
It's still feel cold here. Even after she wrapped her self with some blankets. It's not only the cold weather that made her shiver. It's because the atmosphere around her. That so called home which supposed to be warm. But it's not warm enough for her. It never warm and never will. Warm. She needs warm. She missed it. The warm atmosphere whenever she gather with her family. But it's gone ages ago with her father. Her only main-source of warmth. Her true father. Not that she hates her present-father nor she loves him. The relationship between them is unexplainable. She felt nothing towards her mother's new lover. Not after she chose him over her. She felt abandoned. Years ago, before her true father's death. Her mother supposed to love her only daughter so much. Not too much, she thoughts. Even her father didn't trust his wife to raise her daughter. Then it's her aunt who took the responsibilty to take care of her at that time. It's her father's wish right before the death took him away from his daughter. So, she moved away to another town. Separated from her mother. She barely understood everything at that time. But what she understood was that her mother cheated her father with another man right before his death. But being a-6-years old girl. She barely can do something but told her aunt about that man with a cheerfull voice. Everything after that was blurry for her. Not so long after that, she moved to another small town with her mother. She disliked that city. She left alone in home, there's no one to play with. While in her aunt's, she felt that feels whenever her father's around. They became another source of warmth of her. That's what she thought. That she could make them the ones she can rely. But everyone is careless about her. Only her father who loves her so much. And she missed him every single day. Her only main-source of warmth. Unfortunately, her present-father has another lover besides her mother. And she felt disgusted by that man. Well, it's not that she cared about it. Besides her mother already know about it ever since before she married him yet she didn't do anything. The one she cared about is her inheritage must be saved from her step-father. She had three step-sisters and one step-brother. Automatically, they're her rivals. It's not like her mother really sincerely cared about those four. Of course not. She was not a good mother, but she really worked hard for her only daughter. Her only hope. So why she married to an already-married-man with 4 children? Her daughter doesn't know the answer and doesn't want to know. Because she could careless about that. One thing to remember, she will not do anything if her inheritage is save. Sounds like so money-lover. Well, everything in this world needs money right? She's not that dumb and innocent and act like a saint. She will not do that. She's selfish yet lonely. But what she could do? Running around neighbourhood and screaming about life that so unfair for her? Of course not. Because my dear, world is not fair.
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Luhaniee20 #1
Chapter 1: Update soon please