Chapter One

Ramyeon Boy

Baekhyun stared at the car that was shrinking out of his view. His face pale and all colors that were there were drained.

He was half , only with a pair of pants and a robe that slid right over his topless chest. He continued to stare into the distance, where the taxi with his ex fiancé once rode on.

He dejectedly walked back into the hotel room, eyes flooded with tears. His vision blur as he unlocked the hotel room and slid himself into the covers.


Baekhyun opened his eyes and stared at the empty white wall. His head was slightly throbbing, but he ignored the weird feeling.

He sat up and went to get changed, finding no good reason to stay in the bed all day.

He roamed the streets of Tokyo, the place he really has no knowledge of.

His stomach growled and churned for food.

He scanned the streets and looked, trying to make out the words from the weird lines drawn on the posters.

Someone bumped into his before trying to apologize with a friendly tone. Helping her pick up the things she had dropped dropped in the bare ground, he hope he had somehow repaid in kindness for the old woman. Without knowing anything, he let the old women drag him across the streets and into the small shop, which turned out to be a restaurant.

She sat him down on a chair and brought him a bowl of… Ramyeon?

Baekhyun has always been familiar with this type of food. His brother was always the one who couldn’t cook anything but ramyeon. 

He silently picked up the pair of chopsticks, stealing a glance at the women that stood next to him. She gave him a nod before he continued.

Baekhyun dipped his chopsticks into the dish and scooped out noodles before placing it on his tongue and chewing onto the stretchy noodles.

Within the next 5 minutes, he finished the large bowl of noodles and soon, the dish came to an end.

He stole another glance at the owners before digging his hand into his pocket and picking out a few coins and Yens. 

Placing it on the table, he stood and walked out of the small place without another word or disruption. 


Its been a week since his "fiance" left him. A week of sorrow. A week since that bowl of the most delicious Ramyeon has gone down to his stomach.

Its been 3 days since he made the decision to learn to make the best ramyeon, just at the other has done. Apart from the 3 days, its been 2 since Baekhyun has started learning the very basics of the Japanese language.

He stood and walked out of the apartment that he got just a few days ago. Walking into the streets of Tokyo, and trying to find the best gift for his parents back at home, as an apology for losing their daughter in law just a month before the wedding. 



I walked into the streets. What must mother and father think of me? I must be a disgrace. 

They must be disappointed. They'd probably disown me. I need to find another job now too. Why did I choose a rich girl when Im so poor? Should I hide away? 

What about my older brother? Whom was no longer in the rank of us poor people, out there as a lawyer and making the best of his life with his wife of 3 years and daughter of 2 years. 

I continue to walk, shaming myself for being so involved in love only to be the one thrown away like dust.

When I felt the grocery bag in my hand go loose, harshly yanked from my slim fingers, my heart panicked. There was a lot of things in there, and thats all the money I had left and I wanted it to buy my parents a gift for forgiveness!! 

I was about to run when a hand pushed me back lightly and raced in front of me. I didnt know why or who did it, but when I tried to catch up, a person was already on their way towards me. My grocery bag in hand, lightly panting with a hand on his knees. 

He mumbled something to me, which pretty much confused me because it was probably in Japanese.

I continued to stare at him, really confused, and I have no idea how he knew but, he asked me in Korean, 

"This is yours, right?" 

His voice was more steady and his panting has subsided.

"Y-yes.."  I stuttered.

He placed the bag into my hands before standing up straight.

I never came to realize how tall he was.

"Why are you staring at me?"

I felt all the heat run to my cheeks.

I didnt mean to stare at him.

He chuckled.

"Im just playing with you."

I timidly put my hand out.

"Im.. Im Baekhyun." I mutter.

He took my hand into his and lightly shook it.

"Zitao. But you can always call me Tao."

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Madhatter_pey #1
Chapter 4: It's so cute. I'm literary rolling on my bed smiling like an idiot.
Ramen Girl is one of my favorite movies :3