The Happy Ending (1) Will you marry me?

Love is a sweet melody sung by two ♡

"Will you marry me?" Victoria in her breath, her heart pounding furiously in her chest, her face slowly reddening as she saw the admiring and envious glances being thrown their direction. She looked at Khun's endearing face, and finally made up her mind. Well actually, she decided it long ago, but it had taken her awhile to get the words out. "Yes, yes i'll marry you!" Khun's face instantly broke out into a relieved smile and he picked her up and swung her around in joy. She laughed out loud at his happiness and when he finally set her down, he cupped her face and leaned in for a kiss. "Thank you for accepting me, Victoria." The bliss in her heart was indescribable, and she felt like she was on a cloud nine the whole night. It had started out simply enough, with Victoria heading over to the dorm to visit Wooyoung, who was recuperating. Khun shyly asked her out for dinner after that and about halfway through the dinner, her favorite song started playing on the speakers and he whipped out the ring. Now they walked quietly in the garden, not talking but feeling each other's presence. Khun started suddenly. "I hadn't wanted to wait so long, but because of Wooyoung, I was so worried that I could not think about anything else, let alone a wedding. I'm sorry for making you wait so long, Victoria." She shook her head. "Nah it's alright. Wooyoung is a brother to me as well, even if you had wanted it I probably wouldn't have accepted. Did you tell the other members about tonight?" He nodded a little sheepishly. "Yeah they helped me pick the restaurant and everything. Speaking of which...Wooyoung mentioned something about getting together with Seyoung as well. It seems a bit early for them to get married but what do you say we have a double celebration? I think i heard something about them getting engaged." He teased playfully. Victoria flicked him light-heartedly, but replied after some thought. "That's not a bad idea...the both of them have gone through so much since they got together, I think their love has been tested enough." 


The next day, Khun stopped by Wooyoung's room to check on him, only to find that he was busy writing a song. He looked up when Khun entered and asked immediately. "Hyung, my WGM time with Seyoung is almost over, what do you think i should do for her on the last episode? I was thinking of making it super romantic to end the season off well!" Khun remembered what Victoria had said about the younger couple and he half-heartedly gave a suggestion. "How about proposing to her?" Wooyoung's eyes lit up as he considered it. WGM was a virtual marriage show, but it had already produced two long lasting couples, what better way to end the show by showing their viewers and fans that their love was a genuine one as well? "That's a brilliant idea, Hyung! I'll start preparing for it then!" 


A few weeks passed, Khun and Victoria were immersed in their wedding planning, while the 2Young couple were busy with WGM. They flew to Singapore for their honeymoon (finally) and had a simple wedding ceremony there. It was a beautiful experience and just made Wooyoung more eager to have a real wedding ceremony soon. As they were both relaxing in the Infinity Pool at Marina Bay Sands, Wooyoung suddenly popped the question. "Seyoung ah, in real life, would you want to marry me?" Seyoung pretended to ponder his question before splashing him with water. "You pabo, if I didn't want to marry you in real life, why would I be dating you now? Yes, I do want to marry you." He blushed at her words but was secretly gleeful for her confirmation. He was all prepared for the final episode. Inevitably, the day of the final filming came, and Seyoung headed to the filming venue with a heavy heart. Although she knew that her love for Wooyoung was real and parting on the show didn't mean anything, she still felt a little melancholic about it. It was hard to believe that 8 months had just flew by like that, but she was glad that Wooyoung and her were able to develop such a strong relationship in such a short span of time. She was surprised to see him already at the cafe where they first met, seated at the piano and playing a nice melody. She sat down on the chair and watched him silently. He spotted her and with a smile, whipped out a handwritten music sheet and started playing. He sang while he played, and Seyoung recognised it as a song he had been working on the past few weeks. What she didn't recognise though, was the newly added conclusion. "Will you marry me?" the song ended with these words, leaving Seyoung astonished and stunned. She had never expected him to ask that question so quickly, especially not on their last WGM filming. She wasn't the only one shocked. Astonished gasps sounded from the whole crew, but it was soon followed by loud clapping. Wooyoung stepped up to her and solemnly knelt on the ground. He handed her a bouquet of flowers and within the flowers, there was a tiny ring box. "Park Seyoung, will you marry me?" WIthout speaking, she held out her hand and he gently slid the ring on. It was a surreal moment for the both of them and they just stared at each other in shock until the room errupted with cheers. They both reacted at the same time, pinching each other to check whether it was reality. "We're getting married!" Seyoung mumured in a daze. 

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I love this so much~~
snccrockz #2
Chapter 27: Been watching wgm for a while and recently into wooyoung couple. Viewers know they are filming but it doesn't always feel that way because WE don't see he cameras, but THEY do. I bet the show confuses a lot of the couples onscreen as to what is real or not. I Really really really liked how in this story you addressed the off screen interaction, and how it started from awkward and cold to friendship to something else. Thank u!
Than you for finishing this story and im excited for your sequel
diaaaahhhhh #4
Chapter 27: aahhh that's so sweet. i hope khuntoria have a real wedding like that in the future
ezwanie #5
Chapter 27: Ah~ finally.....sequel? Hihi....
ElsieD #6
Chapter 26: so sweet <3
65384084 #7
Chapter 26: Keep update please
diaaaahhhhh #8
Chapter 26: waaahhh finnaly khuntoria getting married. i hope this could happend in real life
thank you for updated author-nim ^^
Keeptalking26 #9
Chapter 25: FINALLY!!! wah i've been waiting for the time wooyoung's memories comeback!
i can't wait for your next update authornim! fighting!! :D
diaaaahhhhh #10
Chapter 25: finally wooyoung memories back. can't wait to next chapter