And Disaster Strikes

This Love is Infinite


______’s POV:

            The following morning I woke up early so that Sungjong and I could finally switch back.

            “It was fun while it lasted,” Sungjong said. “But BoMi said that she’ll still keep in contact with me.”

            I nodded. “That’s good.”

            “Hey,” Sungjong whispered, “did you ever confess?”

            “To Myungsoo?”

            My older brother nodded.

            I sighed and looked away. “No. And I probably never will either. My feelings for him will forever remain a secret.”

            Sungjong pouted. “That’s sad.”

            “We would never work out anyways. It’s better this way.” I sighed. “But I’ll be fine.”

            Sungjong nodded and patted my head. “Good girl. But why do I feel like things between you two won’t be ending this way?”

            I laughed and shrugged. “Who knows? I might be running into those dorky boys again sooner than I think.”



            As if the Infinite Boys read my mind, I received a call from L the following afternoon.

            “Hello?” I said.


            My heart froze. I’d know that voice anywhere.



            “Hey um, how’d you get my number?” I asked.

            “Sungjong,” L simply replied. “Anyways um, I’m not sure if you’ve heard but Sungyeol’s throwing a party at his house tonight. Can you come?”

            A party? With the Infinite Boys? “Sure! Of course! I’d love to come!” I said without hesitation.

            “Great so what will you be wearing? There’s going to be a lot of people so I want to find you as quick as possible,” L said.

            “Hmm…I’ll wear a white blouse and jeans. My hair will be curled. Easy enough?” I asked.

            “Mm. So I guess I’ll see you tonight?”


            “Bye _______-ah,” L said softly.

            I smiled to myself. “Bye, Myungsoo oppa.”

            I hung up and Chorong was staring at me. “Dude, he just indirectly asked you out,” she said.


            “He did! Oh my god he totally likes you!” Chorong squealed. “Maybe he’s going to confess to you tonight at the party.”

            I grinned. “Maybe. I hope he does.”


No One’s POV:

            “This is so nostalgic,” Sunggyu said.

            “Dude I know you haven’t had a party at your house in forever!” Woohyun exclaimed. “So much good food. So many cute girls.”

            Sungyeol smiled in content and looked around the room, sipping his cup of apple cider as he was. His gigantic house was packed with people. The whole school district seemed to be here tonight, maybe except Teen Top of course. The DJ was doing great and people were having fun. What a great way to end finals week.

            “Is _______ here yet?” L asked.

            Sungyeol shrugged. “Haven’t seen her. Maybe not.”

            L looked around, searching for a girl in a white blouse and curled hair. He was growing nervous, although he was trying his best not to allow himself to be. This night needed to go on perfectly.

            L went over to the punch bowl to grab a drink. He took a sip of the punch and felt a strong impact go off within his head.

            “Wow this is strong,” he said to himself. Nonetheless, he drank more of the stuff. His eyes suddenly landed upon a girl dancing in the living room. Her back was to him, but her long wavy hair and cute white blouse said it all.

            It was you, you actually came.

            L smiled to himself and put his cup of punch down onto the counter, swiftly making his way over to you. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you out to the backyard. It was quite dark, with only the pool lights radiating some light.

            L let go of your hand and paused, taking a deep breath as he tried to compose himself. He was feeling dizzy, a bit faint almost, but that wasn’t going to stop his confession. He had to do it tonight.

            L turned around and looked at you. In the dark he could only vaguely see your eyes and facial structure. But the drink was getting to him to the point where he could only focus his mind on the confession and nothing else.

            “______-ah,” he said. “I have something to say.”

            “What is it, oppa?” you said.

            L pulled you into his arms and wrapped his arms around you, holding you tightly as he said, “I love you. Be mine.”

            At this point, he didn’t even know what he was doing anymore. This wasn’t how he’d planned to confess to you. The drink had gotten to him, it was as if it was controlling his mind, almost. He couldn’t stop this burning sensation in his heart, a burning sensation that craved for lust.

            “I love you too, oppa,” you said softly into his ear.

            L couldn’t take it anymore. He pulled you away and leaned in. He kissed you, his lips gently caressing yours. You kissed him back, an evil slowly growing on your face.

            It hadn’t even occurred to him that the girl standing in front of him wasn’t you. And at this point, it was too late.


______’s POV:

            Stepping into Sungyeol’s house, I was amazed at how grand it was. I’d always heard about his parties back in freshman year and how great they were. He definitely didn’t disappoint.

            I saw a fellow classmate from school and said, “Have you seen L?”

            The person nodded over to the backyard.

            I made my way through Sungyeol’s huge house and peeked out the screen door that led to the backyard. I saw him in the darkness, noticing that figure almost anywhere. I was about to call his name when I suddenly saw the person in front of him.

            Go Woori.

            At first I told myself that it couldn’t have been her. He was over her, he told me so. But then he was the one who’d stepped forward and embraced her, and I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces as I bit my lip in order to prevent myself from crying.

            Maybe it’s not what it looks like, maybe he’s just…

            But all of my hopes were shattered as I saw him kiss her, their lips pressing against each others. I shakily backed away from the screen door and stared at them in bewilderment, in sadness, in betrayal.

            Why would he do this to me?

            Why would he invite me here on his own accord, if this was going to be the result?

            Don’t cry _______, don’t cry. And at the moment, not a single tear fell down my cheek. In exchange, my heart felt like it didn’t exist anymore.

            Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see Sungyeol. He looked at me, taking notice of my pained expression, and looked out into his backyard to see his best friend kissing my worst enemy.

            “What the is that bastard doing?” Sungyeol hissed.

            Taking immediate action, he forcefully opened the door to the backyard and stomped over to L and Woori’s make out session. He pulled the two apart and Woori staggered back in horror. Sungyeol glared at L, who was still confused about the whole thing, and without hesitation punched him in the face.

            By now a crowd had gathered around the entrance to the backyard, with me right in front of it all. Hoya stood next to me, observing the scene himself.

            L wiped off the blood on the corner of his mouth but didn’t even have time to comprehend the situation as Sungyeol lunged at him again. The crowd gasped in response. For the finishing touch, he kicked Myungsoo in the stomach, sending him into the pool. L landed with a splash and Sungyeol stood back, panting.

            L surfaced and his eyes grew angry. “YAH! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!”

            “BASTARD DID YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID? What do you mean ‘what was that for’? Are you stupid?” Sungyeol knelt beside the pool where L was and said, “I told you that if you made her cry that I wouldn’t be hesitating to punch you. And I like to keep my word.”

            L looked at me and I looked away, not wanting to see him.

            Myungsoo rubbed his wet hair and said, “What the just happened.”

            Sungyeol stared at L in disbelief and pushed his shoulder before saying, “You should be the one who knows the answer to that best.”

            Woori, who’d been watching the entire scene with a smile on her face, turned to me and said, “We meet again, Lee _______.”

            “You,” I sneered. “You planned this, didn’t you?!”

            Woori put on her innocent face. “What? Me?” she scoffed. “If you didn’t notice, he was the one who’d leaned in to kiss me. He was the one who’d dragged me out here. He told me that he loved me.”

            “H-He did?”

            Woori nodded. “Mm. He did. What’s funny is that I hadn’t even planned this. I had absolutely no intentions on using that boy to hurt you. I heard that Sungyeol was having one of his infamous parties and just decided to come and see what all the hype was about. I didn’t even know that he was going to be here.” She smirked at me. “But I guess I’m happy that I came. Drama loves to follow me around, and I don’t mind it one bit.”

            She walked past me and patted my shoulder. “It’s okay, _______. We all knew that he still liked me anyways. It’s no secret.”

            “But he told me that he was over you.”

            Woori shrugged. “I guess he lied then.”

            “Don’t listen to her,” Hoya said to me. “She’s the one saying lies.”

            But for some reason, I couldn’t believe his words. L had been the one who’d kissed her first. He was the one who made the move. I couldn’t stop replaying that horrid scene in my mind.

            I made it a goal to get out of the house without having tears roll down my face and was somewhat successful. I stared up at the night sky and sighed to myself. I wanted to cry, so badly, but held it in since I knew that it’d do me no good.

            I started my walk back to my parent’s house. Sungjong and I were visiting and staying over for the weekend. I hoped they wouldn’t notice my saddened expression. If they did then I’d have to go through a whole interrogation.

            Suddenly a familiar motorcycle pulled up next to me.


            I turned at the sound of my name and L. Joe took off his helmet, shaking his hair as he was.

            “What’s a beautiful girl like you walking along the streets of Seoul late at night?” he asked with that smile of his.

            I forced a smile and said, “Just getting home from a party, that’s all.”

            L. Joe nodded behind him and said, “Sungyeol’s?”

            I nodded. “Were you there?”

            L. Joe chuckled. “Naw are you kidding me? He’d never invite Teen Top over to his house. Word just got around.”

            I nodded. “Mm I see.”

            L. Joe peered at me. “What’s wrong?”

            I looked away. “Nothing.”

            “That’s not what your face says.” I felt his eyes on me as he said, “L and Woori?”

            My heart jumped at those two names together and I stared at him, confused as to how he knew so quickly.

            “I was passing by Sungyeol’s house earlier,” L. Joe said, already answering my question. “Some people were leaving and I heard them talking about it.”

            I didn’t say anything in response. L. Joe patted the seat behind him and said, “Want a ride? We can go somewhere, just the two of us.”

            I nodded and got onto the back of his motorcycle. He handed me a helmet and I put it on, glad that there was somebody that I could depend on. I was happy that I wasn’t feeling lonely anymore.

            “Stupid Myungsoo,” L. Joe mumbled. “Hurting the best girl I know. The guy’s gonna pay.”

            I smiled a bit at his threat. “Now don’t go off and hurt him.”

            L. Joe smirked. “No promises. So where do you want to go, Princess?”

            “Somewhere where I can forget about him,” I said quietly. “Somewhere that will make me forget about him.”

            “Big Bang World?” L. Joe suggested.

            I shook my head. “No we went there together one time.”

            “Well now you’re going to go there with me. And that place will become our place, okay?” L. Joe said.

            “Are you sure you can do it?”

            “Hey. I’m just as good as Myungsoo. I can do it. Who was nominated for best flirt again?”

            I laughed. “Hehe youuu.”

            “That’s right.” L. Joe started the ignition again and released the break. “But you have to promise me something.”


            “Promise me that you won’t cry in front of me tonight, okay? The last thing I’d want to see is the girl I like crying because of some bastard who’d hurt her,” L. Joe said, obviously referring to L.

            “I promise,” I said. “I’m a big girl, anyways.”

            L. Joe nodded with a smile. “Good.”


A/N: -hides-

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Chapter 50: Ahhhh what a great story..good job author-nim ♡(◡‿◡✿) i really enjoyed this story hehehe..its sad and depressing when i read that "they weren't going to disband or anything" bcs well hoya departed from the group in the end (ಥ_ಥ) if only he chose to stay..</3 but its his life..he deserves everything..if he felt like leaving was the best choices for him then i believe it was..even though it hurts like hell for me? hahah good luck with everything my boys ♡♡♡
Chapter 39: Whats with hoya and his detective side >_< and that how dare he cheated on sungjong!! (#`Д´)ノ and yes im one of those people who are starting to like ljoe (♡o♡)but honestly boys who like her all are softies and kind ...i actually don't care if she if pick anyone other than myungsoo lol bcs all of them just nice :'))
Chapter 13: Wtf sungyeol and myungsoo's bickering was epic ~ ̄▽ ̄~ that '' part lmao and myungsoo 'diva-ness' got me rofl bcs why he must bring 4 suitcases when the real girl here only bring 1 hahahahha and hoya pls stop smirking you are driving me crazy with all of your smirks hdhdjhdh (╯‵□′)╯︵┴─┴
Chapter 4: "dumb as an orange" wth girl i laughed so hard when i read that (ノ>ω<)ノ and hoya whats with the smirk hshsshshsu //dead//
Chapter 3: Why i feel like hoya, myungsoo and the teacher knows her secret? °_°|| i mean those 3 keeps on giving hints like they knew something with all those smirks and starring hahahhahah ohh where's the fun if she was discovered too fast