

It all started with the sound of a simple melody.

He couldn’t help seeking out that sound even if it made him late to his previous engagement.

The melody grew louder as he approached a small music room and at first he just want to open the door and find out who was playing, but he didn’t want to interrupt the person playing the piano and stop the beautiful music from being played. So he just sat down and listened for a while, took note of the different pieces being played and even the small mistakes the piano player would make before fixing them and going right on playing.

After a half hour of listening he finally stood up and made a pact with himself. He didn’t want to find out who was playing this piano and he didn’t want this person to know that he was listening. Instead he was going to keep this to himself and hold on to this moment.

Lee Chanhee has always had a love for music, whether if he was singing or if it was being played. He sang in his free time and looked for new music every chance he could get. It was his passion to seek out anything that he liked when it came to the music industry and he was always a er for people who knew how to play an instrument.

Which was why every day after school Chanhee would find himself outside this same music room listening to the beautiful voice that the piano would sing for him. He didn’t want to know the person behind the keys simply because his vision of this perfect sight was just the piano’s notes floating around his head in a wonderful melody. He always figured if he saw the person playing it would ruin his perfect fantasy.

That was the strange thing about Lee Chanhee. He had girls asking for his number almost every week and even boys who gained enough courage to ask him as well, but he’d turn them all down. He wasn’t interested in relationships dealing with people, only with music. He listened to bands for their voices, not their looks and preferred music in audio format only. He just didn’t want the image of what he sees in his head to be wrong, and if that meant not looking at the people then he was completely fine with it.

It was because he already had an image of the person when it came to music. He hated to be wrong and didn't much like it when he sees the person as who he did not want to see. He didn't have a preference for boy or girl in all honestly; if the gender fit the part then he was okay with it.

Take the person playing the piano after school as an example. Chanhee believed this person to be a boy for sure. He could just image the boy's slender fingers gliding across the keys in an elegant fashion that if it were to be a girl he would be heartbroken. Also he imaged that the boy playing just had to be of a smaller build, short as well!

"Hey Chanhee."

No response.


Still no response.

"What the hell are you thinking about?!" Jonghyun yelled as loudly as he could snapping Chanhee out of his thoughts and looking at his friend in a very confused manner.

"What do you want?" Chanhee asked and went right back to looking at his notebook where he was currently writing down what this piano player would look like. For future reference of course.

"Just wondering if my friend was going to ignore me all lunch break or if he was going to talk to me." Jonghyun pouted and crossed his arms, even if Chanhee couldn't see the action he still wanted to express how annoyed he was. Normally Jonghyun doesn't talk to Chanhee much at lunch, but Changhyun was absent for the day due to a fever and he had no one else to talk to.

"Well you ignore me on a regular basis so what's wrong with me ignoring you once in a while?" Chanhee asked writing down another detail of the pianist in his notebook. He had to have blond hair, only because of how lightly the boy presses down on the keys when the piano is being played.

Jonghyun just pouted even more so but left it at that. It wasn’t like Chanhee and him were really good friends anyways, he just didn't like spending his lunch break alone when Changhyun was absent.

Chanhee just continued to write details about the boy in his head and smiled when the full description was done. Short, blond hair, small figure and a very rough nature; something to contradict his light movements on the piano. Someone who was hard to get close to, but once close would stay loyal to his friends forever.

After lunch ended Chanhee just said a simple goodbye and left the lunch table before Jonghyun could even respond. He really only had two friends in this school, Changhyun and Jonghyun and even that was iffy since they were the best friends and Chanhee was the third wheel. Also the fact that they were younger than him and in a completely different class.

However, he didn't need friends, all he needed was music. As long as he was able to go the room where the piano was playing after school then he didn't have a problem.

Until he showed up earlier than the music and before he could leave he noticed a small boy walking down the hallway towards the very room he was at. This was it. He was finally going to see the unknown player and have his image ruin the one already in Chanhee's head.

Except when the boy came more into view he was absolutely everything Chanhee had imaged—and more. He had a very nicely defined face that his blond hair framed very nicely. His figure was as small as Chanhee wanted it and his height as he continued to walk Chanhee's way was exactly how he pictured it. Chanhee quickly pinched himself to see if he was dreaming and winced at the pain it brought and stared in disbelief at the true sight before him.

"Uh, are you here to use the piano room?" His voice was soft and inviting, something Chanhee had yet to image but worked perfectly with everything else.

Then the boy's expression turned confused and he looked at Chanhee even closer. "Hello?"

"Huh?!" Chanhee almost shouted and shook his head quickly. "No! I, just, uh, wanted to listen to you play it."

The boy just continued to look confused but nodded regardless and walked ahead of Chanhee and towards the room that Chanhee had just left. He opened the door and gestured for Chanhee to go in first. Once they were both in the boy made his way to the piano bench and pointed with his eyes to the chair close to the piano for Chanhee to sit at.

Chanhee sat down in silence and waited for the boy to start playing piano but the boy just sat down and turned to Chanhee instead. "My name is Lee Byunghun, what is your name?"

Chanhee's mind went blank at the soft voice but finally managed to squeak out, "Lee Chanhee."

Byunghun smiled softly at the response and nodded. "Why do you want to listen to me playing the piano?"

Chanhee blushed at this and tried to think of a response that wasn't completely stalkish like 'I come here every day to listen to you and you are beautiful.'

Instead he went with, "You look like someone who plays the piano well."

Byunghun accepted this answer and turned to the piano and started playing a slow, soft song. Chanhee recognized it as the warm up song this piano would always start with during the times he has come to listen. It felt weird to see the boy playing it and not his imagination running wild with different images each time the song was played.

Yet he was mesmerized all the same and couldn't keep his eyes off of the slender fingers slowly typing each key with perfection.

That was what Lee Byunghun was to him. Perfection. A perfect image fitted with the perfect personality.

He didn't even realize that it had been hours since Byunghun had started playing until he stopped playing and turned to Chanhee once more. "I'm surprised you've stayed this long, most people get bored of my playing by the second or third song."

"You were beautiful." Chanhee breathed out before realizing that he had meant to think that and not say it out loud. Byunghun blushed at the comment and looked down at his hands and away from Chanhee's stare.

"T-Thank you." He stood up and finally looked at Chanhee again. "Maybe—" He stopped and blushed even more, unsure of how to phrase the one thing he wanted to say to Chanhee.

Chanhee waited in patience for Byunghun to continue the sentence, staring at Byunghun's absolutely adorable blushing face.

"Maybeyoucancomeagaintomorrow!" Byunghun blurted out in a shout and held his head as low as possible, not wanting to get rejected or laughed at.

A smile formed on Chanhee's face as he stood up and walked to stand right in front of Byunghun. He lifted the shy boy's head up and nodded. "I'd come every day if you want me to."

And thus a friendship through piano was formed. Instead of Chanhee listening from the outside, admiring from afar or only imaging what could be in that room, he was experiencing it firsthand. All of the small shy mistakes Byunghun would do, all of the new music he'd bring in to try out, everything Chanhee got to see with his own eyes.

And somewhere in this mess of music a love was formed between the two. No one was sure if one loved the other while the other didn't or if they just didn't want to chance their feelings by telling the other. Jonghyun and Changhyun noticed it first through Chanhee's completely different personality at the lunch table.

Usually at lunch Chanhee would keep to himself and not speak a word to the two, but with Byunghun in his life he started talking more, laughing at his friends' jokes and becoming more like a normal teenager.

Byunghun did the same with his two friends Daniel and Minsoo, always talking to them about his music and talking a lot more than they were used to. They were surprised, but didn't question for fear of him going back to how he used to.

And the two boys grew closer each time they would meet in the lone piano room, sometimes Byunghun would only play half of the time and use the other half to learn more about the other boy. Chanhee talked to him about his passion for music and that he wanted to do something with it after high school. Be a singer, composer, lyric writer, anything to do with music really.

That, in turn, sparked an interest in Byunghun of what Chanhee could do with music. He wanted to hear him sing, see him compose, and show his passion for music rather than just talk about it.

Soon the sessions in the piano room grew more and more about the both of them and not just Byunghun. He would spend some time playing the piano, but afterwards he wanted to hear Chanhee. Chanhee never said he wasn't good at singing, the only problem was that he never sang in front of someone else before—that wasn't his family of course.

It took a lot of convincing but soon Chanhee was singing along to the keys that Byunghun would press ever so softly and they'd drown themselves in the other's passion for music.

By this point in time everyone knew the two loved each other, except for the two. They would delude themselves into thinking that the other's passion wasn't for them but just for the music, too afraid to take that final step. Chanhee never felt this way before for a single person, felt a love for a person and not for the music they produce. He felt strange and sometimes uncomfortable thinking about Byunghun at night, his fingers in Chanhee's hair softly combing through it like the way he softly plays piano.

Byunghun as well didn't realize he could actually fall for someone, especially as soon as high school and his own gender for that matter. He has always been confused on what he wanted in life, if he wanted to stay only passionate about music and nothing else, or if he wanted to give relationships a try. He knew he was too far in to back out when he'd have dreams of instead of Chanhee singing with his beautiful voice, out Byunghun's name like it was the only lyric he knew.

However, nothing would ever change, until one of them took that extra step away from their comfort zone and finally confess.

And finally, that day came.

It was close to the end of the school year, summer vacation was hot on their tail and the two knew that they wouldn't be able to see each other every day like they were used to. The piano room felt darker than usual and the atmosphere was heavier as well. They didn't talk for a while and just sat in the presence of each other.

Both deciding on if it was a good idea to finally take that step and wondering what the outcome could be. Chanhee was first to stand from his spot next to the piano bench then Byunghun followed suit and turned to look at him.

There was just something about the look in Chanhee's eye that told Byunghun that it was alright. Something silently telling him that taking this step forward would be the best thing to happen to him.

And then it happened. Byunghun stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Chanhee's waist. Chanhee reacted immediately by hugging him as well and pressing their bodies closer. A sigh of relief came from the two of them which caused them both to smile at how silly they were acting.

"Is it okay?" Chanhee asked, looking into Byunghun's dark gaze.

"Okay to what?" Byunghun asked, already knowing but wanting to hear it for himself.

"Okay to kiss you." Chanhee breathed out in barely a whisper already inching in towards Byunghun's lips. All Byunghun did was nod and that was all of the confirmation Chanhee needed to continue.

The kiss started slow, easy and nice, almost like how their friendship started. Then the kiss grew needy almost desperate as if to say that they never wanted to let the other go. After another moment they had to stop to catch their breath and through this all they did was stay silent and look into the other's eyes. That was when Chanhee pushed Byunghun further towards the piano and leaned him up against the edge on the side to make sure the keys were not touched. Byunghun accepted this and leaned back onto the piano and Chanhee took this moment to kiss him once more.

Through the kiss they leaned more and more onto the piano that soon the two were laying on top of it, making sure to not add too much weight for fear of hurting the instrument. Chanhee maintained the dominance throughout the kiss and had Byunghun almost begging for more underneath him. They weren't sure how long they stayed like this but finally when they broke free and knew it was time to go it was dark outside.

They held on to each other one last time in the piano room, already knowing that this moment was going to have to end. Chanhee was graduating this year, and Byunghun was a whole year behind him. But that wasn't going to stop them. Chanhee promised that no matter what this wasn't going to be a one-time thing.

They were together now. And they wanted to keep it that way.

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Rinininette #1
Chapter 1: This was really beautiful :) Chanhee imagination was so true he was himself surprised, and the typical thing about everyone noticing they're loving each other except the two concerned made it so sweet
Their love for the music mixing with their love for each other... Arg too cute to handle >w<
Thanks for your story
kpopmichelle #2
Chapter 1: awwww!!! that is so cute!! u defiantly need to make a one shot later!!! preferably ?
blueandgrey_ #3
Chapter 1: you are an AMAZING writer ohmygod i absolutely loved this♡
Chapter 1: This story is so cool and cute. Good job author-nim.
AAAA!!! This is so cute!!! XD
Love it~~~ <3 =^^=
Anzzuu #6
Chapter 1: Great and well written story, loved it ~♡
Chapter 1: this is so beautiful, i loveeeee it ;;;;______;;;;
Chapter 1: Aigoo love this~
I at commenting but well... This is a beautiful story! I loved every part of it! I was smiling like and idiot the whole time! Oh my god I don't have words to express how much I loved this story!