Late Again

Love Cafe ~


Slowly the sun rised from the east. The bright light from the sunshine through the smooth blue curtain didn't woke up the blonde hair from his bed. It is 7 am, and the school that he must be attend in no time had started. Everyone in the school was in their own classroom. The teachers who teach are heading to the classroom. The blonde haired boy still in his dreamland, but, in the time, his butler came in and was about to wake him up.

Ren's butler headed to ren's bed and gently wake him up with a soft voice.

"Young master, wake up."

Still, Ren didn't woke up. This time the butler will wake him up by shaking his body gently.

"young master, young master. Wake up" his voice is low, don't want to get scold by Ren if he raise his voice.

And finally, Ren slowly opened his eyes. As he is awake, he found his butler stand beside his bed who had been woke him up.  He rubbed his eyes and yawned cutely. The middle-aged man smiled and started to talk.

"young master, it's 7 am now. Your school has started."

Ren's eyes wided when he heard what his butler had said to him. His hands fell down at the same time.

"WHAT!?? why don't you wake me up early!? HAESHH!!"

"I'm sorry, young master"

Ren rushed down from his bed and stood up. He didn't stop at there but ran through to the bathroom after grebbed his towel. He was bathing but still in his angry face because of the butler didn't woke him early and angry about...he is always grumpy when he wakes up.

The butler not to fast-not to slow was prepared Ren's school uniform and placed it on the bed. The uniform was clean and neat. The butler always do his job perfectly evethough Ren's always angry or scolded him, he is always be patient with it. He was working hard on to not to do a wrong thing in the house and makes all thing perfect. But, every body aren't perfect, so, it is depends on own luck.

After a few  minutes taking a rushed bath, Ren stepped out from the bathroom and walk faster to his bed to where his uniform was. The butler is standing out from Ren's bedroom to not to increase the feeling of Ren's anger.

though Ren in a rushed, he is always have a habit of being perfect. Means, being neat and all neat. He don't want to go to school with a sloppy style isn't he? So even was late that time, he still make it perfect, only this time he didn't put any eye liner because he was in a rushed. And a thing that he only focused on is his uniform. After done the thing, Ren stepped out from his room and again, run down the shiny yet slippery white marble stair. The butler followes him too, in a speed and told Ren to be careful.

"young master, be carefull, it's slipper"

"I don't care! can you walk faster?!"


Minhyun P.O.V

I was walking and headed to my clasroom through the hallway. In a 'no mood' face suddenly I felt a hand around my waist.

"Minnie! how is my baby today?"

I smiled, I know who is the owner of this voice. He is still hugging from me the back. Unrevealed his handsome face in front me. I still smiled and I felt he released my waist and move in front of me.

"I'm absolutely fine" I said in English that he is more get used to it. He smiled.

"you're getting better Min" he moved forward faster and pecked my lips. Feeling his lips on mine in this early morning is one of a best thing in this world. After a quick kiss, he stood back  in the ' a few second ago' position. I smiled widely. We walked together toward our classroom while we were holding hands. there aren't so much poeple at the hallway, half didn't saw us and half saw us but turned back at what they'd do. Read a book, talked with their friend. They know about My relationship with Aron now, I mean, all this school knew it. And I'm felt relieved that our relationship was not get any protested at the first. Maybe it is ordinary to have a homoual people in this school right? Besides, this school is All Boys School so maybe they have some history of a 'homoual' that already acuured years ago and they get used to it.

I still remember how is Aron and my relationship now didn't happen yet. Aron is an exchange students from America a few years ago. Although he is a korean but he can't said a single word of korean. So in the classroom, the teacher picked randomly who is the one that need to teach him about Korea and the cultures. Luckyly, I'm the one who prominent there because of my height. Thanks to my height, because of that, I got Aron. So, I didn't really mind to teach Aron Korean cultures and others, I just accepted it.

After being with Aron in a year just to teach him about Korea, I didn't know why is my heart suddenly beated when I'm around him. After the 'Korea Tuition' that I had made for him, I always sent him to school's hostel that where he 'lived'. And it's been a long time, then Aron is went better with his korean. After that the 'Korea Tuition' is no longer been ran. I felt empty, I always spend a time with Aron but now, I just met him at the school and talked with him normally. I miss so much when Aron came to my house and we started the learning at night. It tooks me a long time that I knew I miss Aron so much and I knew that, that feeling is not what just a friend had, it is more than a friend's feeling. It's more.

At the night, I just wanted to take a walk to get a fresh air and suddenly I didn't knew why is my feet leads me on Aron hostel. I stood up in front of the building and sighed. It's a summer night, I still remember.

"Minhyun? what are you doing here?"

My heart raced when heard that voice. I turned around and saw him. I remained silent before answered it

"I...I..I just take a walk, I don't know why I end up here"

"Are you okay? your face is red"

Sh*t!! what!?  My face? Red? Really?...... I bowes my head and spoke again.

"I..I'm fine. now if you don't mind, I will go back"

I was about to walked and he grabbed me and spun me, make my body face him.

"I know why you were here" He spoke.


" I knew it"

"knew what?" I asked him with a confusd look. forgot about my red face that I really needed to hide it from him.


He cupped my both cheek and leaned towards me and he kissed me. HE KISSED ME!!!! OH MY GOD!!. My eyes wided and frozen and I was holding my breath bacause I'm realy really shock. The kiss is long and he was kissed me gently. Suddenly, I kissed him back, and I'm suprised to but in the same time I felt a happiness, comfortable, like all the problem in my head is going away because of the power of the kiss.

And that's how our relationship started.

We are finally arrived at our classroom. My boy and me made our way towards our sit. Aron sat in front of me and I'm behind him. his desk is just in front and me, behind. After that, JR, who is the class monitor and our bestfriend approached us.

"hey! good morning" Jr spoke with a smile.

"morning too" I said. He sat on my desk and continued to talk.

"do you guys know that the school is going to have a new student?"

"oh really? when?" Aron spoke up. We both really wanna know about it.

"by any chance, maybe it's today"

"Then wh-"

My word was cutted when the teachers came in. Jr jumped from my desk and went to his sit. Aron spun around and face the front, while me just straight my head to front. I turned my head to the side of my desk at the left and I didn't saw Ren. I wonder where he is. Is he wake up late again?

After greeted the teacher, she told us that we are gonna have a new student in our class. The teacher called the new student that had standing outside of the room and revealed a mascular guy with a mawhawk hair style yet a blonde-brown haired.



I'm sorry sorry sorry! for deleted the chapter 3 before and this is the new. It's still same, a bit but i had added some interesting moment. I don't know if it doesn't interesting to you but I hope you all enjoy it.

I was still thinking about another chapter. I was going to do a little 'fantasy' story. It's one of the name of Disney Princess. Have a beautiful skin, beauty face and kind. but in a male vers...

 so, think about it! annyeong....









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I don't think I can finish this story....but I will try^^


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IAmTheBestAwesome #1
Yo dude! Update!! hahaa
Para-sungmin #2
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
TearsoftheRiver #3
This idea seems nice, update soon, please?