
Ask MyungYeol! [OPEN]

1. Question of The DayAre you afraid of falling in love?

Sungyeol's already in love with me though!
/imitates greasy nam wink/


p.s. from Sungyeol - shut up, I hate you.


2. What is SungYeol's feature that MyungSoo likes the most?

His moles, they're able!



3. sungyeol is your pierced

/nervous sweating/
n-no, what are you talking about



4. is myungsoo a person

Yes. Very. So much. One time he wanted me to pour chocolate sauce ove- mmhpfgpph

~Sungyeol ft. muffled sounds (probably Myungsoo gagging him or something)


5. does sungyeol ever let myungsoo top



p.s. from Sungyeol - No.


6. is myungsoo a closet masochist

/shifty eye balls/
where are you getting this information from. 
/leans in and whispers/ 
is woohyun spreading truths again?


p.s. wait, not truths. i meant lies. liES.


7. how is your life




8. Do you share underwear?

Actually, we don't. Myungsoo just likes to steal mine. He returns them wet so I always just burn them and buy new ones.



Ask us more questions here!


kudos to the one sending in all those damn ual questions. you know who you are. i know who you are. thank you.

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Awww I like this a lot!
kyaaa!! I like it so much~ and myung is bottom!!! ♡
Chapter 2: Lmao dirty questions, made my day XD
Okay,,, I love the idea.. <already have bunch question in my mind> LOL XD
lastdivinesong #5
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
I like it ;;♥