Chapter 19

You Again?

Mark and I walk down the stairs to leave the balcony. It was time for lunch and I had to go meet Dani and Mark had to meet with GOT7 before we went our opposite ways down the hall, we smile and give each other one last kiss. We both blush and Mark looks down and scratches the back of his head.


“I’ll see you later.”


I blush again and nod my head as we both turned. I kept turning around catching Mark’s gaze again. After we were out of each other’s sight I lean against the nearest wall holding my heart and stomach at the same time. I smile brightly biting my lip and walking to meet Dani.


“Yah! What’s with you?”


I look up to see Dani giving me a confused look. I smile brightly and grab Dani into a hug.




“Oh Dani, sweet, sweet Dani. Did I tell you---you are my best friend.”


She pulls herself away from and gives me a look.



“What is wrong with you? Oh…OOHH! OMO, OMO, OMO!!!!”




“I didn’t know why I didn’t notice early…okay give me the details on what happened over lunch NOW!”


She drags me off and keeps rambling on about something. I just smile and let her take me to where every we were going.


[Mark’s POV]

When I couldn’t see YoSung anymore I just stood in the hall. Not wanting to go back to class. I run my fingers through my hair with a huge smile on my face. Yes, finally. I hit myself in the chest a few times to get my mind back focused. I get to the door of my class and right when I’m about to open the door the bell for lunch rings and kids burst through the doors. I move out the way till the guys come out the class. The first person to come out is BamBam.

“Oh Hyung! We wondered where you went.”


“Ah you did?”


“Yeah, so we asked the teacher, he said you went to the nurse. Are you okay?”


I nod my head, “I’m fine now.” Another huge smile comes across my face as I think about YoSung.


“That’s good.”


The rest of the guys came out asking the same question BamBam just asked. After explaining to everyone that I was okay. I notice that Jackson wasn’t there.


“Where’s Jackson?”


“He still in the classroom," YoungJae stated.


“Okay, I’ll go and get him.”


I look around and see Jackson still sitting in his seat with his head lowered.


“Yah Jackson! Come on everyone’s waiting on you so we can eat lunch.”


He ignores my call out, so I walk over to him to see if he was okay.


“Yah Jackson are you okay?”


I place my hand on his shoulder and he throws it off.


“Don’t’ touch me.”


I step back a little shocked by Jackson’s actions. I grab a desk and swing it around to face Jackson.


“Jackson, come on what’s wrong?”


He stands up giving me a cold glare.




Before I could ask what I did he storms out the door.


“What’s wrong with Jackson?” JB came in asking.




[YoSung’s POV]

After I got finished explain everything that happened between Jackson the night before and what happened between Mark and me, Dani sat there with open.


“All that happened the last 2 days!”




“Omo, you and Mark! I didn’t see that coming I thought you chose Jackson!”


“Me too! But every time I see or get around Mark I get butterflies in my stomach and I feel happy, even though we never really talked that often.”


“What are you going to do about Jackson?”


My eyes widen, since I was so caught up with Mark I completely forgot about Jackson.


“Oh no! I totally forgot about him! What am I going to do?!”


“Okay…so you definitely want to be with Mark? Right?”


I quickly nod my head.

Dani sits and thinks for a minute and then looks at me sympathetically.


“Sorry…I don’t know.”


“WHAT? Yah! You always know the answer to everything!"


“Okay, okay but you’re going to have to give me some time to think about this one.”


[7th Period GYM]


I leave 6th period pretty early because I’m always late too gym and I never get dressed on time. I get to the gym and go straight to the locker room to change into my P.E uniform. I usually stay in the locker room and wait for the other girls to come, but I wanted something to drink. I leave out the room, but stopped when I hear someone breathing heavily. I peak around the corner to see a guy leaning over resting his hands on his knees. He’s in some kind of all white uniform. He leans over to pick up a thin looking sword thing and pulls down a helmet/ mask. I slide onto the bleachers where he wouldn’t be able to see me so I could continue to watch him.

He takes his stance and starts to quickly, but gracefully move his feet. I never seen this…sport? I thought to myself. Oh! This must be fencing, yeah I pretty sure that’s what’s called. This the first year my school offered fencing so I didn’t know much about it. But this kid sure did. As I was admiring his graceful and powerful moves he throws down his sword looking thing and lets out a yell.


“Why?! Why her?”


“Why who?”


He quickly looks over catching my gaze. I covered my mouth realizing that I just responded to him. He starts to walk over towards me. I quickly get up to leave apologizing at the same time. Then I tripped over my foot causing me to fall in his direction. He catches me and I quickly regain my balance and try to explain myself.


“Oh…I, um… I just wanted to get a drink and then…um sorry.”


I start to speed walk off, but he grabs me my arm.


“How long have you been there?”


“Not long so you don’t have to worry about anything, so uh yeah, I’ll get going have a nice day.”


I start to walk again, but then he holds onto my arm tighter.


“It’s okay.”


“Sorry, not to be in your business, but who were you just talking about?”


He stands there for a minute not removing his helmet.


“Just someone. Can I ask you a question?”


I my eyebrows cocked up surprised from his sudden question.




“Who do you like?”


“What kind of question is that I don’t even know you.”


“Well, let’s make a deal. If you tell me who you like then I’ll tell you who I was talking about earlier. Deal?”


I nod, but I was still suspicious of who this was.


“Who are you? You voice sounds familiar.”


“I’m new.”


My mouth forms an “O” shape and I continue the deal I made with this stranger.


“Okay, so I’m not really sure who I like. I’ve always like this one guy, since I first saw him, but his best friend likes me too, and I like his friend it’s just…I don’t know. I don’t want to hurt anyone, but it seems like it’s going to have to happen that way. Alright it’s your turn.”


Before he starts to talk one of the coaches comes out.


“Hey, stop flirting over there and come into my office.” The coach yells sarcastically.


“Sorry I have to go.”


“Yah! That wasn’t part of our deal!”


“Meet me here tomorrow same time.”


I smile and form an okay sign with my hand.


“Wait. What’s your name?”


He ignores my question and continues walking, waving goodbye. I sigh and shake my head. Who is that?


Lol how was it?

I felt like it was boring, but idk!

Anyways as always that you for reading!

Please Vote and COMMENT. I have no friend to talk to.



Lol this is old, but still funny!


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sweetypiee #1
This story is UGH FULL OF FEELS>< tears of joys and sadness
indahsrc #2
Chapter 30: So far this is the most amazing story that I have read!!! The ending was sweet but not that Buuut i do love it so much!!! I enjoy reading this story a lot!!! Thank you and love you author-nim!! :) Looking forward to your another story^^♥
indahsrc #3
Chapter 30: So far this is the most amazing story that I have read!!! The ending was sweet but not that Buuut i do love it so much!!! I enjoy reading this story a lot!!! Thank you and love you author-nim!! :) Looking forward to your another story^^♥
indahsrc #4
Chapter 30: So far this is the most amazing story that I have read!!! The ending was sweet but not that Buuut i do love it so much!!! I enjoy reading this story a lot!!! Thank you and love you author-nim!! :) Looking forward to your another story^^♥
Chapter 30: Ahh it freaked me out when I saw the sentence ' jihae and mark...... Kissing' THIS STORY IS AMAZING, keep up the good work authornim^^
70V3LY #6
Chapter 30: lol mark pinching jackson's hahaha and what show is the gif of mark flipping on?
Chapter 30: Wanted her to beat jihae up, but oh well. JiHae was from a mental institution, kinda expected it . enjoyed reading~~^^
2485 streak #9
Chapter 30: Lovely story! ^-^ I'm glad everything worked out for Mark and YoSung in the end! :)
Foreverhis #10
Chapter 30: This is great! I enjoy reading this story a lot! <3 thanks for amazing story! (: