.

SUGGESTIONS. "Natural", "Evo" & "Cataclyst" are recommended not to be used in the story as they are superior to other caster types. If you want your story to be based upon female OC's only, don't make it so that all females OC's are casters and all male idols/OC's are damn mortals (ism much). Casters or mortals are not freaking aual.

AUTHOR'S NOTE. This idea was stuck in mind and I, as a Caster, am totally loving this idea.

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layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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