
New Day

Chanyeol opens his eyes. 


It's a new day. But not quite. 


He lets his daily routine commence. Take a bath, fix the bed, grab his backpack, lock the doors, leave the key under the pot of daisy outside the door, and off he goes to work. 


Walking towards his office, a warm cup of coffee in hand, strides longer and faster than usual, Chanyeol observed his surroundings. The sun was hidden behind a thick array of dark, gray clouds. Looking up, he wishes for the mighty ball of fire to come out of his hiding place and show his glory to the world. 


The plants are greener now that spring is poking its head around the corner, gently erasing the traces of coldness that winter has left behind. The air is a little less colder than the past week but still enough to make Chanyeol shiver into his coat. 


Sighing, he stops and looks around. 


The world is in the middle of a rush. People passes by him, not even sparing a glance his way, a fast forward of people. Different lives, different emotions. One can't care less as to what the other feels. It's a sad world full of cruelty and wickedness and indifference. 


As the world walks around him, Chanyeol sees the people like dolls, dull and lifeless. Their eyes are blank and full of worries. They are like withered flowers in the middle of the desert - hopeless and dry. Chanyeol wonders if he's like that, too. Well, maybe he is. An empty shell struggling to survive without even knowing the reason why he wants to survive, a body without purpose. 


He has a reason. But that was before. Way back when he still woke up to the scent of coffee and bacon and eggs. When he still woke up to sloppy kisses being peppered into his face. Way back when things were right in their place. 


Back to the days when he walks towards the office, a beautiful brunet in tow. To the days when he needed to buy two cups of coffee. Back to the days when he doesn't stop to look around and pity the lifeless bunch of creation walking past him, because his got a reason to believe in the beauty of life - that is Baekhyun.


It's a wonder, really, that Chanyeol has survived. 


Even if his Oxygen source was cut off from him. It's a miracle that he is able to tread life without Baekhyun's hand pulling him through the hard times. Without Baekhyun's smile to warm up the cold, winter nights. Without Baekhyun to make him realize that this world still has hope. 


Tears starts to well in his eyes as he remembers the last day. 


When he thinks his life is perfect. 


When he thinks he's got everything he needed. 


When he thinks his defenses are impenetrable. 


When he thinks fate is on his side. 



It is a cold night. The winter season just started to make itself known to the bright city of Seoul. Wrapping themselves in heavy jackets and thick scarves, Baekhyun and Chanyeol set out to enjoy a night of feeling-the-wind-in-their-faces. Walking across cold pavements, crossing busy streets, and finally ending up in the beautiful Han River, they settled down on the cold, damp grass. 


Nothing around them was so much more mesmerizing than Baekhyun face, neon lights casting a rainbow of colors on his milky-white cheeks. Chanyeol holds his breath, studying the wonderful face staring back at him. 


The moment is already perfect as it is, but Chanyeol decides to make it more special. Pulling out a box from his pocket, he kneels before the brunet and asks him the question. 


Chanyeol was caught of guard when the smaller guy starts to tear up. His eyeliner smudging the corners of his cute eyes and creates a stream of black on his cheeks. He starts sobbing while repeating the word, "YES, YES, YES", giving Chanyeol a warm hug. 


It is perfect. 


Everything is perfect as they walk home, hands interlaced, shy smiles painting their faces. They steal glances at each other, but they are far from awkward. It is a comfortable silence that is only shared between two people who doesn't need words to tell each other how they feel, because their eyes says it all. 


Everything is perfect, if only Chanyeol doesn't choose to take the shortcut to their shared apartment. 


Their happy ending is cut short by a tall man who wants their money. Chanyeol takes his wallet out and hands it to the man, fingers shaking as he pulls Baekhyun closer to his chest. Their chests rising up and down as the man eyes them, a knife on his left hand. 


Chanyeol feels Baekhyun's breath hitch as the man caught sight of the ring in his fingers. 


The man gestures to Baekhyun to hand him the ring.


Baekhyun fights, shoving the man away. 


Next thing Chanyeol sees is blood dripping out of Baekhyun's mouth as the man plunges the dagger in the brunet's stomach again and again. Chanyeol hears himself screaming and the man, maybe shocked by what he did, scrambles and runs for his life. 


"Baekhyun, please stay with me." He begs as he carries the smaller guy behind his back and runs to the hospital. The blood oozes out of Baekhyun and Chanyeol feels it soaking his shirt. He runs faster. 


"Baekhyun, please don't sleep, please. please don't leave me baby." His breathing comes in ragged parts but he doesn't notice. All he wants right now is for Baekhyun to be healed. Damn taxis, where are they when you need them the most. 


Upon reaching the hospital, Chanyeol is hysterical. "Baekhyun! Baekhyun! Please wake up, baby. Please. You can't do this to me. Byun Baekhyun! Byun Baekhyun! listen to me!" He wails. 


The nurses places Baekhyun on the stretcher and starts to push him into the operating room. Chanyeol holds Baekhyun's hands as they wheel him around, he sees Baekhyun's eyes flutter, and thin lips opening, calling out Chanyeol's name. 


He leans closer, the motion makes it hard but he still tries. "I love you, Chanyeol." is all he hears and he is shoved to the side, not allowed to enter the room. He stands there, numb, and cold, Baekhyun's engagement ring on his right hand. 


Hours pass. The news is broken to Chanyeol quietly. He doesn't even hear all of it. But he is sure the doctor says, "we did our best. But we couldn't save him. Sorry." 


Chanyeol feels the world crumble under his feet and he passes out. 


When he wakes up, a nurse ushers him into the morgue, where a cold Baekhyun is waiting for him to say goodbye. 


Eyes blank, lips quivering, fingers shaking, he lifts the white cloth covering Baekhyun's body. It is a slow movement, like his making sure this is not a dream. 


He looks at the face he has grown to love all this years. The rosy cheeks is now a pale, lifeless shade of white. The red lips are now bruised and blue. The warmth of Byun Baekhyun's being not there anymore. 


The sudden realization of losing Baekhyun hits him and his shoulders starts to shake. Sobs come out of his lips as he hugs the body for the last time. It is cold against him but he doesn't care because it is his Baek, after all. 


The sobs turn into wails as Chanyeol calls out Baekhyun's name, hoping his voice will be enough for Baekhyun to wake up. Hoping that his requests for another chance will be granted and he could make things better. 


He doesn't know how many hours he stood there, clutching his beloved's body against his chest. All he knows is that Jongin comes in pats his back and gives him an embrace. The sun is high up in the sky the moment he walks out of the hospital. 




So now, Chanyeol stands here, in the middle of the street, looking into people's eyes. 


He hopes to see Baekhyun again.


He knows he can't but then, there's no harm in trying, right? 


Chanyeol walks towards his office. 


It's a new day. But not quite. 


He still misses Baekhyun so much. 







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Chapter 1: this is short but but but nOOOOOOO HE CANT BE DEAD AFTER CHAN PROPOSED OMG MY HEARTEU ;;;;
monsterheart #2
Chapter 1: omg no! ;~;