Impossible to Forget

The Love Between Little Brothers

[ 00:12 - 09/03/XX - Tuesday - Location : Residence of Kyiori ]

Akira was thinking about what happened a few hours ago , the attitude of Maiyo ... is he in love with me ? But this is impossible ... he met me one day is almost or is it possible ? She thought Akira

Then Nathan suddenly appears and meets Akira head down .

- Are you okay Onii ? She asked that the blondie was drowsy

- Nathan ? What are you doing awake? - Akira said lifting her head immediately to the voice of the small.

- I can not sleep ... Onii give you looked in your room and not found you , and so I was looking for you .

- Intendi ... good sitting here, said Akira pointing to a spot the couch indicating Nathan

- O- Okay - Said blondie with your pajamas and Teddy in his hands

Then Nathan sat in the place indicated by Akira .

- So Nathan , because he can not sleep ? - Akira said at that moment he stopped thinking about Maiyo to help small.

- ER .... I 'm a little confused - Said blondie embracing belly Teddy
Then Nathan about what you were thinking ? You said Akira worrying

It's nothing too - blondie said the blushing and head down

- You can tell your fofuxo , if you want me to not tell anyone so I will not tell

Really? - Nathan said lifting her face

- Nathan course ! Come on, you can tell Akira said the smooth and blond strands of softly

- Okay ... Etto .... because people put his mouth on the cheeks of others? - Nathan said if a bit confusing to explain

- I mean a kiss ? You said Akira

- Yes ... I think this is the little - told , his innocence was really amazing

- Well, it's a form of affection , to show that you really like someone , type - When I say the phrase Akira was going to Nathan and gave him a kiss on her cheek to prove the statement he had made

Nathan soon after the action Akira heart instantly

So , you really like me Onii ? - Nathan said trying intender

- Nathan course ! You're my little brother said Akira - cluttering hair Nathan

- Got - Nathan said turning his face

- If a person does that to you means she likes you very much ! - Akira said smiling

- Etto .... Type the Hyoto - Nii - chan ? You said Nathan embarrassing

- Aaaaah is about you and Ryuuga yesterday? - Akira said laughing lightly

- Y-Yes ...

- This is totally normal Nathan ! The Hyoto is a great friend of yours , I love you and tries to demonstrate that with these actions

- Ahhh .. I think intendi - Nathan said , he was still a little confused

- So no need to worry

- Etto ... Onii ...

- Yes , Nathan ?

- I have one more question -

- You can talk

- Etto ... - because people '- Kiss ' to here ? - Nathan said putting his forefinger in her small mouth and slightly pink

- N - Nathan ? How do you know ? Or have you ever walked kissing girls school .. - Akira said with a suspicious eye , to say that Nathan 's face seemed to be burning in shame

Of course not ! - I just saw some people doing it at school said Nathan

- Wow ! These people really are a erse ------ Akira did not finish not to further confuse the little

Onii - sorry , that 's kinda confusing

- Your silly , no need to apologize

- O- Okay

- Well, when a person kisses on your lips , or in your mouth to say that she loves you , usually in some cases , even more than friend or brother !

What do you mean " sometimes " ? - Nathan said with a pout

- Well, there are some people who give peck each other as a token of love and affection but only sibling or friend

- E. ... you are one of those people onii ? Said Nathan - curious

- Good ... No ... - When Akira was going to say the answer decided to start his sentence, perhaps because it could hurt Nathan , after all he was just growing and discovering things

- Why do you ask ? You want a my peck ? Want to see how ? - Akira said affectionately

- Yes .... - but what is a peck ?

- You really are very innocent , that cuddly, peck is this .. - When finished Akira sentence comes close to Nathan and gave him a short peck as a show of affection , Nathan stained with the action

- E- So this is a peck ?

- Yes , Nathan

- Is equal to the --------- Before you finish the sentence Nathan clapped to stop him from saying it is not known if he would say about Hyoto or Taiyou , or both !

- Hmm , this is good! Do not think onii ? - Nathan said surprised

- Yes, said Akira laughing at the silly expression of small

- Well, I see that someone is sleepy - huh Said Akira tickling belly Nathan

- Aaaaah ! Onii ! - Nathan said between laughs softly that gave

- Okay , I'm coming - complementing Nathan said almost crying with tir , his skin was very sensitive , so a simple blouse would not stop tickling feeling

Akira then took her hand and took Nathan to the same room , when we arrived there, put Nathan in his bed , covered him with a blanket and gave him a kiss on his cheek and said :

- Mind if I do ? - Akira said referring to the gesture of affection he had done in Nathan

- No. .. is good ! You said Nathan

- Ok Ok- Akira said laughing again

- Now , go to sleep we have class! - Completed the oldest

- O- Okay !

Soon after Akira Nathan put to sleep , went to his room to sleep also , oddly enough , a conversation with Nathan Maiyo could take your mind for a while , even when talking and thinking about the same subject: kiss.

[ 00:42 - 09/03/XX - Tuesday - Location : Room Taiyou / Residence of Kyiori ]

Akira and Nathan slept tranquiliamente but Taiyoy seemed to be up , and there was the boy still eyes open in your room , it kept saying softly :

- Why ? ..... Why am I feeling these weird things ? Because "he " was weird when I saw Nathan without clothes .. and why only now ? Why have certain vontandes .... Arghhh why? why? why? Not Intendo nothing that ! - Taiyou said shortly after holding her hair , it was confused with these situations , but tried to calm down slowly and got to sleep .

[ 7:15 - 09/03/XX - Tuesday - Location : Residence of Kyiori ]

Akira as usual woke to his alarm clock in your room , then immediately called Nathan :

- Nathan ? Said Akira - knocking

Onii - Hi ! - Nathan replied with a sleepy tone

- If raises boy, we're a little late today, so will now be trading right there and when finished will have breakfast .

- ok replied Nathan

After Akira gave the same warning to Taiyou , which obeyed .

So Akira prepared breakfast and called Nathan and Taiyou to the table , both were soon followed. Nathan was wearing a blue tank top, white shorts and a type of sailor's hat , the little loved that thing uncle , Taiyou wore a white shirt and striped shorts . The three brothers took their breakfast in the morning quietly , shortly after they finished were the way to school .

[ 7:43 - 09/03/XX - Tuesday - Location: Rua ]

Akira was walking quietly with Nathan , and when he saw Taiyou Maiyo and Hyoto across the street, and lived very close , could find very easily .

- Good day said Akira

- Morning Akira ! - Said Maiyo

They stopped to greet a bit .

- Morning Taiyou - Hyoto said reaching out to greet him , Taiyou soon gave his hand too. Soon after , Hyoto was complimenting Nathan

- Good morning Nathan ! You said smiling Hyoto

- Morning Nii - chan - And the blondie

So Hyoto nearly Nathan 's face and gave him a kiss on his face as the end of your greeting, then immediately the little stained immediately

- Haha . Akira looks these two have already become friends even ! - Said Maiyo

- Come on Nathan ! Let us linger said Hyoto holding the hand of Nathan

Taiyou was a different approach to that scene looks , seemed to be angry or something

- Taiyou ? Are you okay ? He asked Akira

- An? Oh yeah ... --- Taiyou answered with a smile

[ 08:20 - Tuesday - 09/03/XX - Location : School ]

So Hyoto arrived at school holding the hand of Nathan to get there, and waited Akira Maiyo Taiyou they were slightly behind , meanwhile Hyoto said :

- Our Nathan ! Your outfit .. how can dress so well ?

- Etto ... I like things like that, and many people think that suits me , maybe by my appearance , said Nathan embarrassed

- Of course combines Nathan ! - Said Hyoto squeezing her cheeks

Soon after Akira , Maiyo and Taiyou arrived , and then they parted and were due for their classes , as Hyoto belonged to the same class as Nathan was leading them holding hands , sometimes Nathan hesitated , but always insisted Hyoto and Nathan ended up giving anyway . Taiyou was for your class still a little angry and said softly :

- Why have these wills .....

Akira and Maiyo up the stairs toward the classroom , and arrived shortly thereafter

[ 8:40 - 09/03/XX - Tuesday - Location : 7th B - Classroom / School ]

Then the teacher started the class first giving some warnings for those who do not hand in their assignments on the correct day , Maiyo , who sat near Akira said :

- Hey Akira , you have mobile ?

- An Hi ? Ah , yes I have , you want the number ? You said Akira

Yes .. Said Maiyo - stained

So Akira not to disrupt the class , wrote his cell number on a piece of paper and noticed that on mobile Maiyo had a picture of a woman, then immediately asked :

- Maiyo Hey , who's that on your phone? - Akia said giving the piece of paper Maiyo

- Is .... my mother ... Said Maiyo - catching piece of paper from the hand of Akira

- Ah .... sorry .. You said Akira

Both boys were silent , but Akira noticed something strange, the woman on mobile Maiyo was a bit like her mother , she obviously was not , but had similar traits ..

- Maiyo - kun ? She asked the teacher , Maiyo had his eyes filled with tears at the memory of his mother

- .......... - Maiyo froze and did not respond , then immediately Akira said desperately :

- M- Maiyo ? WHAT WAS ?

Maiyo rises from his desk and runs toward the exit of the room, even with several tears falling to the ground .

- Professor , I can go to him ? He asked Akira

- Of course , Akira , can go - confirmed the teacher

Akira then got up and went desperately toward Maiyo , his reaction would surely be his fault .

[ 9:12 -09/03/XX-Terça-Feira- Location : First Floor / School ]

Akira ran and finally found Maiyo sitting on a bench crying .

- Maiyo ! You looked everywhere !

Sorry A- Akira ... I is .... did not yield to endure .. - Maiyo said between tears

Maiyo Sorry for being so invasive with you , I know you are sensitive in this matter and not wanted you since way I swear ! - Akira said trying to comfort Maiyo

- No problem Akira ... is that my mother ------ Maiyo was interrupted by Akira soon then hugged

- A- Akira ? - Said Maiyo flushed and confused

- No need to say anything more Maiyo not want you to remember something you do not want

- Akira .. Thank you .. - Said Maiyo . Akira crying and hugging tightly

- Akira ... - and I promise .. 'll find the culprit of my mother's death , no matter what happens , said Maiyo

- C - Guilty ? His mother was ... You said that Akira was interrupted by Maiyo

- Murdered ? Yes .. a while back in our old home, a fugitive who had surrounded the place looking for a person , he watched every home, every family , until one day he came out of nowhere in our house , broke down the door and said :

" - I thought you finally now you will pay for what he did "

- Then he took my mother by the arms and pulled a knife from his pocket , and was stabbing her several times not caring if anyone was going to see or not ... and the worst is that my mother had never seen that man in my life !

- Wow, Maiyo because you telling me this ? You said Akira sad

- I can not hide from you Akira , I trust you and why ... I told you Maiyo answered through tears

- But what the Hyoto , you and your father? Asked Akira

- My father tried to help my mom but took a stab grazed and was threatened ... Hyoto was not born at the time , could not stop looking at that scene ... it was terrible ... my mother crying for help with tears in every nook and blood spreading ... I can not imagine that it was the work of a human being .. - Said Maiyo

- Damn Maiyo ... II ... I can not imagine your pain ... but I had a few problems so I can intender at least part ..

- You know Akira ... my parents ... were perfect .. not hardly ever fought and got along very well .. and nothing comes wretched and destroyed our family ... I swear .. I swear I 'll make misery with him when I find ------- Maiyo was interrupted by Akira soon embraced strongly capping his mouth

- Do not talk so Maiyo .. if you do you just become one of them , do not get this thought .. I'll be here forever, you can trust me , I know it is impossible to forget , especially for so little time .. You said Akira comforting Maiyo

- The Thank - Akira ... n- forms do not have to thank you thank you thank you thank you - said Maiyo crying nonstop hugging Akira

- Well, let's go back to the room ok ? If the teacher will not worry , I brought my backpack with me and realized that his shirt is wet .. I have a reservation , you can serve , then I caught dai - Akira said smiling

- Thanks Akira - Said Maiyo enchugando tears

So Akira took the shirt immediately after booking and gave Maiyo , it took his shirt in front of Maiyo regardless

- Geez, you're whitey also equal to Nathan

- An? Because people notice both my skin tone? - Said Maiyo pouting

- It's nothing silly, just that it's somewhat rare , we view the logo shirt and go back to the room

- Okay ...

Then Akira and Maiyo back toward the classroom .

Akira and Maiyo not know , but I had two students , Hikari 's first year and the eighth grade Rey spying all the time

- Rey Hey , what did you think ? - Hikari said with a wicked look

- I like Hikari , will work? - Answered Rey

- Of course it will , no one has such a good memory able to decorate an integer in minutes

- Okay . good, as we do then ?

- Meet me at the same point in 24:10 , then immediately put into practice

- Ahhh , okai , but do not forget Hikari , if you 'll be fried

- It'll be okay , I have a great plan - Hikari said smiling slightly

Chapter 7 - Impossible to Forget - The End .

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