Be Mine

Teenage Love


The first time Zelo stepped into the coffee shop, he did not expect to see the most beautiful person he had ever met in his life. The pretty guy had a small frame, black hair with fringe just above his big round bright eyes and his slightly pouty lips were so plump and kissable. He was standing behind the counter, ready to take the customers’ orders.

“Anyeong haseyo. Welcome to our coffee shop. May I take your order?”

Zelo did not even realize he had reached the counter. Maybe the pretty guy had some sorts of a magnet on him. He cleared his throat before saying his order. “Yes, can I have a hot Mocha?”

The pretty guy clicked something in the computer. Zelo took the chance to glance at his nametag. “Daehyun…” He mumbled in a low voice.

Daehyun stated the price and accepted the money from Zelo. “Okay. Please wait a while. I’ll send it to you later.” He smiled and Zelo swore his heart skipped a beat.

From that moment, Zelo had decided to make Daehyun his.

Zelo never averted his gaze from Daehyun. He was the only worker in the shop that could entertain Zelo by just smiling at every customers coming into the shop or by just sitting at the counter waiting for the orders to be ready. There were a few other employees but they were like invisible to the school boy. Zelo could see Daehyun’s lips turned into a small pout while he was reading a magazine with his chin resting against his hand. And he thought it was cute.

After a while, Zelo saw the pretty guy was walking to him while bringing along his order.

“Here, you go. Enjoy!” Daehyun placed the cup on the table with the sweetest smile he could make.

And for the second time of the day, Zelo’s heart told his owner that he had fallen in love.

“Um…excuse me?” Zelo gathered his courage to talk to the pretty guy.

Daehyun stopped and turned around when he was already a few steps away. “Yes?”

Zelo looked around awkwardly before fixing his gaze to Daehyun’s eyes. “I-I think I like you,” He confessed, slightly blushing.

Daehyun was dumbfounded for a moment. His lips then carved a thin smile. “Sorry. But I don’t date school boys,” And he left Zelo open-mouthed at the table.




Zelo came again to the coffee shop the next day. He wanted to prove to Daehyun that he was not an average school boy.

As he reached there, Zelo stopped in front of the entrance. He pulled out his shirt from his pants, loosened his tie, ed the neck part and tousled his hair. Now, he absolutely looked like a hot school boy. Zelo pushed the door and stared straight at the counter with a scornful smirk.

Daehyun looked up when he heard the bell on top of the door chimed. Their eyes locked for a while until Daehyun remembered it was the same boy from yesterday. He was totally shocked to see Zelo looking like that. Only now he realized that the boy was indeed really attractive with his tall height and broad shoulders.

Zelo rested his left forearm on the counter, acting arrogant. “Hey!” He greeted Daehyun with a building confidence.

“Hey, you’re the kid from yesterday. The one that got rejected by me,” Daehyun said in response. His face remained expressionless.

Daehyun’s words stabbed Zelo real hard. But he chose to remain cool. “Yeah, that’s why I come again today. I think I left something here.”

“What?” Daehyun asked with one eyebrow arched up while crossing his arms.

“My heart. And I believe you’re keeping it right now,” Zelo said, gazing straight to Daehyun’s eyes. He did not miss the slight blush on the pretty guy’s cheeks.

Daehyun cleared his throat and straightened himself. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. So, what do you want to drink?”

Zelo grinned, knowing he was one step ahead. “Give me the usual.”

“Usual? But this is like the second time you’re here,” Daehyun started to feel annoyed at the school boy.

“Then, give me the yesterday’s drink,” Zelo put the money and moved to find the same seat as before, the best seat to observe the pretty guy.

Just like yesterday, Daehyun walked to him and placed the cup on the table. But this time, Daehyun did not say anything. Instead, Zelo used the chance to say another pickup line. “Do you come with coffee and cream? ‘Cause you’re my sugar!”

Daehyun rolled his eyes, feeling irritated. “You know what? You’re so cheesy that I thought you’re a ert. And I hate a erted school boy.”

And Zelo once again was left with a mouth wide opened.




Despite being rejected all the time, Zelo still went to the coffee shop almost everyday after school. He spent hours by just sitting and staring at the pretty guy until the shop closed at six.

Daehyun noticed that he was being watched by the school boy. He was irritated as hell, but he knew if he said something, the boy would think that he wanted to talk to him. So, he just played calm and spoke when he needed to.

Zelo realized the refusal showed by the pretty guy. He would never give up though. That’s why he was always the one that tried to start a conversation.

“My name’s Junhong, but everybody calls me Zelo,” Zelo was standing at the counter again. This time he chose to wait for his order there, not at the table.

“Uh-huh,” Daehyun responded although his eyes were more interested to the magazine.

“So, Daehyun-ssi, what’s your favourite drink?”


“Do you mind if I call you hyung?”


“Can I have your number?”



“Stop,” Daehyun said sternly. “I have works to do,” He stood up when he saw another customer coming in and signaled Zelo to move aside.

Zelo thought this was not going anywhere. He needed to try a different method, tomorrow.

“Sometimes I don’t believe you’re older than me. Are you a school dropout that works here to own a living?” Zelo talked to Daehyun at the counter again.

Daehyun put his hands on his hips, glowering at Zelo. “I am older than you! And I’m a college student!”

“Then why’re you so short?” Zelo teased.

“I’m not short!” Daehyun stomped his right foot to the ground. “You’re the one that’s freaking tall,” He huffed in annoyance.

“That doesn’t change the fact that you’re shorter than me,” Zelo uttered scornfully. “You look cute when you stomp your foot like that,” He chuckled.

“Does height really that matters to you?” Daehyun glared at the school boy.

“Nope,” Zelo shook his head. “Age doesn’t really matters for me too.”

Daehyun understood what Zelo was trying to say. “Maybe. But a teenager like you should date people like Jongup.”

“Who’s Jongup?” Zelo asked out of curiosity.

“He works here too,” Daehyun pointed to a guy who was busy cleaning the tables.

“Oh, really?” Zelo took a glimpse of the Jongup guy before turning back to Daehyun. “I don’t think I have seen him before. I guess I only have eyes on you.”

Daehyun was trying hard not to blush at the corny statement but he failed to do so.




Starting from that day, Zelo was determined to show his more matured side. Well, he did have his cheesy pickup lines but Daehyun seemed accustomed to it. Daehyun thought Zelo’s feelings to him were just like a puppy love. He decided it was not regretful to treat the boy more nicely.

Zelo really looked manly in front of Daehyun although he had his cute sides. And Daehyun grew to like it. But he kept reminding himself that he was not interested in school boys.

Even though his mind kept denying it, Daehyun’s heart sure was honest. Maybe, he was slowly falling in love with the boy. But his ego was too high to admit it. He started to steal some glances at the boy. And every time he did that, Zelo would catch him straightaway while grinning widely. Daehyun had to looked away to hide his red face.

“Why do you like me?” Daehyun asked as he delivered Zelo’s hot cup of Mocha.

“No reason,” Zelo shrugged his shoulders. “But you sure are pretty,” He winked at the elder.

Daehyun’s cheeks heated up. “But Jongup said I’m ugly,” He pouted while playing with the hem of his apron.

“That’s because he doesn’t love you like I do,” Zelo said sincerely, making Daehyun almost had a heart attack.




It had been three days since Zelo’s last visit to the shop. Daehyun tried not to look obvious but he was really anxious. Every time the doorbell chimed, he would quickly look up, expecting the school boy to come to him and said his cheesy lines. But he was disappointed when he did not see the tall school boy for three days straight. And he lost his hope to meet Zelo again.

Daehyun was lazing at the counter, did not have the mood to do anything. He sighed when he heard the door opened and got up lazily. “Yes, welcome. What would you like to have?” Daehyun asked in monotone without looking at the customer.

“The usual, please,” Daehyun’s head shot up at the familiar voice. It was none other than the school boy. He almost burst out in happiness, but of course he had to play cool about it as the older one.

“Hot Mocha?” Daehyun asked.

Zelo nodded. “Oh, and make that two,” He smiled at the other.

Daehyun was wondering who would be drinking the other one. He looked at Zelo. The boy was busy texting with someone. Usually, he would flirt with Daehyun but not today. And Daehyun felt a little frustrated at that.

Daehyun followed Zelo’s steps with his eyes after the boy made his order. He did not sit at the same place as before. The table he chose was at a more secluded place. Daehyun had to crane his neck just to look at him.

After a while, Daehyun saw a girl entered the shop but she did not go to the counter to make an order. Instead, she walked slowly while looking around like he was finding someone.

“Noona!” Daehyun heard Zelo’s loud voice from the counter. The school boy was eagerly waving his hands so that the girl could see him. The girl smiled before walking straight to Zelo’s table and sat across the boy. They began to talk happily with each other, whereas Daehyun was trying to contain his jealousy.

If he could, Daehyun would not want to serve them the drinks but he was also curious about the girl. So, he thought maybe Zelo would introduce the girl to her and said “This is the pretty guy I was talking about!”, hopefully.

He walked to them with the tray of drinks and slowly placed them on the table. “Here you go. Enjoy,” He said with a fake smile.

“Yes, thanks Daehyun-ssi,” Zelo retorted before he continued to talk to the girl.

Daehyun turned around and walked away in an extremely slow movement, hoping that Zelo would stop him and explain everything about why he did not come here for three days and also about the girl. However, all he could hear were chuckles and giggles from the two of them. He turned to them again for a final look but the scene of Zelo and the girl chatting happily and completely ignoring him somewhat had hurt his heart.

That’s it, Daehyun could not take anymore. He stomped to the counter to put the tray and take off his apron. “Jongup! I’ll take an early leave!” With that said, he stormed out of the coffee shop.




Daehyun tossed and his bed. He buried his face deep into the fluffy pillow. His heart was still burning with jealousy. Yes, he admitted it. He liked Zelo. He liked the school boy, Zelo. But he was too late now. It seemed that Zelo’s feelings to him had faded away. And the fact that the girl was older than Zelo made him regretted his choice to reject the boy before.

He got off the bed and went to the kitchen. Food was the best company when you were stressed. Daehyun opened the top cabinet in search of some ramyun but it was too far inside. He silently cursed his housemate, Jongup, again, who was always made use of every single room available.

He stood on his toes while struggling to reach the packet until a long arm moved above his head and grabbed the thing easily. “Let me help you, shorty.”

Daehyun would scream in horror if he did not recognize the not so deep voice. He quickly turned around and saw Zelo was smiling behind him. The boy was standing too close that Daehyun had to tilt his head to look at his face. Daehyun backed away on reflex but the countertop prevented him to do so.

“W-What’re you doing here?” Daehyun asked in surprise.

“I miss you,” Zelo stated as he handed Daehyun the ramyun. “You look cute,” He added because Daehyun really did look cute in loose shirt and shorts.

Daehyun shook his head with eyes closed. He took the packet and put it aside. “Really? You miss me? Not the girl?”

“I knew it you’re going to ask about her. She’s just my cousin from Gwangju. I’ve been accompanying her to go around Seoul for the last three days,” Zelo explained. “Why? You jealous?” He wiggled his eyebrows.

“No!” Daehyun denied but his cheeks dusted with pink. “H-How did you get in here anyway?” He changed the topic.

Zelo grinned. “Jongup hyung gave me the password,” He still did not move from his place.

Daehyun observed the boy from head to toe. Zelo was only wearing his school’s white shirt. The jacket and tie were removed earlier and put together with his bag on Daehyun’s couch.

“Why would Jongup tell you about it?” Daehyun narrowed his eyes at the boy.

“Because I asked him?” Zelo retorted nonchalantly.

“Where is him anyway?” Daehyun asked because Jongup should be home by now, right after closing the shop.

“I asked him to give us some time together too,” Zelo smirked.

Daehyun shivered looking at Zelo’s wolfish expression. The boy slowly ed his shirt one by one, not tearing his eyes from Daehyun.

“W-What are you doing??” Daehyun asked nervously. Zelo did not say anything but just stared at the pretty guy devilishly. He moved closer and closer to the other, their body almost pressed together. Daehyun could feel the heat radiating from the younger’s body. He kept backing away until his back was slightly bent over the countertop.

Zelo had finished ed his shirt. As he was about to reveal his upper body, Daehyun quickly covered his face with both of his hands. Zelo let out a laugh.

“Put on your clothes back!” Daehyun’s shout was muffled by his hands.

“What’re you so shy at?” Zelo roughly pulled Daehyun’s wrists and hold it at his head level.

Daehyun did not respond. His eyes were shut tightly and his face was bright red. Zelo snickered. The sight was totally cute for him. Who would believe if he said Daehyun was older than him when they saw them in a situation like this.

Daehyun’s pouting lips turned out to be a distraction for Zelo. For a long time, he had wished those thick plump lips to be his. And now, he could not hold his desire to kiss it anymore. He slowly leaned in and captured Daehyun’s lips for a tender kiss.

Daehyun’s eyes snapped opened when he felt his lips were pressed with the boy’s soft one. He wanted to push Zelo away but Zelo’s grip on his wrists was too strong. Also, the kiss was just too sweet and simple, just like his first kiss. He found himself gave in to the boy. His eyes fluttered closed and he enjoyed every single moment of it.

Zelo finally pulled away to look at the blushing Daehyun. He raised his eyebrows. “What was that? I thought you hate school boys?”

Daehyun blushed harder. “I-I do. But not y-you,” He stuttered. Only now Daehyun realized that Zelo was wearing a tank top underneath his ed shirt and he was really embarrassed by his actions just now. But he was still shy to look at the hot body.

“Oh yeah? You like me now?” Zelo asked expectantly.

“Y-Yes,” Daehyun said in a low voice, slightly nodding his head.

“What? I can’t hear you,” Zelo teased. He turned his head to move his ear closer to Daehyun’s face.

“I-I said… I l-like you,” Daehyun said with a voice a little louder than before.

“What?” Zelo asked again.

“It’s not fair!” Daehyun shrieked, making Zelo flinched away. “You stole a kiss from me!” He pouted angrily.

Zelo bit his lips to hold back his laughter at the other’s cuteness. “Then take it back.”

Daehyun glared at the other as Zelo stared at him with a challenging look. Daehyun finally made a move. He tiptoed to peck Zelo’s lips but Zelo tilted his head up.

“You can’t reach me shorty?” Zelo mocked.

Daehyun stood back on his feet. “Yah!” He smacked Zelo’s chest that had no effect to the boy.

Still, Daehyun would not give up. Daehyun stepped on Zelo’s feet and hold to the taller’s shoulders. But his puckered lips barely touched Zelo’s chin. Daehyun then tiptoed on the boy’s feet. Thanks to his light body weight, the pain was bearable for Zelo. He wrapped his arms around Daehyun’s waist to keep him balance. Daehyun tugged the back of his neck before he finally could brush his lips with the younger’s.

Zelo smiled to the kiss. He slowly leaned in and took control. His left hand was strongly holding to Daehyun’s slim waist and his other hand was feeling the elder’s small back. Daehyun too was clinging to Zelo’s neck as the younger deepened their kiss by entering Daehyun’s mouth with his tongue. The elder just let Zelo to take control and he did a pretty good job with it.

They pulled away after quite a while. Daehyun intertwined his fingers behind Zelo’s neck as he was secured in Zelo’s arms. They stared at each other and smiled meaningfully.

“I finally got you,” Zelo muttered.

“You finally got me,” Daehyun scrunched his face cutely.

“I love you, Daehyun,” Zelo said the magic words that made Daehyun’s heart beat faster and his cheeks were tinted pink.

Daehyun bit his lips shyly. His doe eyes were twinkling as he gazed at Zelo. “I love you too.”

Zelo was over the moon when he heard Daehyun said that. “Yeahhh!!!” He suddenly lifted Daehyun from the ground, making Daehyun yelped before spinning round and round. Daehyun giggled while firmly holding on to Zelo’s sturdy shoulders.

Zelo stopped and put Daehyun to sit on the countertop. “I will marry you, I promise. Just wait for me until I graduated from school, go to college and get a job,” He stated full of determination.

Daehyun laughed softly. “Let’s not think about the future yet. Let’s just enjoy this moment,” He pulled Zelo for another kiss.




Thanks a lot to the upvoters, subscribers, readers and commenters!!!

I hope you like it!


Cuties DaeLo are so cute! >.<






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Chapter 1: This is so cute, and Fluffy I really loved it! Good job Author Nim!
Chapter 1: this is crazy this is unhealthy this is assfghjallamlsjl aisshhhh im crazy!!! wkwkwkwkwk omo omoooo... my lovely daelooo hahahaha. i SUPER LOVE thisssss authornim-ssi! youre the BEST!!! i rlly love zelo top and dae bottom! wkwkwkwkk damnn, my lovely coupleee.. i rlly love the plots, not so long and boring and complicated (even bangdae and daelo ff you wrote are all perfect!) but i also love this one shot so damn much! hahahahaha zeloncheesy line! aigoooo hahahaha my cheeks hurt because giggling and blushed hard! wkwkwk in each sentences!! ashhhh i really love thisss huaaaaa TT lets make many bangdae and lodae ff best authornim-ssi! kkkkk and i also rlly love the way you portray dae in his small body! my fave of all! and his none-shoulder is the one that i rlly love the most!!! wkwkwkwk 'i think i left smthg here, what? my heart, because you stole my heart' 'coffee & cream? because youre my sugar bwahh.. LOL!!!!!! aigoo idk idk anymore before i get crazier than now! let me read for the 4x now! annyeongg!! and fighting for the next lodae&bangdae story authornim! they hv many interactions recent comeback!! aigoooo! if you miss smth, ill glad to send the pics to you!! kkk fightingggggggg ^.^9 this rlly fr the bottom of my heart! 사랑해❤️❤️❤️ for be one of the besttttt bangdaelo authornim!
Chapter 1: AWWWWWWWWW I LOVE ZELO'S CHEESY LINE im gonna cheese my friend xD
i think im going to ship daelo otl dae is shipable
zamirah #4
Chapter 1: sequel please...
fydaehyun #5
Chapter 1: i find your story and read it then aaaaaaa daelo interaction is so cute hereeeee, im going crazy when i finished read your story specially when i read daelo's kissing scane ugh ;A; great job author-nim!! hope you will make another lodae's fic! fighting :)
Chapter 1: Eeeeeeeeee! So Fricken Adorkable!!
Chapter 1: sooo cuteee ♥ so kawaii and so fluffeh. Zelo was like SENPAI NOTICE ME PLZ ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 1: sooo cuteee ♥ so kawaii and so fluffeh. Zelo was like SENPAI NOTICE ME PLZ ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 1: Ssssssoooooo ccuuuttteee.......
Ce-Sar #10
Chapter 1: aww this was sweet~