Chapter 3

A Flower Full of Color

*Sasuke’s POV*


Saika sighed, taking a deep breath before she began her story.

“As you may have noticed, I am not from Konoha. I originate from the small Village Hidden in the Moonlight.” She started “I was the carrier of the strongest Chishiogan in my clan, the legendary Hikawa, derived directly from the original two clans of the world, the Yin and Yang.

“The story says that the Yin and the Yang clans both had very powerful kekkei genkai. They fought constantly, until a man from the Yang and a woman from the Yin clan were wed. They bore children in turn, DNA mixed with each other, developing into the family clans you know today and knew in the past.

“Uchiha, for instance, have the legendary Sharingan. The Hyuuga have the Byakugan. The Hikawa have the Chishiogan, and the ability to manipulate blood. These each have their good points, a developed Chishiogan user can crust extensive numbers of enemies in one blow.

“As I was saying before,” she continued “I have the strongest Chishiogan in my entire clan, and I was to be wed to Prince Shiro Hikawa to bare a stronger generation of my clan.”

She unwrapped a very little amount of the bandages on her shoulder, revealing a symbol burned deep into her skin. Sakura and Naruto’s mouths were dropping to the floor. I couldn’t help but be amazed.

“This is the traditional symbol of engagement in my clan.” She said, rewrapping her shoulder quickly.

“I went to meet Shiro, and…some things happened… and the next thing I knew, I was knocked out.

“Some ninja from your village were here for missions, I’m guessing. While arriving, they spotted me bleeding to death under the burning, but famous Hikawa Cherry Blossom. I was rescued by an ANBU from your village, and was quickly brought here to heal. When I woke up, I found out that my village had been destroyed and that I was the only survivor.

“After a few days, I met with the Hokage and Iruka to discuss my ninja training. I was put into the academy the next day, and easily graduated. That’s how I came to be standing before you today.”

“As you may know, everyone has their weaknesses,” Kakashi spoke suddenly, directing my attention to him. “Saika’s is her amazing hearing.”

“Hearing?” I questioned, leaning against a tree.

“Observe,” Kakashi said, pulling out two kunai from his pocket.

He scraped them together, the sound of nails on a chalkboard ringing in the air. I had to cover my ears from the noise, the high frequency and the high decibel noise hurting my ears.

Saika fell to the ground instantly, clutching her head and letting out a blood-curdling scream. She writhed on the ground in agony, tears streaming down her face in the immense pain this was causing her.

He had stopped, putting his kunai knives away. I uncovered my ears, looking down at Saika. She was shaking on the ground, still covering her ears, gasping for air. She started coughing up blood; Kakashi put a gentle hand on her back.

“I’m sorry, but they wouldn’t have understood how loud it is for you if I hadn’t shown them.” He apologized to her, squatting down next to her and rubbing her back.

She struggled to get up, but when she shakily did, was dripping with blood. Kakashi put her arm around his neck for support, her whole body limp.

“You all will have to protect her,” Kakashi said, completely serious “She can usually put a shield of genjutsu up, blocking out loud noises, but if she’s caught off guard, she could easily be in danger.”

Naruto and Sakura nodded, still gaping at the very sight.

“Hn,” I grunted, turning to walk away.

“Sasuke, I want you to take Saika back to her apartment,” Kakashi said, giving me the address and then handing Saika to me. I groaned, not really wanting to do this. I put her arms around my neck, pulling her onto my back.

I began to walk towards Konoha when she groaned while on my back.

“Ouch, ouch, ouch,” she mumbled

“Your head still hurt?!” I yelled loudly, smirking to myself.

She moved one of her arms from around my neck, punching me hard on the head.

“OW!” I shouted in pain

“You deserved it,” she said, chuckling.

“Baka,” I muttered under my breath.

“I heard that,” she spoke, obviously ticked off.

“Of course you did,” I snapped.

“Let me down, I want to walk,” she demanded.

I sat down on a bench on the outskirts of Konoha, letting go of her. I stood up, leaving her sitting on the bench. I leaned on a tree, watching her attempt to walk. She sat on the edge of the bench, using the back of it for support as she tried to stand up.

“Oh, !” she cursed as she started falling forward. I ran over to her, catching her before she fell.

“Bit of a dirty mouth, don’t you think?” I , chuckling.

“Humph,” she grunted, looking away from me angrily.

I picked her back up, placing her onto my back again. I carried her the entire way to her house on my back, and set her down on the step.

“So this is what happens when you hear a loud noise, huh?” I joked, looking at her sitting there.

“My body goes into instantaneous shock,” she replied, grabbing a key from her pocket.

She tried to fit it into the door knob, but she had it at the wrong angle. I helped her with it, my hand on hers to insert the key into the keyhole, turning it with her. She looked away, blushing a bit.

Oh, great, another fan girl, just great. I thought loudly in my head.

“Hey, you said I could sketch you. How about now?” she asked, as she hung on to the door, trying to use it to help her walk.

“Whatever,” I replied plainly, looking around the small living quarters. She stumbled around her house, finding things to lean and cling to as she made her way to the bed. She crawled onto it, lying down as I saw her hands glow with healing chakra. She touched them to her legs, then jumped up.

“Why didn’t you just heal yourself before?” I snapped, mad.

“I didn’t have enough chakra back there,” she replied easily.

She hopped off the bed, telling me to sit down so she could sketch me. I refused, leaning against the wall. She tilted my chin up, sitting back down on the bed with a sketch pad and a pencil. She started to draw, tapping the eraser against her closed lips, then looking back up at me, then erasing some, and then drawing again.

After about an hour, I was getting sick of standing in the same place.

“Are you almost done?” I asked, impatient.

“Be quiet, you’ll mess up the pose,” she retorted, still drawing.

I frowned, sinking down in my shoes. She immediately got up, putting me the exact way I was before.

“Stay still or you’ll be here longer,” she said, unhappily to me as she sat back down, picking up her sketch pad.

I immediately stood as still as possible, wanting to go home.

“Done!” she said, smirking to herself.

I walked over, sitting beside her to see it. It looked like a picture, it was amazing.

“Do you like it?” she asked, looking excitedly at me.

“Hn,” I grunted, turning to leave.

“Buotoko,” she mumbled.

Ugly! Who’s she calling ugly?!

“What did you just call me?!” I shouted, angry.

She stuck out her tongue, pulling down her eyelid.

I stormed up to the bed as she almost laughed herself to death. I wanted to slap her, but I couldn’t do it. I felt a strange…warmth in the pit of my stomach when I saw her smiling. I watched her as tears streamed down her face as she continued to laugh. She started to calm down, wiping the tears from her face.

She’s so beautiful…wait, what?!

I mentally battled myself for a while until I saw a hand flash in front of my face.

“Hello! Sasuke! Wake up!” she shouted, waving her hand in front of my eyes.

“What do you want?” I asked, an unnecessary edge to my voice.

“I didn’t mean it you know,” she muttered apologetically, staring at her shoes.

“Whatever,” I mumbled, getting off the bed. “I’m leaving.”

She made no objection, hanging her head. I walked to the door, taking one last look at her before I shut it behind me.

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nice story!
HinataSnow #2
WooHoox!!!<br />
Finally! A fanfic about Anime that is worth Reading!!! <br />
Update soon please!!! Gambatteh!!!<br />