
descending upon you.

“The gravity it falls, as I land into your heart.

The strings of faith that has been played by its trait.

I’ve been wanting to say this to you,


I’ve been in love with you since then.”


Jongin read the note out loud inside his room, it’s been clasped between the pages of his book for some time now, since it’s fully straighten out. A shade of pink crept through his cheeks; Who would give him such a lovely note? He heaved out another sigh as he travels his eyes on the note.

It’s been beautifully written, in a cursive letters with a cryptic capital letters that made it presentable. That’s the thing about Kim Jongin, he’s different on both his exterior and interior self. He’s not Jongin in his school, he’s known as Kai, the charmer, whilst Jongin at him, the shy, adorable one. It has been said that the reason why Jongin made a façade is for him to fit in, albeit he’s not really fond of it.

A loud knock disturbed Jongin’s thoughts, “Come in.” He said;

“Jongin. Someone’s here to see you.” His mother said in a very sweetly manner, Jongin smiled and nodded. He pushed himself up on the chair and made his way out of his room through the staircase, there he saw a petite man; doe eyes fixated on the picture frame above the television, his hair dyed in a blonde, as the man’s lips curved upward as his eyes lands on the second picture; Jongin’s elementary graduation picture.

“Uhm, who are you?” Jongin asked, voiced laced in curiosity. The man lift his gaze up on Jongin and flashed a smile that somewhat made Jongin giddy inside.

“I’m Luhan.” He stated cheerfully. “I’m the one who wrote that poem on a piece of paper and stuck it inside your English Literature book.” Luhan, advances his steps towards the end of the staircase as his eyes once again fixated on Jongin’s structure on top of the stairs. “As cliché as it seems, but,” His words were cut off as Luhan hurriedly ran up through the staircase with his hand holding the railings besides him; He stopped, right there and then, in front of Jongin, few inches from his face. “I’ve been in love with you since then.”

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