Bonds of trust

The Love Between Little Brothers

[ 12:57 - 08/03/XX - Monday - Location : Residence of Kyiori ]

Akira was preparing lunch for Taiyou and Nathan , he had a bit of a hurry because in a few hours would go to the house of Maiyo do school work , so did not want to lose time . Akira then prepared one of his favorite dishes : Beef Stroganoff , and then loved how Nathan would be a good idea but soon remembered that Taiyou was the problem .. he disliked so would have to do something different for him to avoid unnecessary fights , Akira decides to do a portion of fries to Taiyou could eat too, and also Yakisoba meat , after you finish making lunch Akira calls Nathan and Taiyou to eat , the two soon arrive at the table and begin your meal , after finishing the meal Akira pulled the dishes from the table and put it in the sink and washed immediately , because that would gain time.

[ 14:45 - 08/03/XX - Monday - Place : Residence of Kyiori ]

Akira was on the couch with Nathan and Taiyou awaiting the arrival of Maiyo and Hyoto , were watching TV until it happened and then shortly after they heard a noise :

* dim dom *

Maiyo was playing and Hyoto the company as soon as you have just heard Akira was answering the door along with Nathan that ran in the same direction with their ruddy cheeks and a smile on his face .

- Hi - Maiyo Akira said with a cheerful tone

Akira - Yo ! - Maiyo said with a small smile

- Hyoto - kun ! - Nathan said with a look of joy

- Hi ! - And the shy redhead boy

- Ryuuga if it behaves ok ? Said Maiyo - cluttering redheads wires softly

- O- Okay Nii , can leave

- Oh , and Nathan Taiyou , I prepared the pool in the backyard to play all three of you right? You said Akira

- Siim Onii ! Thank you Nathan thanked

- Etto ... but I did not bring swimsuits ... You said lowering his head Hyoto

- No problem ! Nathan has questions and he can share with you ! Not even Nathan ?

Sure ! - Nathan confirmed



[ 15:04 08/03/XX - Monday - Location : Street / Houses Maiyo ]

So Maiyo and Akira left the place and headed towards the residence of Maiyo , while Nathan , and Hyoto Taiyou were alone in the residence of Kyiori . While the two did not arrive on site Maiyo tried to start a conversation with Akira :

- Thank you for accepting Etto do work in my house - Akira said Maiyo embarrassing yourself

- No problems Maiyo , and need not be concerned with Ryuuga ok ?

- Ok

- Oh and by the way .. Maiyo I have noticed that the Hyoto surname different from yours .. - Akira said , he got a little curious about this subject

- Ah .. yes .. he's my brother by father, our mother passed away at 10 years old and I do not feel alone my father decided to give me a little brother , even if only by his father , at least I was not alone .. - He said with his eyes watering Maiyo

- Our Maiyo ... sad ... I feel bad for asking

- No problem , said Akira Maiyo nodding

- Well, enough of that sad mood , look , we're here - Maiyo said trying not to remember the terrible past still kept secret .

And there was the beautiful and big house Maiyo , came to be amazing beauty of the place , Akira stood staring for a few seconds

-Wow ! Your home is amazing Maiyo

- Thank you ! - Said Maiyo giving some small laughs.

Then Akira and Maiyo entered the site.

[ 15:21 - 08/03/XX - Monday Place : Residence of Kyiori ]

- Thanks for coming to play with us ! - Nathan said smiling

No problem Kyiroi - kun , you should thank my onii - chan , because it was that had the idea

- Kyiori - kun ? - Nathan said doubtfully

- Yes , but you're younger than me

Really ? How old are you Nii - chan ? You said Nathan

- I got nine .. 10 I will soon .. I joined the school late .. You said lowering his head Hyoto

- Got it .. Sugoi ! but you seem to have excited less - said Nathan

Hyoto is unresponsive and hearts rapidly

- Ah Nii - chan , you do not need to call me Kyiori , if you can even call me Nathan - Nathan said smiling

- O- Okay ! - Said the ruivinho

- Hey Nathan , already filled the pool, will be exchanged with Hyoto I 'll go too - Taiyou said interrupting the conversation of two small

Nathan then took Hyoto in the arm and was leading them to their room .

- Our Nathan ! your room is so blue ! So cute he said Hyoto

- What do you think ? - Nathan said surprised

- Of course !

Thank you, Nathan said blushing up

- Look Nii - chan , I have some swimwear and some shorts if you want to put above - said Nathan opened the drawer of her blue wardrobe

Thank you Nathan

- Sure Nii - chan

 Then Nathan gave a speedo and a borrowed for Hyoto shorts , and then immediately said :

- You can now change the Tai is waiting for us, you turn to the right and to the left , I said innocently Nathan

All right ..

Hyoto then began ing his shirt and was soon taking it out the same , Nathan was back doing the same procedure , but when Nathan pulled his shirt logo Hyoto who was spying said:

- Wow ! Her skin is white and also

- Hi ? - Nathan said almost ready to pull her shorts

Nothing .. is that you are very pale - as I said Hyoto

- Wow ! Sugoi ! True - Nathan said comparing your skin to friend

- Your belly is so cute ! - Said Hyoto poking the belly of Nathan

Hey ! Tickles - Nathan said laughing

- Well, let's just put the bathing suit , you're rolling it said Hyoto putting hands on hips Nathan

- What did you doing Nii - chan ? - Nathan said confused

- Huh ? I'm just helping you change clothes , friends help after all right? You said smiling Hyoto

- Etto .... S - Yes .. - Nathan said with a reddish tint in his face .

So Hyoto was ping shorts Nathan , along with removing the clothes under the same

- E- Hey ! - Nathan said capping 'local' hands

- What was Nathan ? - Said Hyoto

- N - Nothing is that .... y-you took my underwear too ... - Nathan said as a red chili

- No need to be embarrassed about your silly , after all we are both boys ! I have everything you have said - Hyoto

- ........ - O- ok said Nathan

- See ! - Said Hyoto taking his shorts with his underwear

- I'm not ashamed saw ? Then you also need not have told the ruivinho

- Aaah ! - Nathan said capping eyes with both hands , but soon after that as was noted with both hands in the eye such " place " was not capped and then you would have seen Hyoto sure.

- Aaaaaah ! - Nathan said embarrassed

- I said without shame between us after all we are friends - said Hyoto approaching Nathan , then immediately hugged him and pressed for Nathan to lose his balance and he stayed on top of Nathan

- Ah ! Ni Nii - chan .. .. - Nathan said Hyoto with no clothes on top of itself

No problem - I told Nathan Hyoto pressing the " intimate place " Nathan

- Ouch! Nii - chan ! ... my ..... hurts extremely red - Nathan said he could not tell the complete sentence

- Sorry - Nathan said Hyoto undoing the pressure , but soon after took Nathan 's legs and placed so that it fits into your waist , having just made ​​it Hyoto was getting closer Nathan to embrace the same

- Ni ... Nii - chan ? - Nathan said confused, being in that position was very embarrassing , especially with Hyoto on top of itself , as quietly was very innocent intendia not anything that was happening .

Hyoto was increasingly Nathan and pulling his legs to his waist along , hoping to do " something else" but hesitated and did not.

- Is ..... Nathan hurting ? - Flushed and said with a smile Hyoto , he was worried about being the lowest hurting with their weight almost on top of him

- N - No .... but .. 'm feeling strange - Nathan said looking around blankly

- O- Hey ! The " its" changed size

Nathan then had his first , which in its current situation was not impossible to happen.

- Etto ..... yes ... - Nathan said , it was very embarrassing and quietly had never experienced this before , when Nathan was checking if what his friend had said was true Hyoto forward and gave him a peck , peck but it was a long and still in that position hyoto put Nathan down again and pushed her arms against him so he could not prevent the peck time consuming . Then went by the second and Nathan could not breathe , then turned her face and said :

- Ni ... Ni - chan ! N -I can not breathe Said blondie with her ​​eyes threatening a cry and a totally breathless tone

I'm sorry Nathan , but you did not like it? - Said Hyoto disappointed and with a nozzle with a breathy tone

- It's not that N ... - Nathan said looking around , the situation was a lot of weird and embarrassing for the blondie , but Nathan could not tell Hyoto because it would not end up hurting the same .

- Nathan ? Hyoto ? Have ready? Said Taiyou - knocking

- Have ! We're going Tai said Nathan putting a swimsuit and shorts any logo then Hyoto did the same procedure. Soon after the three boys were going to play pool for a bit , after all it was hot and then it would be fun

[ 16:41 - 08/03/XX - Monday - Location : Residence Daisuke ]

So Akira Maiyo was in the room next to his own, were doing research in the school notebook Maiyo , Akira was beside it watching the research process . Hours passed and research has progressed slowly because the subject was so extensive and complicated Maiyo said :

- Akira wants a break?

All right .. You said Akira

- I'll do something for us to eat ok ?

- O- Okay

- Do you like chocolate?


- Great ! I will prepare for us - Said excited Maiyo

So Maiyo got out of bed and headed for the kitchen to prepare chocolate for both boys , as Akira gave continuity in research. Maiyo started taking the chocolate bar and cutting into pieces , was then putting them in a pot to be able to melt them and then make a syrup.

[ 16:51 - 08/03/XX - Monday - Location : Residence of Kyiori ]

Taiyou , then Hyoto and Nathan were playing in the huge pool prepared by Akira , were playing to get wet but when Nathan was standing in the pool to grab a toy Hyoto the safe at his shorts but unintentionally ends up pulling it the same so to withdraw almost completely shorts Nathan .

- E- eiiiii ! - Nathan immediately said holding his shorts , but was not fast enough and Hyoto and perhaps could have seen Taiyou

Oops - sorry Nathan ! - Said Hyoto looking sideways

Taiyou just looked away quickly to avoid confusion.

Despite that little incident kept playing the three , this time with a ball , and spent hours in it.

[ 17:20 -08/03/XX - Monday - Location : Residence Daisuke ]

Maiyo then just prepare chocolate syrup , then immediately puts a great deal on two different small pots , soon after picked up a spoon and placed in each pot , then picked up a tray , put them on top of it and headed to his room to deliver Akira .

- Akira ! Said Maiyo finished it with the tray toward Akira

- Okay , you can get a confirmed it

Akira then grabs one of the pots and waited for him to eat with Maiyo , Maiyo grabs the notebook along with work stuff and puts them in some corner of the room , so you do not end up messing something with chocolate or something .

- Let Akira , try said Maiyo

- Huuuum Maiyo is great ! How do you cook so well ? - Akira said after having placed a spoonful of chocolate syrup in your mouth

- Ahhh , Akira is no big deal , after all it is only a syrup , is very simple to make - up blushing told Maiyo

- Etto .. Maiyo , how old are you ? - Akira said trying to start a conversation

- Err ... I said thirteen Maiyo

- Wow ! You seem to have less - Akira said smiling

- Er .. my appearance is a bit childish

- That reminds me - Nathan said Akira

- Truth

Then Akira and Maiyo began to talk about silly issues , just then Akira puts a scoop of chocolate but do not pay much attention because I was so distracted and end up pulling some chocolate but not realized , but Maiyo yes .

- A- Akira ? - Maiyo said trying not to laugh

- Hi ? You said Akira

- Have a little chocolate in your mouth

- Han ? Where ? You said Akira trying to find the place with your fingers

- O Here ! - Said Maiyo leaning to face Akira , as they had almost the same size would have no problems in doing such act , the action soon after put his lips to Akira thus " clearing the site " only a peck .

- E. ... er . Maiyo ? - Akira said , that action suddenly was totally unexpected , he had never kissed anyone in the mouth for a long time , especially for a kid

- Hey, just cleaned the place Akira , you would not find so easily . - Said Maiyo with their ruddy cheeks .

- Er .. Maiyo I think I 've ind ------- Akira was interrupted by Maiyo before he finished the sentence , Maiyo then got on top of Akira and soon after was taking another peck on Akira , despite the childlike , Maiyo could act in an impressive manner , first was a long peck , but then asked for the passage of his tongue into the mouth of Akira as Akira was practically under pressure was practically forced to accept the request , then the two languages ​​are crossed for a few long seconds , as the two were totally inexperienced in such act their tongues " mistook " a bit .

- Akira .... You said breathlessly Maiyo

- Hi - Akira also said breathlessly

- Do you like it?

- N - I do not know ... is weird , mainly because we both be boys

- Ahh , good but this has nothing too - said Maiyo

Really? You said Akira

- Of course , no big deal - it said Maiyo

Just then Maiyo embraces Akira

- M- Maiyo ? You said Akira confused by the unexpected act

Sorry Akira , is that .. you seem to be so cool ... and even with the Hyoto beside me those years I felt very lonely and wanted a friend , you're my friend right Akira ? - Said Maiyo whimpering

Of course I am! I am here for whatever you need - Maiyo said Akira placing your fingers on your eyelids , so part of wiping her tears that were beginning to exit without stopping .

- Do not be sad , because now you have me as a friend , and we lived close so we could see us always , so no need to cry ok ? - Akira said trying to comfort Maiyo

- Ok , thanks Akira - Akira said Maiyo embracing strongly and their small tears began to leave, why ? ' Was that Maiyo had a terrible reminder again that is still secret .

Chapter 5 - Bonds of Trust

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