Our Little Secret

Our Little Secret - Hoya

"Mommy when will you be back?" Your son, Jaeden asked as he looked up at you as he held your fingers in his small hands, trotting up along side of your long strides.

"In a few hours, Mommy has to go to a business meeting. Daddy will take good care of you." You knocked on the door as you heard some shuffling behind the door, Hoya opened it up as he smiled at you then down to Jaeden.

"Hey my little man." Hoya knelt down as Jaeden ran into his father’s arms. Hoya lifted him up in his arms.

"I will just be gone for a few hours. I look ok, right?" You asked as Hoya broke a killer smile on his face.

"Beautiful." He moved in and kissed your lips. "We will have fun. You have fun too, hwaiting." With another kiss on the lips Jaeden poked Hoya’s cheek as you walked back down the hall as you waved to both of your guys.

"Ok, let’s get back to practice." Sunggyu said as Hoya closed the door. Setting Jaeden on the ground, Hoya kissed his head with a smile.

"Daddy has to go dance, so you stay here and be a good boy, ok?" Hoya asked as he earned a little nod from Jaeden. Hoya stood up and moved into formation.

Jaeden played with his shoes as he tried to balance them upright. Slightly swaying to the music, his little three year old mind wondered as he looked at the hardwood floor. Finding a little crawling bug, he got on his knees and began to follow the bug, hitting the door he looked up as he got to his feet and opened the door after a few tries.

The door closed behind him as he followed the bug down the hall. Jaeden crawled after the bug as the bug stopped Jaeden would tap it’s back gently for it to move again, but this time it flew off. Jaeden got to his feet and ran down the hall, but he lost the bug. Looking around a pounding sound came from the distance as he thought that it was his Daddy’s band. Scampering off to the door, he got side tracked by the pretty sign and walked towards everything and anything that caught his eye.

The guys’ chests heaved as the finished their second dance. Hoya looked over to the mirror where he had placed Jaeden. Looking around the room, he didn’t see his little son.

His hand flew to his hair as he let out a moan punishing himself for not keeping an eye on his only son.

"What is the matter Hoya-hyung?" Sungjong asked as Woohyun looked behind the stereo.

"Where is Jaeden?" Woohyun asked as the members became frantic.

"Jae! Jaeden!" They all called as they spread out around the room looking for Hoya’s son.

"I think we need to split up, what if he went out of the room?" Myungsoo asked as the members’ eyes got wide with worry.

"I’ll stay here in case he comes back." Sunggyu said as he eased himself down onto the hardwood floor.

”_______ is going to kill me.” Hoya mumbled as he rubbed his face with his hands.

"We will find him, don’t worry." Dongwoo said as he placed his hand on Hoya’s back.

Everyone went their own ways once they left the room. Calling out his name, the six guys tried to think like a three year old as they roamed the halls before you came back.

"Jae! Jae! Come to Daddy!" Hoya called as he ran through the halls.

Dongwoo wondered around as he saw the ice cream sign in the cafeteria. Rubbing his stomach, he headed towards the stand as he paid for his ice cream, when he turned around he saw a little boy with his melting ice cream running down his small hand. Wondering over to him, he sat next to him as his hand rested on his small back.

"Is there something the matter?" Dongwoo leaned down as the little boy looked up to him. "Jaeden?"

"Uncle Dongwoo, I’m lost and Mommy and Daddy can’t find me and I love them. I want to see them again." Jaeden said as his eyes filled with fresh tears as Dongwoo brought Jaeden onto his lap.

"I know where your Daddy is, so let’s get you cleaned up, ok?" Dongwoo pulled out some napkins before wiping off his little hands and face.

"Uncle Dongwoo, my ice cream melted." Jaeden held up his soggy ice cream cone as Dongwoo smiled.

"You can have mine, if you give me a ." Dongwoo stuck out his tongue as Jaeden pressed the ice cream against his tongue. "Thank you, now lets go find Daddy and the other Uncles."

Standing up, Dongwoo held him in his arms as he looked around, wondering where he was.

"We’ll find them ok?" Dongwoo said, trying to convince himself that he wasn’t lost, as he began to walk down the hall as Jaeden nodded in his arms.

Wondering down the halls, Dongwoo was a lost puppy with the found child in his arms.

"Hyung!" Sungyeol called down the hall as Dongwoo turned around, once he saw Sungyeol he beamed happily.

"Ah you found Jaeden too!" Sungyeol ruffled up the little toddler’s hair as Dongwoo giggled.

"Do you know how to get back to our practice room?" Dongwoo whispered as Sungyeol smiled and nodded. Dongwoo followed Sungyeol down the hall as he was lead to the front doors.

Finding their way to the practice room, they got all of the other members rounded up as well, besides Hoya. Setting Jaeden on the ground he ran up to Sunggyu, who was sleeping on the floor and sat on his stomach.

"Hyung! Wake up!" Jaeden called cutely as Sunggyu opened his eyes.

"Where is your Daddy?" Sunggyu said as he held Jaeden in his arms above him. Jaeden shrugged his shoulders as Hoya busted through the door.

"Jae!" Hoya called as he knelt down and Jaeden slipped out of Sunggyu’s grip, running to his Dad with open arms, Hoya picked him up and twirled him around the room in happiness as Jaeden clung to his Daddy’s shirt.

"I was so scared." Jaeden admitted as Hoya held him close and rubbed his head.

"Me too Jae, me too." Hoya let out a relieved breath as he kissed his son’s head. "Don’t do this to me or Mommy again, ok? This will be our little secret." Hoya smiled at his son as Jaeden gave him a double thumb up. Hoya kissed his cheek before you walked through the door.

"Here is where my favorite boys are." You smiled at the tired men that laid on the floor while some smiled at Hoya and Jaeden. Jaeden held out his hands for you as you took him from Hoya.

"Was he a good boy for you?" You asked as you looked at Hoya with a smile.

"He was." You smiled at Hoya’s words as Jaeden hugged you tightly and played with your necklace.

"Did you get some ice cream Jae?" You asked as you spotted some on his shirt.

"Uncle Dongwoo bought me some." He said as he pointed over to Dongwoo with a smile.

"Wow, did you say thank you?" You asked as Jaeden slid from your arms. Walking up to Dongwoo who sat on the only chair in the room.

"Thank you Uncle Dongwoo for the ice cream it was really yummy." Jaeden said with a smile as he held his hand behind his back as he twisted from side to side cutely.

"You’re welcome Jaeden." Dongwoo pulled him into a hug as all of the members tickled him, happy that he was all safe and sound now. Wrapping your arms around Hoya, you rested your head on his shoulder at the beautiful sight as Hoya wrapped his arm around you and kissed your head.

"How was your meeting?" Hoya asked as you looked up at him.

"It was good, I got the job and I can work from home so I can be with Jae more often." You smiled as Hoya kissed your forehead.

"Congrats, yeobo." He smiled as you two watched your son play with his hyungs. Both of you held each other as he swayed back and forth with you watching Jaeden’s laughter fill the room with happiness.

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babyjongdae #1
Chapter 1: Hahaaaaa i can imagine hoya's face kkkkk voted!
Chapter 1: Ayieeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so cute!! Hahaha I cracked up when Dongwoo was like a lost child who did not know how to get back to the practice room...! :D :D
Chapter 1: wow so sweet,I love it when they have daddy and son/daughter time :3
psungjae1122 #4
Chapter 1: Cute! I like the interaction between jaeden and dongwoo ^^
Chapter 1: This is so cute.. love it!!
Chapter 1: love dongwoo and jaeden cute little moment~♥
Chapter 1: *melts into a puddle because of all the feels*
pinkgrey28 #8
Chapter 1: I love the story ♥♥ and how Dongwoo find and interact with Jaeden so perfect >____< Grandpa Gyu is indeed a grandpa lol
Oh. GrandpaGyu, and DinoWoo. I seriously love how Dongwoo was the one to find Jaeden, given his personality and behavior. Ah, the genius/idiot. But aigoo, I can't believe Hoya let Jaeden disappear on him! But regardless, this was so cute! <3 I loved itt
Chapter 1: oooh my fav part though has to be when our granddad sunggyu sits down HAHA