

We often ignore things that are sent to us as a gift. We often neglect people who give everything for us, who sacrifice for our own sake, people who cries silently when their alone, and smile brightly when with someone. And the only time we see their true worth when they are already slipping out of our grasp. We do things even though we know that it s wrong, then regret it, after the damage is done.


Park Baekhyun is standing on their front porch, waving happily at his husband, Park Chanyeol. They have been married for three years now. They live a happy life, cozy little home, serene atmosphere, and everything that can make a person peaceful. Chanyeol works in a music company as a manager. Baekhyun on the other hand, quit his job after they got married because chanyeol asked him to.

Baekhyun is feeling happy today, why? Because their fourth year anniversary would be next week. When his husband’s car is nowhere in sight, he went inside their house and closed the door. He went to the kitchen and sat on the kitchen counter.


I wonder what I should give him


Baekhyun thought as he smiled, legs swinging. He sighed and decided that he would think about it some other time. Their telephone rang and Baekhyun hurriedly went to the living room and answered it.


baek! You won’t believe what I just saw”

A cheery guy said on the other line.

“What is it kyung? I’m about to take a shower and you interrupted me”

Baekhyun smiled through the phone.

But it’s really important! It’s abo—“

Kyungsoo was about to finish his sentence when baekhyun cut him.

“kyung, tell it to me sometime, someone’s at the door, I need to answer it.”

“but baek—“

Baekhyun ended the call, He didn’t want to be rude or anything, but the doorbell is starting to be a bit annoying. He made his way to the front door and opened it, only to see a mailman.

“Hi, how may I help you?”

Baekhyun smiled at the young mailman

 “Good morning, I m sorry for interrupting your sleep, but is this where Mr. Park Chanyeol lives?”

The mailman politely asked.


“Yes, this is where he lives, how may I help you?”

“I have a mail for him, is he around?”

“He’s at work right now, I’m his husband though”

The mailman smiled at baekhyun

“Okay then, please just sign here—“ the mailman pointed on the lower right of the paper and baekhyun quickly signed it.

“Thank you very much, have a great day”.

The mailman said and left. Baekhyun looked at the mail and saw that it was Chanyeol’s credit card bills. Baekhyun opened it, thinking that it was alright and was shocked at how the much the bill was. He checked the stores that his husband used his credit card and saw a two very expensive stores.

“Gucci and Victoria’s secret?”

Baekhyun said aloud. He smirked.

I guess my channie wants to be naughty on our anniversary

Baekhyun thought and stuffed the paper back inside the envelope before putting it on his husband’s desk.




It’s  already nine in the evening and Chanyeol is not yet home. Baekhyun tried to call his husband’s cellphone but the tall male didn’t answer. Baekhyun heaved a heavy sigh and waited for another hour, but still nothing. With a defeated sigh, he stood up and cleared the dining table, he didn’t eat because he lost his appetite.

He slowly went to their room and got changed into his sleeping clothes; he crawled on their bed and just lay there, looking at the white ceiling. He didn’t know how long he was doing that, and eventually, he fell asleep.

When he woke up the next day, Chanyeol was beside him, snoring cutely. Baekhyun smiled and got off their bed. He went to the bathroom and washed his face, he also noticed that their dirty clothes basket is almost full, so he made a mental note to do the laundry later. He was about to exit the bathroom, his hands already on the knob, when suddenly, the door opened, revealing a sleepy Chanyeol.

“Good morning”

Baekhyun said, and pecked his husband on the lips. Chanyeol smiled before hugging and kissing Baekhyun’s lips.

“yah, your morning breath is killing me”

Baekhyun laughed and Chanyeol pouted.

“Go take a shower yeol, I’ll cook breakfast”

Baekhyun started walking towards the door when Chanyeol called to him.


Baekhyun turned and tilted his head.

“Yes channie?”

“I—I love you”

Baekhyun smiled at his husband warmly, his pain from last night is still there, but he can feel that it was already lessening.

“I love you too my giant”


4 days before anniversary


   It was a rainy weekend, heavy droplets of rain  poured down, and dark clouds covered the once blue sky, making the atmosphere dull and cold. Baekhyun was in the kitchen, cooking an afternoon snack while chanyeol is in the living room, watching some T.V show. Baekhyun flipped pancakes while humming a sweet tune. He heard the front door open and then close but didn’t mind it.


Must be chanyeol on the phone with business

In all honesty, Baekhyun is not the type of person who puts a leash on their lover. He trusts Chanyeol with all his heart, and he knows that his husband is a good man. They’ve been married for many years now, and Baekhyun didn’t doubt his husband’s love for him, not even once.


The pancakes are already done so he plated it and went to look for his husband.  He opened the front door but Chanyeol wasn’t there, he also noticed that one of their umbrellas was missing. Curious, he took the other umbrella and searched for his husband. After some time, he saw a tall figure holding an umbrella, talking to someone on the phone. Baekhyun got closer and closer, Chanyeol didn’t even notice him. When he was close enough, he felt his heart constrict when he heard his husband talking affectionately on the phone, He even heard the words “I love you” and “I miss you too”. His hands were shaking and he could feel his eyes b with tears. He got closer and was now standing behind chanyeol, who finished his call. When the tall male turned, he saw baekhyun, standing and staring at him.

“Baek, it’s raining, you might get sick”

Baekhyun just stared at Chanyeol.

“did you hear me?, come one let’s get inside. Aish, you missed me already?”

Chanyeol grinned and grabbed Baekhyun’s hand, but the other didn’t move, instead, he looked chanyeol in the eyes and said…

“who were you talking to?”. Baekhyun held back his tears and tried to sound okay.

“oh baek, don’t be jealous, I’m sorry, it’s mom and she said she miss me and thatwe should visit her soon. Sorry baby, you know I won’t hurt you”. Chanyeol said and hugged baekhyun.

Baekhyun sighed in relief and hugged his husband back, their umbrellas completely forgotten.


“Let’s get inside, we might catch a cold”

Chanyeol smiled and pecked Baekhyun’s lips before they both went inside.


2 days before anniversary

  Chanyeol is at work, and of course, Baekhyun is home alone. He was sitting on the couch, lazily flipping through channels when something crossed his mind. Baekhyun stopped pressing the change channel button and was now thinking hard.

What was I suppose to the? I know I have something to do, but what?

Baekhyun stood up and turned the television off. He wandered through the kitchen to fix himself a lunch. While he was making kimchi fried rice, a grain of rice flew to his white shirt and it stained. Sighing heavily, he finished cooking and went upstairs to change. He was about to throw his dirty shirt in the basket when he remembered what he has to do.



He shook his head and smiled at his own forgetfulness. After changing into a white wife beater and gray sweatpants, He picked the basket up and made his way towards the laundry room.

He was stuffing clothes in the laundry machine when a strong scent hit his nose. He followed the smell like a dog and finally found where it was coming from. He picked it up and it was one of Chanyeol’s office clothes. He sniffed it and he was familiar with the scent.


This is victoria’s secret, why does his clothes smells like victoria’s secret?

Baekhyun asked himself and after a short debate inside his head, he made a conclusion

Ahh, he’s probably trying the perfume that he’ll give me.

Baekhyun smiled and continued doing the laundry.


It was already dark when he finished the laundry; he swore to never leave the laundry basket overflowing with dirty clothes anymore. He sat on their couch, exhausted. His cellphine rang and he quickly answered it.

“hey kyung, sup?”

“hey baek, how are you? Man, you sound tired”

Baekhyun chuckled.

“I sure am tired”

He sighed, thinking about the mountain of laundry he just finished washing.

“and why is that?”

“laundry, then the  machine broke, I had to hand wash some of it”

“harsh. You should do your laundry when chanyeol is there, to help you, you know”

“kyung, he’s working his off and paying bills and all, I’m just here, at home, doing nothing. So as a good husband, it’s my responsibility”

Baekhyun smiled but kyungsoo on the other line, wanted to cry for his best friend.

“I have to go kyung, I have to make dinner, bye”

They both hang up and Baekhyun walked towards the kitchen to prepare something special for his hardworking husband.

Kyungsoo felt bad for his bestfriend, he wanted to tell baekhyun, but he figured that it would just ruin their friendship.



Baekhyun was still in shock, why? Because his cousin, Kris called him last night, saying that baekhyun’s  father is in a critical condition and is being treated  in a nearby hospital. He was crying so hard, Chanyeol wasn’t even home at the time and it was already 3 am. He went to the hospital and saw Kris standing in the lobby, they hugged and Kris calmed his cousin down.

“what happened?”

Baekhyun managed to say, after calming down a bit.

“his lung cancer got worse and he coughed so much blood and he out”

Baekhyun sobbed and his cousin hugged him tightly. An hour passed and Baekhyun saw his mom walking towards them.

Baekhyun stood up and tightly hugged his mother.

“Baekhyun, how are you? I missed  you”. His mother said while touching his tear stricken face.

“I guess I’m not good right now”

His mom nodded in understanding and gently his son’s face.

Kris tapped baekhyun’s  shoulder and the latter turned to his cousin.

“yes hyung?” Baekhyun asked

“Where’s your husband?”

Kris asked and baekhyun stiffened. Honestly he forgot about chanyeol when kris called. He looked at his watch, 4:29am . He didn’t know if chanyeol is home by now or still out.

“he wasn’t home when you called, I guess he’s still at work, but maybe he’s home now.”

Kris looked skeptical, and baekhyun noticed it but didn’t comment on it.

“work? At three in the morning?” kris asked his cousin. Baekhyun just nodded.

“I’ll text him and asked him if he’s home”

From:Honey bacon

To: Creepy yeol

   Yeol, are you home? I’m out right now,  dad is in the hospital, just go here if you are done with job, if it’s ok.


Baekhyun didn’t receive any reply.


“chanyeol aa---ahh”

Chanyeol was lying on his back, grunting whenever the girl on top of him moans his name. Chanyeol was buried inside the girl and after all those months that he has been screwing her, he now felt guilty. First of all, they were actually in chanyeol and baekhyun’s house, on their bed. Chanyeol knew that what he was doing is wrong, but he let lust take control of him. Awhile ago, They have been drinking with some of their officemates, and again, chanyeol’s hand was all over his secretary. One of their officemates, jongin was watching chanyeol, how he touched the girl’s , her legs and her . Jongin made a disgusted face and texted his friend.


To: kyungsoo

From: kai

 He’s doing it again, aren’t you gonna tell baekhyun about this? !


Jongin clicked send, and not long enough, his phone vibrated.


To: kai

From: kyungsoo

 You know I can’t, I don’t want it to come from me, I want it to come from chanyeol.

Jongin heaved a heavy sigh and excused himself, telling them that his mom needs him.

After their drinking session, Chanyeol was making out with his secretary, yoona. He felt his phone vibrate so he took it out and was about to open the message when yoona snatched it from his grasp.

“I think we should continue this in your house, your husband is out”

Yoona said and resumed ravishing chanyeol’s lips. Chanyeol didn’t even wonder why baekhyun was out in this hour. After all that, they ended up having on chanyeol and baekhyun’s bed.

Chanyeol came and yoona rested her head on chanyeol’s chest. Chanyeol slowly realized what he just did and felt guilty for it. He pushed yoona off of him and removed the and threw it in the trash. He went to the bathroom and washed his face.


What am I doing?

He asked himself and continued washing his face. When he got out, he slipped on the bed with yoona, who clung to him, but chanyeol didn’t hug her back.


Baekhyun woke up when he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. He slowly rubbed his eyes and glanced at his cousin.

“you should go home now, it’s already five in the morning”

Kris said, giving his cousin a warm smile.

Baekhyun nodded and fished out his phone, still no reply from chanyeol. He saw what date it was and his eyes widen and he panicked.


“What is it?” Kris asked worriedly.

“ It’s our anniversary and I don’t have anything for him yet”

Kris smiled and gave his cousin a pat on the back.

“Just see if you can spot anything that you can give him on your way home”

“yeah, I’ll get going now”

Baekhyun made his way towards the exit and looked around the early streets of seoul. Their house is not that far away, one taxi ride and he’ll be home in no time. He was walking around when he saw something, so he went inside the shop and looked at the thing that caught his attention.

“excuse me, how much is this one?”


Baekhyun arrived at their house fifteen minutes later, he noticed that chanyeol’s car was parked there so he guessed that the tall male is already home. He quickly went inside since the sky is turning gray again, sending a sign that it will soon rain. When he got in, he was a bit surprised when he saw the living room in a mess. He shook his head and made his way upstairs, towards their room.


Chanyeol opened his eyes, and looked at the body beside him, he shook the figure and the said person smiled at chanyeol. Eyes still closed. She was about to kiss him when the bedroom door opened, revealing a shocked baekhyun.

Baekhyun couldn’t believe what he was seeing, a girl, on bed with his husband. He was about to speak when the girl stood up and approached him.

“hi I’m yoona, nice to meet you”

The girl said cooly.

“I think you should just divorce chanyeol, He is waay too good for a like you..” She looked at chanyeol and winked, chanyeol cringed and yoona continued “—his only feels good inside me, it’s like a perfect match, when he deep, his moans, and when he cums ins---“

“enough, please, get out of our house, now”

Baekhyun said, head dipped down

“enjoy this house while you can, because once chanyeol divorces you, you will be kicked out of this house and I will be the one living here” she said and went to pick up her clothes and made her exit.

Baekhyun just stood there, eyes, b with tears once again.


“nice anniversary gift chanyeol, I really loved it”

Baekhyun said and went towards his husband. Chanyeol  totally felt like right now, He forgot that their anniversary was today . Baekhyun was now in front of chanyeol, still looking down, but when he finally looked up, He gave his husband a sad smile.

“here’s my gift for you, yeol, I hope you like it”

Baekhyun gave chanyeol a navy blue box. Chanyeol just stared at it for a long time when baekhyun spoke again.

“I need to change yeol, I need to be back at the hospital before lunch”

“baek I know that—“

“you screwed up, I get it, so, ummm, please get out, I need to change”

“wait, why do you need to go to the hospital”

Chanyeol stood up and touched baekhyun’s face, but the smaller flinched at the touch.

“you don’t have to be concerned, I’m fine, just go”

“But baek I—“

“please chanyeol, just go”

Baekhyun pushed chanyeol softly and the taller complied.

Baekhyun went to the bathroom and turned the shower on. He went inside, clothes becoming more wet as time slowly passed by. He cried and cried, letting his tears flow. He curled up like a fetus and cried. He felt so broken.

Am I not good enough

Baekhyun thought as he cried harder. The pain he was feeling right now is unbearable, but baekhyun needed to be strong.

After a long shower, he went outside the bathrrom and saw that it was already raining, big raindrops tapped on their window, clouds making everything look gloomy.

I guess the weather understands me

He saw his phone vibrating and he quickly picked it up.

“hello? Hyung?”


Kris said, with a hint of sadness in his voice,

“your father passed away”


Time felt like it stopped when baekhyun heard what his cousin said, it was like an axe chopped his arm off. He ended the call and got changed quickly and hurried downstairs, only to see chanyeol sulking in the living room

Baekhyun ignored him and headed straight towards the door. He was about to turn the knob when chanyeol called to him

“baek, p—please f—f—forgive me, I w—was st—upid”

Chanyeol sobbed and it hurts baekhyun when he sees chanyeol like this.


“sorry? Chanyeol. I texted you last night, that dad is in a critical condition, and what did you do? You ignored it.”

C hanyeol just wants to die right now, he didn’t know baekhyun’s dad is now ill, in a hospital.

“and he died just awhile ago”

Baekhyun is now crying too, his hands are trembling. He tried so hard to suppress his sobs but in the end, he gave up.

“I’m hurt because of what happened to dad, It’s as if my heart cracked, but when I saw you with that girl? My heart shattered”

Baekhyun went to fetch the car keys, He quickly went outside, to chanyeol’s car, and as soon as he’s in, and started the engine, he drove off.


Chanyeol ran after baekhyun when he heard the car’s engine roar to life, But he was too late, Baekhyun is gone.


It’s now raining so hard. Dark clouds covered the skies and thunder echoed through the empty halls of the hospital. Kyungsoo felt a bit uneasy, the hall was empty, except for him and baekhyun’s cousin and mother, who are grieving because of  their loss. Kyungsoo was comforting baekhyun’s mom when his phone vibrated. He picked it up as soon as he saw who was calling.


“k-kyu-n g-soo”

Baekhyun sobbed through the phone and it broke kyungsoo’s heart.

“baek? Calm down, just,…just calm down. I know how it feels to lose someone dear to you, it hurts---“

“he’s ch---chea—ting –on m-e”

Baekhyun croaked and  kyungsoo’s eyes widen.

“baek, just..just calm down, I need to talk to you right now…”

Kyungoo said, trying to calm baekhyun down.

“I---I know about his cheating about a month ago, when jongin told me, I don’t want to tell you because I thought he would stop and change, but apparently he didn’t. Baek I’m so sorry”

Kyungsoo is now crying too. He felt guilty that he didn’t tell his friend sooner.

“it’s fine kyungie, I understand”

Baekhyun is still crying so hard. His heart felt like it ripped, his chest is getting tighter and tighter and it hurts him so much. His husband, who he gave everything to, who he loved for all those years, betrayed him, cheated on him.

“baek, where are you? I will meet you, okay?”

“I---I don’t kn-n-know”


“I’m d—drivi-ng, I don’t k—know wh—ere I am”

Baekhyun said in between sobs.

“hey, just go to our usual café, I will meet you there okay?”



When baekhyun ended the call, he drove quickly where the café is. It is pouring and baekhyun felt his phone vibrate. Without looking at the caller I.D, he quickly answered it.


“Baekhyun, Where are you? Please tell me”

Chanyeol begged.

“j—jus-t le-ave me alone “

“Baek, please I’m—“

“enough—c-chan-yeol, do you—know how p—pain-ful it is—to see your husband—in bed- with someone?, Am I not enough?”

Baekhyun laughed bitterly.

“I’m sorry if I wasn’t good enough yeol. Maybe I’m not the right one for you…”

Baekhyun said coherently through the phone, no sarcasm in it. The rain outside is getting stronger and stronger, the streets are being covered by some kind of fog.

“maybe she is, I’m sorry”

“baek please come back”

“I’m sorry yeol. But I really did have feelings for you”


“I lo---“

There was a crash on the other line and the call ended. Chanyeol panicked and call again, but the phone is turned off. He ran outside and hurriedly dialed the cab company’s number. In less than 30 minutes, he was out, searching for baekhyun.

He’s in the cab, searching almost every corner of seoul when he heard something on the radio.

police have finally identified the victim of the car crash, his name is Park Baekhyun. The boy in rushed to seoul international Hospital and is now in a critical condition”


Chanyeol felt is whole body go numb. He quickly told the driver to go to the hospital the reporter said on the radio.


Kyungsoo is sitting in a bus, on the way to the café when his phone vibrated, when he looked at it, it was jongin.

“what is it? I’m busy right now”

“BAek’s in the hospital, I saw it on the news”

Jongin is in panic mode so kyungsoo abruptly stood up, telling the driver to drop him off.

Once he got out, he grabbed a cab and went to the hospital . When he got there, he saw chanyeol,  standing in the waiting area, with kris and baekhyun’s mother. Kyungsoo wanted to punch chanyeol but he knew that it won’t do anything good so he just went to Mrs. Byun’s side.

“First my husband, now my son”

She cried and kyungsoo rubbed her back to try and soothe her. He got up when she fell asleep and kris took his place. He immediately went to where chanyeol is and glared at him.

“How could you do this to him?”

Kyungsoo started, as chanyeol dipped his head down.

“Baekhyun gave his everything for you. His job, his single life, and what else? Oh yeah, his heart..”

Kyungsoo is in the verge of tears but he tried to hold it.

“Did you even know that he got depressed? Because you cannot have kids with him?”

Kyungsoo didn’t hold his tears back anymore.

“He loved   you selflessly chanyeol, and this is how you pay him?”


Chanyeol croaked. He is now crying silently, tears streaming down his face

“I don’t need your sorry”.

Kyungsoo walked away and noticed Kris eyeing them. He just shrugged it off it went to call jongin.


Chanyeol just stood there, slowly being eaten by guilt.


When the doctor came out of the operating room, Mrs. Byun and the other three boys, including jongin, who just got to the hospital, walked towards him.

“how’s my son doctor?”

“He has a head trauma, and it might cause some memory loss, and he is in a deep sleep now. No one knows if….he’ll wake up.” Baekhyun’s mother cried.

“can we see him?”

Kris asked.

“He’s in the ICU, please follow me”

They followed the doctor and when they reached the ICU, the doctor asked a nurse where baekhyun was, and she led them to baekhyun.

Chanyeol’s mother got in first, and after about five minutes, it was chanyeol’s turn.

He silently walked inside and saw baekhyun. His heart clenched at the sight of his husband, all bruised up. He went to the side of the bed and held baekhyun’s hand.

“please, comeback to me”


Baekhyun had been transferred into a room after a week in ICU. His mother visited him frequently, brining fruits and flowers, but baekhyun didn’t wake up. Kris and Mrs. Byun already knows what happened to chanyeol and baekhyun, She was mad at first, but eventually, she forgave chanyeol, but on the other hand, Kris is still death-glaring chanyeol when the giant visits his husband.

Chanyeol  ended his affair with yoona. She was very angry and broke one of chanyeol’s display, so she got fired because of that.


Baekhyun woke up in an all white room. He sat up and scanned his surroundings. Nothing. He stood up turned around, still nothing.

“where am I?”

He muttered to himself.

“Am I dead?”

He looked up and saw white, skies.

Baekhyun please wake up

Baekhyun heard it and quickly turned around.

Please don’t leave me

“who is that?”

Baekhyun said to no one in particular.

Chanyeol, go home and eat first, I’ll be with baekhyun

Baekhyun heard the woman’s voice, but what bothered him was the name “chanyeol”

“who is chanyeol? Why does it sound familiar?”

Baekhyun always hear chanyeol’s voice, but still couldn’t remember the boy.


Baekhyun woke up when he felt something fall on his face, He looked at it, it was a ring. He examined it.

“this is a wedding ring” he said, and placed it inside his pocket. He walked and walked, but it feels like he’s in a loop, a never ending place.

Baekhyun, I know it’s too late now, but I want you to know that I am so sorry. I know it is not enough but please, don’t leave me.

Baekhyun can hear the sadness in chanyeol’s voice, but he didn’t know what to do.

Without you, I am nothing. You are my moon and I am your sun right? So please, comeback, I love you.

Baekhyun was shocked when chanyeol said those words, he saw the white skies flickering, and the walls, glinting. He felt his pocket become warm, so he took out the ring, and saw that it is glowing.

“why don’t you try and wear it?”

Someone said.

When baekhyun turned, he saw his reflection on a mirror.

“I am you”. His reflection said


“just wear the ring”

Baekhyun laughed a little because of his reflection. He stared at the ring for a long moment before wearing it on his ring finger.

When the ring slid perfectly, his reflection vanished, and now, baekhyun is looking through the mirror, showing his memories. He felt a tear fall from his eye, he touched the mirror and memories flooded his ,mind, and the last thing he saw was the colorful land behind him, the land that was once all white, now covered in happy colors.



Chanyeol fell asleep on baekhyun’s side again. He stretched and looked at his husband. His eyes went wide when he saw baekhyun’s eyes flutter. He quickly touched the shorter male’s hand before hugging him.

“I’m sorry baekhyun, Please, forgive me please”

Chanyeol cried while embracing baekhyun.

“I almost forgot about you yeol”

Baekhyun said.

“but I guess the heart never forget?”

The two pulled away from each other and shared a sweet and passionate kiss.

“I promise to never hurt you again”. Chanyeol said when they pulled away, catching their breath.


“and I will never leave you again..”

“okay, I love you”

“Just don’t cheat again or I will kill you and your ”

Chanyeol scratched the back of his head in utter guilt and embarrassment

“But of course, I love you too please don't hurt me again”.

"It would be the death of me to do that again......"

"besides, you are waaaay better than that girl"







      SOOOOOOOOOO I will update my other three stories,, sorrry just wanna get this thingy out ...COmmentssss :)))) this is a crappy oneshot iknow haha first timmeee subs maybe?????? voteeess??

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NEvelyn #1
Chapter 1: TT_____TT I was so worried about the ending, I was crying and now I feel so glad about the ending