Chapter 20

The Old & The New

Tiffany was fidgeting nervously in her wheelchair while Jessica sat facing her on the bench. They didn’t speak only when Jessica said she needed an explanation. So Jessica pushed the wheelchair out with Tiffany on it to the nearest garden just outside the hospital. Tiffany was feeling uneasy while Jessica just stared blankly at her.

There were a million questions running through the back of Jessica’s mind.

What is she doing here?

Why is she on the wheelchair?

Is she sick?

How come I’m not aware of it?

Jessica wanted to ask but she couldn’t find her voice to do so. Tiffany on the other hand didn’t want Jessica to see her like this. She had tried so hard to avoid Jessica finding out but eventually when the truth wanted to be untold; it would just come without any warning.

Tiffany didn’t even dare to look up; she couldn’t even have the cheek to look into Jessica’s eyes. She felt like she didn’t deserve this. She straightened her back when Jessica touched her arm gently.

“Tiffany, can you explain this?”

Jessica’s voice was almost alluring. Tiffany closed her eyes briefly before looking up slowly. Jessica was still staring at her.

“Jessica, I’m sorry.”

“No, I don’t need your apologies. I need to know what happened to you. Why are you here? And why are you on the wheelchair? I need answers, Tiffany.”

“Jessica, I didn’t mean to hide myself like this from you.”

“Then why are you here, Tiffany?”

Jessica’s hands were on Tiffany’s arms; she shook them vigorously as tears trickled down her cheeks. Tiffany’s heart was aching very badly as she wiped those tears away.

“Jessica, this is going to take some time.”

“Fill me in. I have all the time for you.”

Tiffany bit her lower lip.



Yuri was running after Yoona as she ran across the hallway. Yoona didn’t expect this. She was moving on into a greener pasture but Yuri had to destroy it.

“Yoona! Wait up!”

“Leave me alone!”

“Yoona, listen to me! Wait!”

Yuri was always the faster runner and she managed to catch up quickly. Yoona was pushing her arms away but Yuri managed to hug her tightly.

“Get away!”

“I’ll let go if you stop resisting me.”


Yoona stopped trashing around and Yuri slowly let her go. Yoona refused to look into Yuri’s eyes but she missed Yuri’s gentle touches.


“What are you doing here? Why are you here?”

“I work here, remember?”

Yoona cursed under her breath. She was slowly forgetting about Yuri that she had forgotten that Yuri is a therapist.

“I didn’t know Old Lady Park knows you.”

“She’s my client.”

Yoona didn’t turn around; she just focused on the floor. Yuri knew Yoona hates her a lot. She could sense from Yoona’s reactions.

“Yoona, I’m sorry.”

“Why do you need to apologise to me for?”

“I know I broke your heart.”

“Don’t apologise when you don’t have the least intention to love me in the first place.”

“No, that’s not true. I love you sincerely.”

“Don’t lie, Yuri! In your heart, there’s only Tiffany!”


“Don’t say anymore. I’ve let you go for good.”

Yuri smiled. It hurt to hear that from Yoona but she knew it was for their good.

“I’m glad that you’ve moved on.”

“I didn’t. I just forget about you like as though you don’t exist in my life at all.”

Yuri closed her eyes. Tears were b in her eyes. She didn’t realize how much it hurt so badly to hear those words from Yoona.  But she didn’t have the right to say anything.

“You can do anything you want, Yoona just as long as you’re happy.”

“You think I can do that?”

Yuri looked up. Yoona finally looked at her.

“You think it’s easy for me to forget you, Kwon Yuri?”

“If it hurts so badly, just forget me, Yoona.”

“I loved you sincerely!”

Yuri looked away. She couldn’t let Yoona witness her fallen tears but Yoona turned her abruptly. She then pulled out Yuri’s arms and crashed her body into Yuri’s. The younger lady hugged Yuri tightly and Yuri’s reflexes were automatic as well. She wrapped her arms around Yoona protectively. Both ladies cried their hearts out. And Yuri really missed holding Yoona like that.

The two ladies hugged and wept in silence; both still in each other’s arms.


“What do you mean by that?!”

“Jessica, I’m sorry..”

“You’re ill?!”

Tiffany turned away; she was telling Jessica everything.


“Jessica, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hide my condition from you.”

“But you already did!”

“Jessica, I cannot bear to watch you crying for me if you find out about my illness.”

“Tiffany, are you crazy?! I’m your girlfriend and I love you, god dammit!”

“I know! But I love you too much to let you share this burden with me!”


“I know it doesn’t make any sense but I don’t want this to happen. Now, like what is happening now, you’re freaking out!”

“I’m freaking out because you hide this from me; you broke up with me because of this damn illness! What do you think I am?! You think I’d leave you if you told me about your illness?!”

“I don’t want to burden you with me.”

Jessica was heartbroken. How could Tiffany belittle her this way? Her love for Tiffany wasn’t sincere enough to overcome this together.

“You don’t love me, don’t you, Tiffany?”

Tiffany turned quickly.

“You don’t love me as much as I love you that’s why you lied to me about everything.”

“It’s not like that!”

“It is like that! And you’ve been on your own; living your life in pain; sitting on that wheelchair while I tried like crazy to get over you; get over us and me, the idiot, thought you hate me! I thought you’re living your life happily with someone new, Tiffany!”

“I’ll never hate you, Jessica. I love you. I love you so much. I think of you every day and night. I cannot forget you no matter how hard I tried.”


Tiffany cried immediately.

“You stupid fool! Don’t you have any idea how much my heart is aching; you tore me apart when you said goodbye, Tiffany! Why? Why must you do this to me?!?”

“Jessica, I’m sorry. I’m terribly sorry for what I’ve done to you but I love you. I love you so much that I couldn’t let you suffer with me. I cannot walk anymore, Jessica. I’m losing senses at every limb of my body and I couldn’t even sit up that long. It hurts so bad that I feel like dying. But I couldn’t bear to let you witness me like this. You’re too soft-hearted and I know you’ll cry for me; like what you’re doing now.”

Jessica’s eyes were completely red and puffy. Her heart ached even more after hearing how much Tiffany had suffered and despite being in so much pain, the only person Tiffany could think of was her.

How could she not realize it?

How could she let Tiffany go just like that after knowing how much Tiffany’s in love with her?

She should have guessed that Tiffany could have a valid reason like this to leave her like that.

Jessica dropped on her knees; right in front of Tiffany. She then rose on her knees; cupping Tiffany’s cheeks with her palms; pulling the lady closer. She didn’t say anything but just staring into Tiffany’s eyes.


Tiffany was crying. Jessica could see the immense fear and the deepest pain; she could literally see Tiffany’s fallen grace and she hated herself for not fighting for Tiffany; fighting for them.


Jessica pulled her closer; pushing Tiffany’s face into her chest. Tiffany quickly wrapped her arms around Jessica’s waist while Jessica gave a soft peck on her forehead.

“I’m here, Tiffany. I’m not leaving anymore.”

Jessica whispered softly.


Yoona took out her phone and dialled for Soo Young’s number. Soo Young answered almost immediately.


“Soo Young..”

Yoona’s quivering voice was scaring Soo Young.

“What’s wrong? Why do you sound like that? Are you crying? Did you do some stupid thing and Jessica left you?”

Yoona burst into tears and Soo Young was panicking.

“Im Yoona, what’s happening? Why are you crying?”

Yoona could only cry on the phone; leaving Soo Young bewildered.


Jessica was staring into space as she drove with just one hand. She couldn’t think; she couldn’t even understand the whole that had happened. Why was she that dumb not to realize anything?

Jessica kept caressing Tiffany’s back gently. They have stopped crying and Tiffany was holding her tightly in her arms; and Jessica returned with a protective grip. For some reasons, Jessica couldn’t let Tiffany go again. Suddenly, Tiffany called out someone’s name.


Jessica quickly turned to find Tiffany’s first love was looking at them; her eyes were downcast. Jessica then turned to look at Tiffany; she was confused but soon realized what happened. She pulled herself away from Tiffany.

“You called her instead?”

“Jessica, please understand me.”

“Jessica, it wasn’t her. I was the one who took the initiative to look after Tiffany.”

Yuri interrupted them; leaving Jessica a little baffled.

“You rather confide in your first love than me, Tiffany?”

“She knew about it. She’s my doctor now.”

How convenient that was. Yuri got to know about her condition first just because she’s a doctor. Jessica isn’t one.

“So Yuri came in my place and took you away from me?”

Jessica then turned to her Yuri; she glared at her.

“I thought you have a girlfriend?”

“I left her too so that I could be with Tiffany.”


“Jessica-shi, Tiffany wanted to deal with this on her own. But I know she couldn’t handle this by herself so I volunteered to stay by her side.”

“What happened to your girlfriend? She agreed to let you go?”

“She’s a fantastic lady. She knows about us.”

Yuri was pointing to herself and Tiffany.

“Is she stupid or what?!”

Jessica raised her voice. She felt betrayed; she felt dumb. Why didn’t the other girl fight for Yuri?!

“Jessica-shi, it’s not my ex-girlfriend’s fault. It’s mine.”

“Damn right, it is! How could you leave your girlfriend knowing how much that lady loves you?”

“Like I’ve said, she has a heart of gold.”

Suddenly Jessica realized that sentence was too familiar. She turned to Tiffany; she was looking away but Jessica made her looked at her.

“You told me about Yuri before. You told me she was seeing someone. I know you mentioned her name before. Do you know her name?”

Tiffany nodded painfully. Yuri looked on.

“Can you tell me?”

Jessica was hoping she wouldn’t hear the same name that she had in mine. But that someone appeared in front of them even before Tiffany could answer.


Jessica turned to find Yoona walking up to Yuri. Yoona didn’t notice her at first but when she realized Yuri was staring intently at someone; she turned to look as well. She was horrified.


Jessica looked at each of them. She knew something wasn’t right. Yuri told her that her ex was aware of her relationship with Tiffany.

“Yoona, please be truthful with me.”

Jessica’s voice quivered.

“Do you know what happened between Tiffany and Yuri?”

Yoona looked away as she bit her lip hard. It was bleeding but Yoona’s heart was bleeding even more.

“Yoona, tell me you don’t know about this. Tell me you’re not aware that my girlfriend has been living with your girlfriend and left us because of some stupid reason!”

“I’m sorry, Jessica.”

Jessica was bewildered. Yoona knew!

“You knew…?”

Yoona nodded her head.

Jessica was losing her mind. She wasn’t thinking straight anymore.


Jessica’s tears fell from the corner of her eyes as she recalled the incident earlier on. She felt betrayed; all the people she cared for had been lying to her. They took her for a ride and made her looked like a complete fool.

She just couldn’t believe that Yoona was involved as well. How could she lie to her? Did she win her way through Jessica’s heart because she had an advantage over her? She knew about Tiffany and Yuri living together; hiding such heartbreaking truth from her.

“Yoona, how could you lie to me like that?!”


Jessica ran off; after realizing she was the biggest fool among the four of them. She was the last person to know the truth and Yoona was lying to her about everything.

“Jessica, hold on!”

Yoona ran after her; that lady could anticipate what was going through in Jessica’s mind. She regretted for not being truthful but she never knew that it would happen like this.

“Jessica, wait!”

Yoona managed to catch up with Jessica and grabbed her by the arm. She pulled the angry lady in and tried to engulf her in her arms but Jessica managed to push her away.


Yoona struggled to hold on but Jessica was determined to break free. She managed but Yoona held on tightly to her wrist.

“I said let me go.”

“Jessica, please listen to me!”

“Why should I do that? You’re the same like Tiffany! You lied to me!”

“I didn’t mean to lie to you. I didn’t expect this to happen.”

“Is this why you tried to win your way into my heart?”

“No! I fell in love with you; sincerely. I never expected to fall in love with you. I swear, it wasn’t my intention to hurt you like this.”

“But you’ve already did! I thought you’d be different, Yoona!”

“Jessica, trust me. I love you. My feelings for you are real. What ever happened earlier on was just a misunderstanding.”

“You knew Yuri left you for Tiffany!”

“I know this is killing you. It’s killing me as well.”

“I don’t think we can be together anymore.”


“I cannot trust you anymore.”

Jessica shook Yoona’s hand away before running back to her car; leaving Yoona broken-hearted.


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I know this is late but congratulations on getting featured!
This is so good!